Chapter 318 Junior Sister, Help!
Chapter 318 Junior Sister, Help!
Killing a ninth-level spiritual master with one sword, even a great spiritual master can't easily do it, unless it is normal for a high-level spiritual master like the dean.But Jun Jiu is not a great spiritual master, or even a third-level spiritual master.The dead soldier was terrified, but was easily killed by Jun Jiu.

In fact, if they united to resist, all of them would be level four spiritual masters or above, and Jun Jiu would not kill them so easily.

After finishing off the last assassin, Jun Jiu raised his eyebrows and said in a complicated tone, "This year's assassins can't do it."

"It's the master who is amazing!" Xiao Wu licked the blood from the corner of his mouth, raised his head and looked at Jun Jiu with shining eyes.The admiration is beyond words, Brainless is always the best master!
Jun Jiu pursed her lips and was about to answer Xiao Wu when she suddenly turned her head and looked out of the yard.Through the moonlight, she only saw a corner of the dress.But just this corner of the clothes is enough for Jun Jiu to know the identity of the visitor.It turned out to be, "Brother Pastor?"

"It's me." Mu Jingyuan came from the darkness.

He stopped in front of Jun Jiu, looked at the blood stains on the sleeves of his dress, and then at Xiao Wu.Neither the person nor the cat was injured, and he didn't even take a breath. Looking at the corpses on the ground, Mu Jingyuan's expression was a little numb.

Fu Linzhan kept praising Jun, but he was still skeptical.When I met him later, I thought Jun Jiu was extremely smart, but now I see that Jun Jiu is really amazing, I have nothing to say!

When he came, Jun Jiu had already killed two ninth-level spiritual masters, and he was unilaterally chasing and killing the assassins as easily as cutting melons and vegetables.Mu Jingyuan, who originally wanted to help, forgot why he came here for a moment.Hearing Jun Jiu call him again, he came back to his senses.

Mu Jingyuan opened his mouth, with a complicated tone: "I didn't go far, and I noticed these assassins. Then I heard the movement, so I rushed over. I never thought that you had already solved it by yourself."

"En." Jun Jiu responded lightly, retracted his sword and looked at Mu Jingyuan.

The atmosphere was a little frozen, Mu Jingyuan looked for a topic. "Is your senior brother okay? Who are they and how could they assassinate you?"

"Brother Priest, can't you guess who they are? They came prepared, carefully dressed up to hide their identities, and came to kill us. Who else would there be besides the city lord in the beginning?" Jun Jiu said.

Mu Jingyuan's complexion changed, and his voice was low and angry. "The city lord in the early days is too presumptuous! Don't worry, Jun Jiu, I will definitely seek justice for you in this matter."

Jun Jiu: "No need. Brother Priest just needs to act as if he hadn't seen anything today, and he didn't know anything. The assassin sent by the city lord in the beginning disappeared for no reason. People take him as a question, but it will make the City Lord of Absolute Beginning even more unwilling to let go."

After hearing this, Mu Jingyuan wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to say it.

Jun Jiu is right.Go to the city lord in the beginning, he can deny it and then send someone to assassinate Jun Jiu and the others.It's better to listen to Jun Jiu, don't care if you don't ask, the city lord in the beginning is afraid, and he will definitely not dare to do anything in a short time.In this way, Jun Jiu and Qing Yu are also safer.

The more I think about it, the more I feel that Jun Jiu's approach is perfect.Mu Jingyuan finally nodded, "Okay! As you said, only you and your senior brother Qing Yu know about what happened tonight. However, the Lord of Taichu knows this place. In order to avoid the next assassination, Jun Jiu, why don't you go to another place?"

Seeing what Mu Jingyuan didn't say, he had a great plan to help them change places.Jun Jiu's eyes were cold, and he refused indifferently. "unnecessary."

Are you afraid of being assassinated and change places?Her sage Jun Jiu is not so timid, and soon the City Lord of Absolute Beginning will not be a problem, so there is no need.

