The Evil Emperor's Pampering: Divine Doctor Ninth Miss

Chapter 3253 It's too late to get on the thief ship!

Chapter 3253 It's too late to get on the thief ship!
Chapter 3253 It's too late to go down after boarding the pirate ship!
"Old man Jinyang, get out!" Yun Chuanlu came outside the hall, and following her soft shout, the whole hall trembled.

boom -

The heavy hall door opened, and Yun Chuanlu stepped in. After a few steps, the figure flickered and went directly into the hall.

In the hall, the gods of the Jinyang clan and the gods of the Ling clan formed two rows. Everyone looked at Yun Chuanlu in surprise, as if they didn't know why she was so angry?

Yun Chuanlu swept across the people in the hall, except for the gods of the Jinyang Clan and the Spirit Clan who had retreated and enlightened, the rest had arrived here.

Yun Chuanlu narrowed her eyes, the antlers on her head were particularly dark, and a low-pitched coercion was rippling all over her body.

Yun Chuanlu said: "Everyone is here, what are you guys talking about?"

"Congratulations to God Yunchuan, please sit down quickly." The god of the Jinyang clan stepped forward and said with a smile.

Yun Chuanlu frowned and refused, "I won't sit down. My god came here just to ask, what happened to Huangfeng Luoxin? Huangfeng Luoxin has enmity with the evil emperor of the Eastern God Territory and others. What are you getting involved with?" ? You also lied to the gods to tie up the sovereign, what are you planning?"

The gods of the Jinyang clan and the gods of the spirit clan looked at each other without speaking.

The god of the Jinyang clan who still greeted Yunchuanlu smiled and explained: "God Yunchuan, don't worry, this is a matter for my Jinyang clan and the spirit clan, and will never involve your Yunchuan family. God Yunchuan only needs to be careful. Receiving the Sovereign Lord, the original favor will be paid off, and the rest of our two clans will be settled properly!"

"Yeah, our two clans are responsible for it, and your Yunchuan family will never be involved!"

"Huangfeng Luoxin has a kindness to our two clans, so I have to help. Now the oracle conference is held, and the evil emperor can't make a move. After the conference is over, we will calm down the matter. Yunchuan God can rest assured!"


Talking all over the place, you and me, comforting and coaxing Yun Chuanlu.

Yun Chuanlu frowned, and looked deeply at the gods of the Jinyang Clan and the Spirit Clan. In the end, Yun Chuanlu withdrew what she wanted to question, and only warned: "You better deal with it properly. If the Yunchuan family is involved, you The two clans are waiting to bear Yunchuan's wrath!"

After the warning was over, Yun Chuanlu snorted coldly, turned around and teleported away from the hall.

Yun Chuanlu did not believe the words of the Jinyang Clan and the Spirit Clan, it was obvious that the two clans were secretly planning something.If only the Jinyang Clan and the Spirit Clan were involved, Yun Chuanlu would not care about them, but she was also involved.

It's time for the oracle conference again!

If you offend the Evil Emperor and Jun Jiu, it will definitely not only be the Jinyang Clan and the Spirit Clan that will suffer, and other forces in the Western God Territory will not be able to escape.

Yun Chuanlu thought as she walked, and finally stopped, and Yun Chuanlu sent a message.

She needs someone to check it out!

After Yun Chuanlu left, the gods of the Jinyang Clan and the Spirit Clan looked at each other, the smiles on their faces faded, and they were all a bit ugly.

They knew that Yun Chuanlu would notice, but they didn't expect to notice so quickly, they just tied Jun Jiu!It was too late for them to think of words, so they could only comfort Yun Chuanlu first, Jun Jiu had to settle with her, neither the Jinyang Clan nor the Ling Clan would accept the hot potato.

The hall was silent for a long time, Shen Ke came out, looked at the gods of the two races with playful eyes and said, "What are you worried about, this is the Western God Territory, and it is your territory! A strong dragon can't overwhelm a local snake."

