Chapter 3354 Choose Me
Chapter 3354 choose me
Chengfeng felt that everyone had disappeared.

On the surface, he is in the first-level god emperor realm, but this is just a perfect disguise of the mask artifact. In fact, Chengfeng's realm has not been compromised at all.

Originally, his speed was neither fast nor slow, and there were always disciples of Cang Jiuzong around him, whether they were far or near, Chengfeng could sense their existence.

But at the moment when the forest fog thickened, these breaths disappeared.

It's like being erased, no, more precisely, it's being sent out!

He closed his eyes, and could feel the traces of spatial fluctuations remaining in the air.Sure enough, all the disciples of Cang Jiuzong were sent out, and he was the only one left.

Needless to say, he was exposed!
However, Chengfeng was still calm and calm, not in a hurry, he even leaned leisurely on the big tree, quietly waiting for Cang Jiuzong to come and arrest him.

Chengfeng is still thinking, who will come?
Several people's names and figures flashed in Chengfeng's mind, but when Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue finally appeared in his sight, Chengfeng was surprised and excited.

I didn't expect him to have such a big face!
Chengfeng smiled, looked at Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue and said, "Congratulations to the suzerain and the evil emperor, my mere first-year disciples don't need you two to catch them yourself?"

Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue looked at Chengfeng coldly.

Still the strength of a first-level god emperor, but Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue would not really think that he was only a first-level god emperor.

Chengfeng's disguise is too similar, and there is no flaw to be found.

Jun Jiu asked him coldly: "Who are you? What's the purpose of infiltrating Cang Jiuzong!"

"Sovereign Jun, why don't you guess?" Cheng Feng said in a brisk tone after taking time off.

Mo Wuyue: "You have no right to waste our time."

"That's kind of sad."

Chengfeng shook his head, spread his hands and said: "I am very looking forward to and curious about Cang Jiuzong, so I came to see Cang Jiuzong. Similarly, I am also very curious about the emperor and the evil emperor, and there is no such thing in the Eastern God Territory." Other people can make me care so much."

Chengfeng's words made both Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue's eyes cold.

For a moment, a name flashed in their minds.

Take the wind!

"Hahaha, guessed it right? That's right, I am Chengfeng, You Clan Chengfeng!" Chengfeng confessed his identity frankly.

At the same time, his face changed, Ye Yuan's face disappeared, revealing the mask on his face.

The moment Ye Yuan's face disappeared, Chengfeng's temperament changed.

No longer Ye Yuan's mediocre appearance and temperament, he has become dangerous, powerful, weird and mysterious.

Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue stared at Chengfeng coldly without saying a word.

Chengfeng stared at Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue in a relaxed and comfortable manner, and his eyes wandered back and forth to examine them, as if choosing between two treasures, it was too difficult, and it hurt him to give up any one.

Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue are both targets on Chengfeng's list!
But who to challenge first?


Or Mo Wuyue?
Mo Wuyue took a step forward, stood in front of Jun Jiu, stared coldly at Cheng Feng with his golden eyes and said, "Those who break into Cang Jiu sect, die!"

"It seems that you chose me first, well, then I will compete with you first." After Cheng Feng's voice fell, the momentum of his whole body exploded, and the coercion of the ninth-level god emperor realm directly scattered and tore the surrounding forest fog. He forms the center as the center.

Mo Wuyue looked at Jun Jiu from the corner of his eye, and shouted, "Little Jiu."

Jun Jiu nodded to Mo Wuyue, then looked at Chengfeng coldly, Jun Jiu teleported away from Seven Realms Island.

After Jun Jiu left, Mo Wuyue's golden eyes locked on Chengfeng, and the terrifying coercion broke out and Chengfeng's coercion fought and confronted.

Their coercion was so terrifying that the entire Seven Realms Island was trembling.

After Jun Jiu went out, he had to take over the control of the old master You Ming, and sent all the disciples on the Qijie Island to another island, and then asked the old master You Ming to arrange them and suspend his training.

Jun Jiu looked down at the Qijie Island from a high position, and kept making tricks in his hands to strengthen the barriers and blockades around the Qijie Island.

The trick Jun Jiu used was taught by the Canglong Clan. With her current state, all the power under the gods can be sealed off without revealing anything.

But only for an hour.

An hour is enough.

In the forest fog, the vacuum area is like a huge vortex in the fog. Mo Wuyue and Chengfeng confront each other to compete for coercion, and have no plans to fight other than that.

It is extremely terrifying for them to fight and collide with coercion!
Chengfeng looked at Mo Wuyue with playful eyes, opened his mouth and said, "Actually, do the math, I still have a little relationship with you, but it's a pity that you didn't inherit the blood of the You Clan."

Mo Wuyue didn't respond to Chengfeng's words, only the killing intent in his golden eyes became stronger and stronger.

Chengfeng didn't mind Mo Wuyue's attitude, he continued: "I didn't want to challenge you at first, after all, the blue dragon is too difficult to deal with, and the price to pay for killing a blue dragon is not small. Especially since you are Aunt Yinluo's son, If I kill you, Aunt Yinluo will be very angry."

"However, no one in the Eastern God Territory can make me enthusiastic, only you and Jun Jiu are left. Oh, Jun Wuyou is also counted. I will challenge you three one by one, and then choose one as my old enemy!"

Behind Mo Wuyue, the phantom of the Canglong loomed.

The coercion in the air became more and more terrifying, Mo Wuyue's golden eyes locked on Chengfeng cruelly and coldly, and said, "You talk too much."

Chengfeng: "Okay, then let's not talk about it, just do it!"

After the words fell, Cheng Feng dodged to kill Mo Wuyue.

Mo Wuyue narrowed his eyes slightly, and several silver lights appeared out of thin air, surrounding Cheng Feng who rushed over.

Chengfeng saw something in the silver light, his face darkened, and he dodged immediately.

The speed of riding the wind is terrifying!
But no matter how fast he was, he was still overtaken by a silver light.Chengfeng raised his hand to open the barrier to block it, but the barrier was cut in less than a second, and Chengfeng could only grab the silver light with his hands.

There was a tingling pain in the palm, and there was a feeling of flesh and blood being cut, followed by a terrifying power explosion.

The power of broken dragon scales made Chengfeng's right hand drip with blood.

The Broken Dragon Scale, which could destroy a space and cause terrifying damage, was in Chengfeng's hands, but only hurt his hand.And after Chengfeng shook off the blood in his hand, the injury healed visible to the naked eye, which is enough to show how terrible Chengfeng is.

The You Clan is an ancient and mysterious race that the world has little understanding of.

The power of this race is no less than that of the ancient gods such as Canglong, Huangfeng and Mangui, because they were once called the ancient gods.

Chengfeng and Mo Wuyue fought again, and the terrifying power shook the Seven Realms Island, creating a turbulent sea in the mirage sea, and the movement spread far, far away. Cangjiu City, Buluo City, etc. all sensed it, and countless gazes came over .

But before he saw it clearly, he was forced to retreat by the terrifying coercion of Chengfeng and Mo Wuyue.

Only Jun Jiu could stand outside Qijie Island, watching the battle with a condescending frown.

Jun Jiu is recording and analyzing Chengfeng's every move.

(End of this chapter)

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