Chapter 3347 He is Ye Yuan

Chapter 3347 He is Ye Yuan

Chengfeng entered Cang Jiuzong, naturally he didn't wear his eye-catching mask.

Even the Eastern God Territory doesn't know what he looks like, but everyone must know about his mask. Even if they haven't seen him, the portrait of him wearing a mask must have spread all over the world.

Take off the mask, but no one knows who he is.

Chengfeng wandered around Cangjiu City leisurely, like everyone who just arrived here, he was full of curiosity and interest in everything,

Going to the market, watching the auction, buying some pills... etc., the kind of leisurely and leisurely Chengfeng, the kind who can walk here for ten days and a half months without being in a hurry.

Because he has nothing to do now.

Cheng Feng has basically challenged all the famous monks in the Eastern God Territory that he can barely see.

Big disappointment in the end!
Only Ji Sang can give him some aftertaste, but it is still not enough.

There is no interesting opponent worthy of his challenge, Chengfeng put his mind to it, and first visited Cangjiu City to satisfy his curiosity.

Most of the time in Cangjiu City, Chengfeng sat in the private room of the teahouse or restaurant, his spiritual consciousness enveloped the entire teahouse/restaurant, listening to everyone's talk and gathering information from it.

The people who came to Cang Jiucheng naturally talked about Cang Jiuzong the most, and most of the rest were about his challenge to the monks of the Eastern God Territory, and some scattered and insignificant news.

Chengfeng learned about Cang Jiuzong from them.

Gradually, Chengfeng also set his sights on a person, a disciple of Cang Jiuzong.

He is ordinary, but not ordinary.

Ordinarily, Cheng Feng is very disdainful for him who is only at the first level of God Emperor realm.He could crush him with one finger.

Uncommon, he is a disciple of Cang Jiu Sect's Inner Sect!

Chengfeng learned his identity from his conversations with others, and after he left the restaurant, Chengfeng followed.

Quietly, they took people away from the street by taking advantage of the wind.

Like a disappearing ghost, it didn't attract anyone's attention and awareness from the beginning to the end, even the disciple who was captured by him didn't feel it.It wasn't until Chengfeng took him into the inn, closed the doors and windows, and Chengfeng regained the disciple's consciousness, that the disciple realized that he had been kidnapped.

Surprised and angry, the disciple stared at Chengfeng.

No one knows what kind of face is under Chengfeng's mask.

Cang Jiuzong's disciples don't know Chengfeng either, they just think this young man is quite handsome, powerful and terrifying, he is definitely a dangerous and terrifying figure!

Taking a deep breath, Cang Jiuzong's disciples stabilized their minds and tried to move.

He couldn't move, his spiritual power was imprisoned, and his soul seemed to be locked in a small box. He could only blink his eyes and open his mouth.

Cang Jiuzong's disciples stared at Chengfeng, and opened their mouths: "Who are you! This is Cang Jiuzong's territory. If you catch me, the sect will know about it sooner or later. When you escape to the ends of the earth, Cang Jiuzong will also kill you!" you!"

"Okay, I'll wait and see." Chengfeng smiled calmly and didn't take it seriously at all.

Taking a chair and sitting in front of Cang Jiuzong's disciples, Chengfeng said, "Your name is Ye Yuan."

This is the name Chengfeng heard.

Ye Yuan looked surprised, he didn't know that Chengfeng had been spying on him for a long time, he was surprised because he thought Chengfeng was his enemy.

Ye Yuan was shocked, "What do you want to do!"

Chengfeng: "It's very simple, I need your identity, your memory, everything about you."

"You want to sneak into the sect, don't even think about it! I won't let you succeed!" Ye Yuan growled angrily, he would never tell Chengfeng, never betray the sect!
Chengfeng smiled.

He reached out and grabbed Ye Yuan's chin, and looked around Ye Yuan's appearance.

Ye Yuan is delicate and handsome, and his appearance is very ordinary for Cheng Feng.Just like his strength, if he loses it in the crowd, he won't even look at it.

But at this moment, he needs someone as ordinary and unremarkable as Ye Yuan, which is more suitable for him.

Chengfeng said: "If you say it yourself, you should suffer less and choose."


Ye Yuan spat out, and was avoided by Chengfeng's quick reaction.

Ye Yuan glared at Chengfeng angrily, opened his mouth and scolded: "The insidious villain who came out of nowhere, stop dreaming! Young master, even if I die, I won't tell you. You can't get into the sect. The sect There are strong restrictions, you can't get in, give up!"

"It's a pity, you're courting death yourself." Chengfeng expressed regret.

Raising his hand, Chengfeng took out his mask and looked at it.

The mask is not worn on the face, it is like a glass decoration, the radiance is very beautiful, and the tentacles are cool and comfortable.

Chengfeng held the mask and looked at Ye Yuan, with a smile on his lips that was sure to win, "Don't resist, the more you resist, the more painful it will be, and it won't change your ending."

"What are you doing! You... ah!"

Chengfeng put the mask on Ye Yuan's face, and Ye Yuan immediately let out a scream.

This kind of scream is indescribable, it seems to have tried the most terrifying torture, and it is like a desperate whine, the scalp of the listener is numb, and the whole body is terrified.

But no matter how much Ye Yuan screamed, it couldn't get out of the house, and the people outside didn't know it at all.

After a long while, Ye Yuan's screams disappeared.

Ye Yuan's body was limp, his head drooped and he didn't move.

Chengfeng reached out and took off the mask, revealing Ye Yuan's face as pale as paper, and there were many mysterious and ancient runes on Ye Yuan's face.

Cheng Feng changed hands and put the mask on himself, the light flashed, the mask disappeared, Cheng Feng also changed into Ye Yuan's appearance.

Chengfeng closed his eyes, accepting the memory brought by the mask.

Through memory, Chengfeng can perfectly imitate Ye Yuan, even Ye Yuan's parents can't detect that he is a fake.

Through memory, Chengfeng can also understand Cang Jiuzong's inner and outer sects without revealing any flaws.

The mask looted more than just memories.

And more!
For example, blood, such as cultivation, can perfectly transform Ye Yuan into another person, into Ye Yuan.

After a while, Chengfeng completely accepted everything, opened his eyes and snatched the token from Ye Yuan.He also opened up Ye Yuan's space, and took a few things from it that he could use, which could perfectly help him modify and conceal his identity.

Finally, Chengfeng changed into Ye Yuan's clothes, turning into Ye Yuan from the inside out.

When he turned into Ye Yuan, Ye Yuan's appearance also changed, turning into a strange and ordinary person.Extremely weak, only the rising and falling of his chest proved that he was still alive.

Chengfeng will not kill him.

One is disdain, and the other is that Ye Yuan cannot die.

When a person dies, the longevity lamp left in Cang Jiuzong will be extinguished, and his disguise will be useless by then.

Chengfeng leaves Ye Yuan in the house and tells the innkeeper that Ye Yuan is going to retreat and no one should disturb him.Retreat is a very normal thing, many people come to retreat to practice because they are greedy for the pure and strong spiritual power of Cang Jiuzong.The boss had no doubts.

Chengfeng left the inn, and went to the other two cities to finish the things that Ye Yuan remembered.

Then, ride the wind and ride the spirit boat across the sea of ​​mirages and go to the Cang Jiuzong sect.

He was Ye Yuan, and the journey went smoothly without any obstacles.

(End of this chapter)

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