"Shen Ke, you said it lightly. After three months, the evil emperor will get angry, and your Southern God Territory will be fine. The one who is in trouble is my Western God Territory!" the Jinyang Clan god said while glaring at Shen Ke.

The faces of the spirit race gods were also not good-looking.

Shen Ke raised her eyebrows, "Why do you have such expressions? When the god came to you, you knew that the evil emperor would definitely kill Luo Xin. The god didn't hide anything from you, and you are also willing to make this deal."

The expressions of the gods of the two races changed and they did not speak.

Shen Ke smiled, her tone slowed down a bit, and continued: "You don't have to worry, I will help Luo Xin recover well in the past three months. After three months, Luo Xin will lure the evil emperor and others away. They only care about chasing and killing Luo Xin, so why would they bother you?"

"What about after killing Luo Xin?" The spirit clan god asked back with a dark face.

Shen Ke: "After killing Luo Xin, they also left the Western God Territory. With the ability of the Evil Emperor, if you want to come to the Western God Territory again, you and the gods of the Western God Territory can join hands to disagree and refuse the Evil Emperor and others to come. If the Evil Emperor forcefully How could the other gods in the Western God Territory sit idly by if they want to break in?"

"Think about it, the threat from the Evil Emperor and others is nothing to you. As long as you help Luo Xin recover, we, Southern God Territory, will do our best to help you and help the Jinyang Clan and the Spirit Clan be among the top four families in the future!"

No one spoke, they were all thinking about Shen Ke's words.

Shen Ke narrowed her eyes and glanced at everyone's expressions, all of them were shaken.

The smile on the corner of Shen Ke's mouth deepened, and he continued: "Without the help of our Southern God Territory, it would be impossible for your two clans to fight against the four clans for thousands of years. Think about it, this deal is safe for you all." You won’t lose money! Besides, it’s too late to regret it now.”

It's too late to think about it after getting on the pirate ship!

Shen Ke looked at the gods of the two races, the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked, and there was a sarcasm hidden deep in his eyes.

Most of his plan has been successfully progressed, and the layout of the Southern God Territory is missing. However, Shen Ke reckons that the news should have spread to the Exiled Land now...


Southern God Territory, the land of exile.

Da Jiu and Yuan Qing sat cross-legged and meditated, their divine powers wandering and blending with each other.Nine cats sat cross-legged around them, each hugged into a round ball of hair, practicing both while sleeping.

Suddenly, Yuan Qing's wandering spirit paused, and he frowned and opened his eyes.

"What's wrong?" Da Jiu opened his eyes and asked.

Yuan Qing raised his head and looked into the distance. In the exiled land, there is only endless darkness and filthy power converging, and it is difficult for the power of the gods to penetrate the exiled land to see the outside world.However, the gods have their own means to understand the situation outside.

Yuan Qing listened quietly, Da Jiu saw Yuan Qing's move, and blinked without disturbing him.

After a while, Yuan Qing looked back at Da Jiu and said, "Your sister is in trouble."

"Xiao Jiu? What trouble!" Da Jiu's face darkened immediately when he heard that Jun Jiu was in trouble, his eyes were cold and intimidating.

Yuan Qing pondered and said, "I heard the gods of the Southern God Territory discussing that Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue went to the Western God Territory, and now they are trapped in the Western God Territory and cannot get out. Even Canglong, it is not good to anger the gods of the Western God Territory Get away. Your sister is in bad shape."

Da Jiu frowned, immediately took out the boundary book, and wrote a few words to ask Jun Jiu.

But Da Jiu waited for a long time, but there was no response.

The book of separation can connect the two realms, even if Jun Jiu is in the Western God Territory, he can still contact him.Unless they were trapped by the gods and interfered by the gods, as the gods of the Southern God Territory said, they would not be able to contact them.

Da Jiu looked up at Yuan Qing, and said coldly, "I'm going to the Western God Territory to find them."

(End of this chapter)

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