Chapter 3248 How dare you stop me?

Chapter 3248 How dare you stop me?

Torn apart one layer of forbidden formation, and another layer after another, the heaven and earth nets were dense and numerous, pressing heavily on Jun Jiu, Mo Wuyue and the others.

These forbidden formations were left by the gods. Although they were not activated by the gods themselves, their power should not be underestimated.Mo Wuyue and Shang Lang stood in front of Jun Jiu and the others, and they all shot to break the forbidden formation, chasing behind Luo Xin.

Luo didn't turn his head back, the speed of escape was so fast that it was hard to catch, he ran into the seal of the god head-on, and rushed out without any hindrance...

Jun Jiu immediately took out the phoenix feather to transmit the sound to the patriarch of the Baifeng clan, "Please open the forbidden array immediately, patriarch!"

"it is good."

The patriarch of the Baifeng clan took out the pearl and was about to open the seal of the gods, when a spirit burst out of the water, and after seeing her, he went straight to kill her.

The flames of the wild phoenix were raging, and the patriarch of the Baifeng clan felt the shock from his soul, so he subconsciously drew back to avoid it, and his movements were slow to release the seal of the god.

Luo Xin's purpose was to stop the patriarch of the Baifeng clan for a moment, and then escape immediately after succeeding...

The patriarch of the Baifeng clan looked at the direction Luo Xin was leaving in shock, and was horrified, what race is above her clan?
"Patriarch?" Jun Jiu urged.

The patriarch of the Baifeng clan came back to his senses, and immediately turned the pearl to open the seal of the gods, and Jun Jiu and the others immediately rushed out from below.

Luo Xin fled in a hurry, and she didn't have time to wipe off her tail, and the traces of her escape all the way were very obvious.

Just as Jun Jiu and the others were about to chase, the patriarch of the Baifeng clan quickly opened his mouth: "The patriarch has sealed off the main mountain, and no one can get out!"

"Really? But the person has escaped just now." Shang Lang looked at the foot of Shenfeng Mountain, frowning, and then exchanged a glance with Jun Jiu, Mo Wuyue and the others.

The gods of the Western God Territory have helped Luo Xin more than a little bit, and the blockade of the main god peak has no effect on her.

The Patriarch of the Baifeng Clan was surprised when he heard the words, and immediately held the pearl to investigate, and found that Luo Xin had indeed just rushed out of the blockade and did not disturb her temporary master at all, the Patriarch of the Baifeng Clan turned extremely ugly.

Opening his mouth, the patriarch of the Baifeng clan was speechless for a while.

Mo Wuyue: "Chase!"

"Let's chase first, and arrange for the others, Jun Jiu, so they don't all go over." Shang Lang chased after Mo Wuyue, and his voice floated back to remind him.

Jun Jiu understood.

Turning around to look at Jun Huaichu, Jun Wuyou, and Jing Yuan, Jun Jiu made arrangements: "Huai Chu, Wuyou, you go back to the other courtyard, Xiao Wu, Leng Yuan, and Yin Han are watching them, and Jing Yuan comes with me. "

Jing Yuan nodded, "Okay, Master!"

"Obey!" Leng Yuan and Yin Han took the order.

Xiao Wu nodded and walked to Jun Huaichu and Jun Wuyou.

"Mother, come on!"

"Sister be careful!"

Jun Jiu hooked her lips and smiled at them, then immediately chased them out with Jing Yuan...

Luo Xin fled and evaded among the divine peaks, her whereabouts were uncertain, and there were afterimages everywhere, so as to avoid the pursuit and interception of Mo Wuyue and Shang Lang.

But Luo Xin guessed wrong, Mo Wuyue and Shang Lang didn't mean to kill her here.Chasing and intercepting, and shooting from time to time, is to force Luo Xin out of the range of the Gods Mountain Range.

After dodging several times, Luo Xin finally realized what Mo Wuyue and the others were thinking, and immediately hid even more anxiously.

It is impossible for her to get out of the mountains of the gods!
Only one day left!

One more day, when the oracle conference was held, the gods of the Western God Territory promised to use this to lower their power to help her recover.Once out of the mountains of the gods, outside the scope of the oracle conference, without the help of the gods, she will definitely die!