Habit Junjiu has always agreed, but Mu Jingyuan still felt a little uncomfortable when he was suddenly rejected.He thought for a while and said, "Then let me help you dispose of these corpses?"


Mu Jingyuan understood immediately.Some things that can be lazy, or Jun Jiu is too lazy to explain, she will agree.But for some more important ones, Jun Jiu will refuse.Mu Jingyuan figured it out, a smile flashed in his eyes, Jun Jiu is really interesting!
When Mu Jingyuan said to help Jun Jiu dispose of the corpse, he asked his trusted disciples to come and remove the corpse.It's just that the blood stains on the ground couldn't be wiped away in a short time.

Mu Jingyuan: "I will order Steward Wang not to disturb your rest in the near future. No one will come over, so Jun Jiu and your senior brother can relax and rest. I will send someone to watch him at the city lord in the beginning!"

Before Jun Jiu could drive him away with a distant and indifferent attitude, Mu Jingyuan left first.At this time, the sky was bright and it was dawn.

At the foot, Xiao Wu stretched his waist and said unhappily: "Unhappy! Meow, I haven't slept all night, so I'm angry."

"Then you stay and sleep, and wait here for my return."

"Meow?" Xiao Wu stood up, staring at the cat pupils. "Master, are you going out?"

"The City Lord of Absolute Beginning is still waiting for his assassin's reply. Although I am right, the City Lord of Absolute Beginning does not dare to make a move in a short time. But soon there will be disciple Dabi, and I will go to the fourth level of Body Refining Technique after the competition wholeheartedly. I don't have time to deal with the city lord of Taichu in the future, and I don't want to leave an unstable factor there for myself." Jun Jiu said.

There are two sides to speculation.

If the city lord of Taichu did not send assassins last night, this matter would be over.If he sends an assassin, then she can only cut the grass and root out the root to prevent future troubles!

Xiao Wu: "Master, are you going to kill the City Lord of Absolute Beginning?"

"Don't kill him, Corpse Puppet Pill will understand." After Jun Jiu finished speaking, he turned around, and as the sky was getting brighter, Jun Jiu Yaoyao and Mo Wuyue met their gazes.

Mo Wuyue, standing there with the window open, is the color drawn by the most beautiful and ecstatic brush in the world.Even if it is ordinary, everyone has black hair and black eyes, Mo Wuyue is better than tens of thousands of people in the world, no one can match his beauty.

"Monster!" Jun Jiu muttered, walked over with his hands behind his back and said, "Wu Yue, do you want to go out with me? Let's go together, you don't have to follow me secretly to spy on me."

"Peeping? I'm obviously looking at Xiao Jiu'er in an upright manner." Mo Wuyue curled his lips, smiling alluringly.

He stood in front of Jun Jiu in a flash, and opened his hands. "I'll take Xiao Jiu'er, go and come back quickly. This way you can rest early."

"Okay!" Jun Jiu quickly hugged Mo Wuyue's waist.Free humanoid plane, ride for nothing!Hugging this waist, Jun Jiu can still touch the perfect abdominal muscles under the clothes, and make up the seductive mermaid line with his brain.Suck it up, you have a good figure!

Xiao Wu watched Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue fly away stupidly, it was too late to keep up.

When scratching the wall aggrieved and angry, Xiao Wu entered the room and saw Qing Yu who was still fixed on the bench and could not move, and he felt comforted in his heart.Qing Yu lost her smile, and looked at Xiao Wu quietly: "Xiao Wu, you are such a smart cat, can you relieve acupuncture points?"

"Meow!" Mo Wuyue didn't apply acupuncture, it couldn't solve it.Xiao Wu flicked his tail, turned his head and climbed onto the bed, rubbing himself under the quilt to sleep.Only Liu Qingyu choked up speechless.

Junior sister, please help!
(End of this chapter)

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