Chapter 3261 Who Did It?
Chapter 3261 Who did it?
The gods of the Jinyang Clan and the Spirit Clan looked at each other speechlessly, not knowing how to speak.

On the contrary, after Luo Xin came here, she quickly calmed down.It is impossible for Jun Jiu to come here, even if he comes, there is nothing to be done to her, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

Luo Xin calmly flew to the Jinyang Clan and the Spirit Clan and found an empty seat to sit down. Luo Xin opened her mouth and said, "What is the culprit? I am Huangfeng Luoxin!"

"Hmph, you alone lured the evil emperor to the Western God Territory, almost ruined the oracle conference, and made the gods of the Western God Territory offend the evil emperor. You are not the culprit, who is?"

"In my god's opinion, the most important thing is to hand over her and appease the evil emperor's anger!"

"The Jinyang Clan and the Spirit Clan must give an explanation!"


The four gods exerted pressure, but there was no movement, but the pressure made everyone breathless.

Luo Xin was just a mass of soul, deformed by the invisible coercion, showing signs of dissipating on the edge.If it continues, the remaining strength she has managed to survive will be dissipated a lot!
Luo Xin hastily asked the gods of the Jinyang clan and the Ling clan for help, but the gods of the two clans were too angry to speak.

With great difficulty, they managed to fool the four gods who were prosecuted by Xingshi, but Luo Xin rushed over suddenly, and all their previous efforts were in vain!

I don't want to talk to Luo Xin, but I can't let something happen to Luo Xin, or they will suffer even worse!

The gods of the two clans gritted their teeth in their hearts, released their coercion with a sullen face, and offset the coercion of the four gods, which made Luo Xin breathe and feel better.

The gods of the Jinyang tribe are responsible for dealing with the four gods.

The spirit clan god secretly asked Luo Xin, what's going on?

If you don't restore your strength on the sacred stone, why did you suddenly run out?

Luo Xin changed her face, gritted her teeth and said, "Jun Jiu is here!"

The gods of the Jinyang Clan and the Spirit Clan changed their faces when they heard Luo Xin's words.

The four gods knew about it a long time ago, and they were not surprised at all. They just had to pretend that they didn't know anything.

Just when the Jinyang Clan and Spirit Clan gods were shocked and felt uneasy, suddenly the world trembled, and a mighty chaotic pressure was released from the back of the temple.It's like a balloon that is blown up and about to explode!
This is the power that makes even the gods feel panicked.

All the gods immediately stretched out their consciousness to look, and the gods of the Jinyang clan and the Ling clan were no exception. They recognized at a glance that it was the palace where Luo Xin regained his strength.

What is going to explode... is the God Stone!

not good!

The sacred stone condenses the power of the Jinyang clan and the spirit clan gods, even if they remove the violent power inside, it is gentle and easy for Luo Xin to absorb.Exploding together, the power is equally terrifying!
At the same time, Yun Chuanlu, who was waiting in the corner, also sensed the power that was about to explode.

Jun Jiu is back.

Yun Chuanlu looked at Jun Jiu and saw the blood-stained area on the antler mask, Yun Chuanlu took a deep breath and said anxiously: "You are injured!"

"It's okay, it's about to explode, please God take me out of here quickly." Jun Jiu said calmly.

Yun Chuanlu's mood is not calm at all!
What did Jun Jiu do?
Feeling that the danger is approaching, now is not the time to talk about it, Yun Chuanlu waved her sleeves, took Jun Jiu and immediately left the territory of the Jinyang clan gods.

They left with their front feet, and Jun Jiu's spiritual power crushed the dragon scales in the sacred stone, rumbling——

Boom boom boom!
With the earth-shattering explosion, the entire territory of the Jinyang clan gods trembled violently.

When Yun Chuanlu heard the movement, she turned her head and probed into the territory of the gods of the Jinyang clan with astonished power. What she saw made Yun Chuanlu lose her mind, and she didn't know what to say.

The site of the gods is the place where the gods rest and meditate on weekdays. Occasionally, there will be riots by the power of the gods, or some small frictions.You must know that the power of the gods is terrifying, and if it is leaked even a little bit, it will cause fatal damage to the Western God Territory that is difficult to repair.

Therefore, every god will strengthen the seal on his own world, and must ensure that no matter how powerful the power is, it will only be in the space and will not spread out to harm the innocent.

The same is true for the explosion of the god stone.

The power of the explosion was completely sealed within the territory of the Jinyang clan gods, so that at least one-third of the temples of the Jinyang clan gods were destroyed in the explosion.

God's site is destroyed, what's the difference between this and your own house being demolished?
Slap on the face.

With such a big commotion, all the gods of the Western God Territory who hadn't retreated and slept all watched over, and the Jinyang clan was ashamed this time!

There are dozens of gods in the front hall, no matter how powerful the natural explosion is, it will not shake this place in the slightest.All the gods went out and looked at the place of destruction. The four gods had playful expressions, and the gods of the spirit clan looked at the gods of the Jinyang clan with some sympathy.

All the gods of the Jinyang tribe turned green, angry and shocked, their bodies trembling.

Who did this? !

"Jun Jiu did it." Luo Xin's face was also extremely ugly, she didn't expect Jun Jiu to act so arrogantly, even dare to blow up the territory of the gods!

"How unreasonable! How unreasonable!!" The gods of the Jinyang clan could only say this over and over angrily.

The four gods looked at each other and spoke one after another.

Xia's family: "You have taken people from Longkou, and now the Sovereign Jun destroys a few temples, and it's just a repayment."

Yuan family: "Sovereign Jun can destroy the temple by himself, and he is capable, I admire! There are talented people from generation to generation."

Yun Chuan's family: "Sect Master Jun is just a junior in the realm of a god emperor, so there will be no shameless and shameless troubles for the younger generation, right? Tsk, can you afford it? Dare to find it?"

Teacher: "The eggs of all beasts in the Western God Territory have been stolen recently, and all beasts rioted in anger, all because the oracle conference temporarily suppressed and forbeared. The king and suzerain recovered the beast eggs, all beasts are grateful, and will take revenge on the stolen eggs." man of!"

The four gods conspired together, and the speeches they had prepared a long time ago were now spoken out in one go.

The spirit clan gods dare not say a word.

The gods of the Jinyang clan were angry and apprehensive, and their expressions were colorful, richer than the colors on the palette.

Looking at the gods of the two races, Luo Xin gritted her teeth angrily, a bunch of trash!
But she still had to rely on these trash to help her recover her strength, Luo Xin could only grit her teeth and endure it together with the gods of the two races.

the other side.

Yun Chuanlu turned her head and asked Jun Jiu in shock, "Did Sect Master Jun do this?"

"Well, without the divine stone, it doesn't matter if you can't catch Luo Xin, she has no chance to recover her strength. Let's go, we can go back now..." After a pause, Jun Jiu looked at Yun Chuan Lu's eyes The light flickered.

Jun Jiu changed his mind and asked, "God, now that I've opened my mouth, can I go back to the other courtyard now?"


"Would the gods still want to help the Jinyang Clan and the Spirit Clan?"

Yun Chuan Lu was silent. After a while, she seemed to have communicated with the four gods.Yun Chuanlu looked at Jun Jiu again and nodded, "Okay, please, Sect Master Jun, I will send you back home."

"I'm sorry." The red lips curved, and Jun Jiu's mood brightened.

Not many days until the end of the oracle conference!

(End of this chapter)

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