Chapter 3334 The Land of Inheritance
Chapter 3334 Land of Inheritance
Five days later, Qiongcang and Tianqing arrived at the land of the Canglong tribe.

When Qiongcang and Tianqing came back, they didn't go to see Qiongyu, they came to find Jun Jiu and the others immediately.

When they came to Mo Wuyue's residence, everyone met, Qiong Kang and Tian Qing slumped on the chairs from exhaustion, and the whole dragon was paralyzed.

Mo Wuyue looked at them coldly and raised his eyebrows.

Jun Jiu and Jun Huai Chu were very curious, Jun Jiu asked, "Uncle, Tian Qing, are you in trouble on the road?"

"Grandpa Qiongcang, Uncle Tianqing, are you all right?" Jun Huaichu asked worriedly.

Qiongcang waved his hand, reached out to lift the teapot and drank directly to his mouth.

Tian Qing patted his chest, and explained: "We have been chasing you all the way, and we didn't notice that we went the wrong way, and we lost time. We didn't stop on the road, so we can only rest now. I'm exhausted."

Traveling in the boundless world passage is definitely the most boring and dangerous!
Qiongcang and Tianqing didn't dare to relax all the way, and now they relaxed, feeling extremely tired.

Jun Jiu was even more puzzled when she heard the words, "What are you chasing us for? Is there something urgent?"

Thinking of something, Jun Jiu became worried, and anxiously asked, "Did something happen to my sister?"

"No, don't worry!"

Qiongcang waved his hand to Jun Jiu, and then said in a sour tone: "Da Jiu is very powerful, and with that guy Yuan Qing, it's not difficult at all for them to win the Southern God Territory. If Da Jiu needs help, I will definitely stay down."

Hearing this, Jun Jiu was immediately relieved.

Tianqing continued to explain: "I was afraid that Xiao Huaichu had already gone to the place of inheritance, so I hurried, and wanted to go with Xiao Huaichu!"

"What are you going to the inheritance place for? Didn't you come back to take the adult assessment?" Mo Wuyue looked at Tian Qing coolly with his golden eyes, and asked him.

Tianqing lowered her head, faltering and unable to speak.

It was Qiong Cang who shook his head, and said in a disgusted tone: "He doesn't want to participate in the assessment, and wants to delay it. If he can enter the inheritance place with Huai Chu Zai Zai, at least he can hide for another year or two."

Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue looked at each other in surprise, then looked at Tian Qing, Tian Qing's guilty look proved that Qiong Kang was right.

Jun Huai scratched his head at the beginning, looked at Tianqing in confusion and asked, "Uncle Tianqing, don't you want to take the adult assessment?"

Tian Qing immediately shook her head like a rattle.

Tian Qing curled her lips and said in frustration: "No matter what age you are, as long as you pass the adult assessment, it means that you are an adult and can no longer live with your own clan. You must expand your own territory and create your own. Site."

Tian Qing didn't say the rest.

But he looked eagerly at the sky, Jun Jiu and the others could tell that Tianqing was reluctant to part with the sky.

Qiongcang sneered at this, directly piercing Tianqing's disguise.

Qiong Cang said: "Don't believe him, he's just lazy! He's used to being lazy at my place, and he doesn't bother to open up and create territory, and wants to hide in my place all the time to be leisurely and comfortable. It's a good idea! I've never seen such a lazy Canglong like you."

Regarding this, Tian Qing was confident, "I'm not yet an adult, why can't I be lazy!"

"Wait until you pass the adult assessment and see how lazy you are." Qiong Cang replied with a smile.

Tian Qing immediately made a bitter face.

He doesn't want to participate!
That's why Tian Qing rushed back in a hurry, planning to hide in the inheritance place with Jun Huai.

In fact, it doesn't take that long to enter the land of inheritance. Those with good talent and high comprehension ability can gain a lot of inheritance insights in a year at most, and leave the land of inheritance happily.

But Tianqing intends to be the stupidest one, as long as he can hide in the place of inheritance, as long as possible!
Knowing the truth, Jun Jiu and the others didn't know what to say.