Even if she could still be reborn with the soul flame, she would become weaker and more miserable each time, and she could not escape death in the end.

Luo Xin gritted her teeth, her eyes fixed on the forces in the mountains, and a fierce and sinister look flashed in her eyes.By messing up the situation, she can fish in troubled waters, which will save her a lot of time!

With a flash of consciousness, Luo Xin turned her head and rushed into the mountain.

Mo Wuyue and Shang Lang chased after...


The news of the fight spread, and countless forces in the entire Gods Mountain Range, including the four families and nine clans, exploded.

The Gods Mountain Range is the holy land of the Western God Territory, where the oracle conference is held!
The mountains of the Gods are forbidden, and struggles other than for the ancient pagoda are forbidden. For thousands of years, countless forces in the Western God Territory have followed the rules, and no one has ever dared to violate the rules.

Today, the rules were broken!

Luo Xin recklessly hid from here to there, and wherever he passed, there was chaos.

Mo Wuyue and Shang Lang chased after them. Although they restrained their attacks, their strength was still extremely terrifying to the forces.Those who were affected, the monks were inevitably injured, and the venue was completely destroyed.

The leaders of all the forces rushed out, and when they saw Mo Wuyue and Shang Lang, they didn't dare to say anything, and quickly retreated.

All the forces in the Western God Territory were angry and frightened, so they could only ask for help from four families and nine clans one after another.

Another day, the oracle meeting will be held, and now that it has become like this, how will it end?

The four patriarchs and the patriarchs of the nine clans gathered in one place, and everyone stared at Patriarch Xia. This time, Patriarch Xia is in charge, and Patriarch Xia must come up with a solution!
However Patriarch Xia didn't know what to say.

Clenching his fists in his sleeves, Patriarch Xia sighed heavily, and said helplessly, "What the Evil Emperor and Sect Master Jun promised will not affect the oracle conference."

"Patriarch Xia, it's all like this, doesn't it affect you?" Patriarch Yunchuan asked.

Patriarch Xia squinted at him, flicking his sleeves as an invitation gesture, "Then, Patriarch Yunchuan, please persuade the evil emperor to stop, and let him sit down and drink a cup of tea to calm his anger?"

Patriarch Yunchuan: ...

Patriarch Yunchuan choked, and looked at the other two patriarchs and patriarchs in displeasure, but no one spoke to them.

Obviously, no one wants to stop a blue dragon at this juncture, let alone a wild turtle beside him. Let alone whether he can stop it or not, if he is dragged into the water and beaten together, the oracle conference is coming soon. All the forces in the Western God Territory will be there , how embarrassing is that?
The Patriarch of the Jinyang Clan and the Patriarch of the Spirit Clan were so anxious that they didn't dare to show the slightest bit on their faces. They pinched their palms and stared at the direction in which Luo Xin was fleeing.

In this last day, can Luo Xin hold on?
At this time, the Patriarch of the Yuan Family asked: "Emperor Empress, isn't the Sovereign Lord also here? Where is he?"

"There, she is going to outflank the person who is going to be killed." The patriarch of the Baifeng clan pointed in the direction, and everyone looked over quickly.

I saw Luo Xin fleeing in a hurry, all her attention was on Mo Wuyue and Shang Lang behind, and she didn't notice the two people standing in front of her at all.

When they bumped into each other head-on, Luo Xin finally realized it.

Jun Jiu!

Luo Xin's eyes were full of hatred and killing intent, her mood fluctuated so much that her soul body was slightly distorted.

As for Jing Yuan, Luo Xin just ignored it.

Luo Xin stared at Jun Jiu fiercely and resentfully, and opened her mouth: "How dare you stop me? You want to die! Seeing that I caught you, the evil emperor has to come and beg me!"

Luo Xin came with the howling wild phoenix flame, Jing Yuan stepped in front of Jun Jiu, and unfolded the turtle armor, blocking Luo Xin's blow.

clack clack-

The armor of the wild turtle shattered, and the mirror element was knocked back hundreds of feet.

(End of this chapter)

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