Chapter 3303 Letter here!

Chapter 3303 Letter here!

Wu Qi stood still in the defensive artifact, raised his sleeve and flew out several offensive artifacts, surrounded and killed the ghast from all directions.

The ghost was furious, "Old thing, you dare to lie to me, I will tear you up and eat you!!"

Wuqi fought with the ghast, and there were countless ghasts rushing forward and attacking Wuqi's defensive artifact. A scuffle broke out, which was exciting.

Jun Jiu and Ji Sang were calm and comfortable, watching the play calmly.

Seeing that Jun Jiu and the others were unmoved, Wu Qi was startled and angry, and shouted: "Sect Master Jun, what are you waiting for, you promised to help the old man!"

"Indeed, I agreed, but I didn't say when to help. What's more, Grandmaster, you can deal with evil spirits with ease, so let's admire your heroism first, and you come on!" Jun Jiu said with his lips curled up.

Ji Sang squeezed the air in his hand, the cloud fan was on his body, and he was not used to having an empty hand.

Ji Sang looked at Wuqi, and said, "Grandmaster, we believe in your strength. Killing the evil spirit is no problem for you."

"You guys!" He was about to vomit blood in an indescribable anger.

But he had to deal with the evil spirits and defend against more evil spirits' sneak attacks, so he couldn't afford to deal with Wu Qi.

The ghost also knew from their conversation that Jun Jiu and Ji Sang were with Wu Qi.

But the ghosts can't figure it out, they are obviously the same kind, why should they help Wuzhi?
The ghost turned his head and shouted at Jun Jiu and the others: "This damn old thing has lied to me, and it will also lie to you. We are the same kind, why don't we go together, tear him up and eat him! This old thing has the rank of a ninth-level god emperor. Strength, we can still resist the blood pool refining after eating him, let's come together!"

"Okay." Jun Jiu and Ji Sang looked at each other, and walked over there calmly.

Seeing this, the evil spirit was overjoyed and threatened endlessly: "Old man, you are finished! I will tear you up and eat you, and then find your disciple. He is the person this ghost likes."

Wu Qi's face trembled, angry and confused, what happened to Jun Jiu and the others?

Jun Jiu and Ji Sang walked too slowly, the fight between Wu Qi and the evil spirits had reached a fever pitch, and the power was so fierce and terrifying that the surrounding evil spirits dared not approach easily.

Wuqi beckoned to take out his natal artifact, which was a world-class artifact, very close to the creation level.Indefinitely summoned the natal artifact and smashed it directly at the ghast, causing the ghast to be severely injured, and the soul's body dimmed and dissipated a little.

The evil spirit was extremely angry, and opened its mouth to curse.

The curse was activated, he vomited blood indefinitely, and his face turned pale in an instant.

Wuqi was angry and anxious, "Sovereign Jun, you can't break your word! You promised what you promised!"

"What is the great master so anxious about? Now is the time." Jun Jiu drew his sword, and the Nine Scale Sword slashed at the evil soul.

The evil spirits regarded them as their own and did not guard against them.

Jun Jiu and Ji Sang were very close to the ghost, and with this sword, the ghost had no time to hide.A sword tore the body of the soul, and the evil soul howled in pain and misery, and the piercing sound waves made people dizzy.

Jun Jiu raised his sword and slashed out again...

Excited indefinitely, summoning artifacts to attack...

Ji Sang is also attacking with tactic, but this is only a superficial effort. Secretly, Ji Sang turns on the Soul Requiem Bell and releases Mu Feng's incarnation.

Mu Feng changed his appearance again, looking tattered and indistinguishable from other evil spirits.In addition, Mu Feng also had blood beads on his body, he managed to blend in with the evil spirits, and slowly approached indefinitely...

The evil spirit roared on the verge of death, "Old thing, you killed me and I want you to be buried with me!!"

The ghast urged the curse with all its strength, vomiting blood indefinitely.