Mo Wuyue only had two words to comment on this, I deserve a beating!

"I don't care, I must enter the place of inheritance with Xiao Huaichu."

Tianqing looked at Jun Huaichu eagerly, and opened his mouth: "Xiao Huaichu, you definitely won't leave Uncle Tianqing and enter the inheritance land alone, right?"

Jun Huai blinked at the beginning, looked at Tianqing in embarrassment, and then looked at his mother and father for advice.

Jun Jiu was powerless, she didn't even know that the adult assessment could be avoided.

It was Mo Wuyue who glanced at Tianqing, narrowed his golden eyes slightly, hooked his lips with an evil smile, and said, "You can go to the place of inheritance, but I also want to go in, and I will keep an eye on you. You have learned about inheritance, don't try to fool me." Pass the test, when the adult assessment is due, it will be assessed at any time."

"Ah!" Tian Qing was dumbfounded.

Qiongcang looked at Mo Wuyue in surprise, "You also want to enter the land of inheritance?"

Mo Wuyue nodded.

When Jun Jiu and Lan Ying went to fetch the sacred liquid of the sacred tree, the mother-in-law talked a lot with Mo Wuyue and reminded Mo Wuyue.

Xiao Jiu'er is destined to attack the realm of the gods in front of him, and succeed!
If he wants to catch up with Xiao Jiu'er, inheritance is indispensable.

And since they all returned to the land of the Canglong Clan, the place of inheritance is close at hand, so it doesn't hurt to go in and have a look.


Mo Wuyue looked at Jun Jiu, pursing his thin lips slightly.

Only Canglong can enter the place of inheritance. Even if Jun Jiu is his soul mate, he can go in, but it will put great pressure on Jun Jiu.It would be very uncomfortable to stay inside, Mo Wuyue didn't want Jun Jiu to suffer, so he had to separate from Jun Jiu.

He and Zai Zai entered the place of inheritance together, only Jun Jiu was outside, Mo Wuyue was reluctant and worried.

Now that the sky is back, Mo Wuyue is a little relieved.

Mo Wuyue looked towards the sky, and said, "Uncle, after we enter the land of inheritance, please take Xiao Jiuer around and introduce the land of the Canglong tribe."

"Okay! No problem!" Qiong Cang agreed.

Hearing Mo Wuyue call him uncle, Qiong Cang was overjoyed.

In fact, he doesn't need to say, he will take care of Jun Jiu without hesitation.But if you can change to Mo Wuyue and call him uncle, you've earned it!The sky flew up in a beautiful mood.

After Tianqing adjusted his breath for three to five days and his condition recovered to the best, they went to the place of inheritance together.

This is also Jun Jiu's first visit to the inheritance place of the Canglong Clan.

The statues of blue dragons are huge and submerged in the sky, making it difficult to see the whole picture.Passing the Canglong statue, the pressure was terrifying and astonishing, Jun Jiu felt a trace of coercion and domineering oppression.

Mo Wuyue enveloped his aura firmly around Jun Jiu, and it lasted for a long time, and the oppressive force on Jun Jiu's body was weakened a bit.

Jun Jiu can only be sent to the gate of the place of inheritance, and it will be even more uncomfortable if it goes deeper.

At the gate of the place of inheritance, Qiongyu, Xiaoyun, Baichuan and a group of blue dragons all came.

They greeted Jun Jiu one after another and introduced each other with great enthusiasm.Only Tianqing saw them, and rushed into the place of inheritance in a flustered and guilty manner, fearing that he would be caught and take the adult assessment first.

Jun Jiu stood together with Qiong Cang and Qiong Yu, smiling at Mo Wuyue and Jun Huai Chu, Jun Jiu waved to them: "Go, I'll wait for you outside."

"Mother waits for Zai Zai, Zai Zai will definitely learn a lot of powerful inheritance, and in the future, Zai Zai will protect Mother!" Jun Huaichu said happily and firmly.

Jun Jiu smiled and nodded, then looked at Mo Wuyue again.

"Wait for me." Mo Wuyue reached out and hugged Jun Jiu.

(End of this chapter)

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