Jun Jiu's eyes were cold, and he slashed out with a sword, splitting the last soul body of the evil soul in two.Ji Sang raised his hand and the moon flames engulfed the soul body of the ghast, and the soul body flew into ashes and smoke amidst the mournful wailing sound, a piece of jade slip fell out of it, and Wu Qi hurriedly rushed to grab the jade slip.

Clutching the jade slips tightly, he was extremely excited for no time, "Successful! With the letter in hand, I got my wish hahaha!"


The surrounding evil spirits swarmed up and drowned again for no time.

This time I didn't panic anymore, patronizing and laughing, very proud.

Jun Jiu and Ji Sang glanced at each other, their gazes sweeping over the evil spirits.After a while, Mu Feng came back quietly, and Ji Sang raised his hand to hide Mu Feng's incarnation by raising the Soul Relief Bell.

Only then did Jun Jiu speak, "Since the evil soul was killed and the letter is in hand, it's better to leave as soon as possible."

Jun Jiu swung his sword and slashed out, tearing open a hole from the crowd of evil spirits, revealing the innermost Wuqi.

Wuji nodded excitedly and happily, urged the artifact to fight out, then pointed to a crack on the top of his head and said: "Sovereign Jun, you can go back the same way from above!"

"it is good."

Jun Jiu and Ji Sang immediately flew towards the crack.

There are still blood beads on their bodies, and the evil spirits will not stop them.

Wuji is not so easy, the closer he is to the crack, more and more evil spirits, wishing to peel off his skin, eat his bones, drink his blood and keep him here.

It is difficult to move forward indefinitely, there are too many evil spirits!

Wuqi asked Jun Jiu and Ji Sang for help, "Sect Master Jun, Ji Sang, what method did you use to avoid the evil spirits, please help me too! I will be grateful!"

Jun Jiu nodded to Ji Sang.

After Mu Feng returned to the Soul Soul Bell, he gave Ji Sang the blood bead in his hand, and Ji Sang threw it to Wuqi at this time.

Holding the blood bead in his hand, he was able to avoid being attacked by evil spirits, and was able to fly to Jun Jiu and the others at a smooth speed, and said happily, "Let's go! Let's leave the Blood Crack!"

"By the way, I forgot to tell the Great Master that this bead can only be used in the Blood Crack. If you take it out, you will be hunted down by the Blood Pool as a ghost." Jun Jiu said with hooked lips.

Wuqi froze, looking at Jun Jiu in shock and disbelief.

Jun Jiu smiled at him, "Let's go first."

After the words fell, Jun Jiu and Ji Sang Qiqi dropped the blood beads and flew into the crack.

The two blood beads fell freely, and stared at them for no time, their faces were gloomy and distorted, making it extremely difficult to see.Dare to feel that it only took a short time for him to get the beads, and he can't take them away yet.There is no difference between having or not having tasteless ribs.

Trembling uncontrollably, he wanted to ask Jun Jiu why he didn't say it earlier?

With such a good thing, why not take it out in the first place?
People are gone.

He didn't dare to ask questions face to face.

His complexion changed back and forth, and Wu Qiben cursed back, hurting badly.I couldn't figure it out at the moment, my heart was full of anger and blood, and I spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Smelling the smell of fresh blood, the aimless evil spirits once again set their sights on Wuqi, floating over just around the corner...

Wu Qi gritted his teeth angrily and dropped the blood bead, the evil spirit rushed over immediately, Wu Qi hurriedly turned his head and flew into the crack.

No sooner had he bled into the abyss than Wu Qi was surrounded by the crowd. They looked at him excitedly and asked him with straight eyes: Did you get the letter?
Thinking of the letter, Wu Qi's extremely ugly expression eased a little.

He nodded triumphantly, then glanced at Jun Jiu and the others, reached out and took out a piece of jade slip from his sleeve, and said indefinitely, "Here is the letter!"

(End of this chapter)

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