The Evil Emperor's Pampering: Divine Doctor Ninth Miss

Chapter 3367 Is what he said true or false?

Chapter 3367 Is what he said true or false?

Chapter 3367 Is what he said true or false?

The broken dragon scale replenished the spiritual power consumed by Jun Jiu's body, and his mental state also returned to its peak.

Jun Jiu narrowed his eyes, staring coldly at the center of the broken dragon scale explosion.The earth collapsed into a huge pit, and there were space cracks that collapsed and shattered everywhere.With this as the center, the surrounding spiritual power was drained, and the shattered corpses of the mutant soul beasts on the ground were also instantly turned into fly ash.

There are violent and dangerous forces everywhere, especially in the deepest part of the giant pit, where ordinary monks dare not approach here.

But at the bottom of the huge pit, there is a girl doll standing.

About five or six years old, with curly black hair, big eyes without whites, only dark black.

The skin of the female doll was as pale as paper, without a trace of blood.He was wearing a blood-red robe, and it could be seen from a closer look that this robe was formed by the condensation of blood-red smoke from before.

The female doll stood in the most violent and dangerous place, her skin was torn open with dense wounds like spider webs, but they healed spontaneously in less than a second.Then it split again, healed again, split again... the cycle continued, and her face showed no expression at all, as if she didn't know the pain.

Jun Jiu's heart sank to the bottom.

The moment he saw the female doll, Jun Jiu had the answer in his heart.

This is the Gu King!
This is the real purpose of Chengfeng, the red-eyed soul beast and the mutant soul beast are all just a cover.In order to divert their attention and buy time for the birth of the Gu King, it was too late when they realized it.

Jun Jiu felt troublesome, dangerous, and angry!
Chengfeng released a message to lure her and Wuyue into the arena, but he himself did not show up.After making so many tricks and letting them play a game with him, Jun Jiu felt a little itchy.

Let her see Chengfeng, she must beat Chengfeng first, punch him to the flesh, beat him beyond recognition before killing him!

"elder sister!"

"Sovereign Monarch!"

After the power of Broken Dragon Scale dissipated, Jun Wuyou and Xianyan Xianrou immediately teleported over and rushed to Jun Jiu's side.

They also saw the girl doll under the huge pit, Jun Wuyou was startled, "What is this!"

Even if it is a human form, no one will really treat it as a human being.

Jun Jiu said coldly: "Gu King."

"Damn it, let Chengfeng get the Gu King out!" Jun Wuyou's expression turned ugly.

At this time, Qing Li spoke in his mind: "To be precise, this is not the Gu King, but the will of the undead. Countless undead souls of divine beasts are buried in this place, and someone refined their undead souls using forbidden techniques... It's a thing. It's not easy to kill!"

"You know this thing! It's not easy to kill, and there is always a way to kill it. Qing Li, do you know how to get rid of it?" Jun Wuyou asked in his mind.

Qing Li: "The entire secret realm must be destroyed. Otherwise, it will be immortal, and it has just been born and is hungry. Be careful not to become its food."

"What is this?" Mo Wuyue rushed over, his golden eyes were coldly looking at the Gu King under the giant pit.

Jun Wuyou called his brother-in-law, and then told Jun Jiu, Mo Wuyue and the others Qing Li's words.Hearing this, Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue all turned black.

At this moment, Gu King's consciousness returned, and he slowly raised his head to stare at Jun Jiu and the others in the air.

Gu King opened his mouth, the girl's voice was delicate and soft, but what she said was creepy!
Gu King said: "I'm so hungry, you smell so delicious, can I eat you?"


The moment Gu King was born successfully, Chengfeng felt it.

At this time, Chengfeng had already reached the entrance of the Beast Soul Secret Realm.

He stood condescendingly in the air, looking down at the lively scene at the entrance.People keep coming in, and people want to go out, but people can come in, but they can't go out.

The people who came in were stunned when they saw countless people crowded at the entrance and wanted to go out.When they found out that they could only enter but not exit, they all tried together in a panic, but after exhausting all means, there was no way to leave the Beast Soul Mystery Realm.

They use various methods to transmit voices to the outside world, so that relatives and friends from the same sect outside must not come in.But the news couldn't get out, and they seemed to be isolated in another world, lonely and panicked.


He likes to see the weak struggling, but useless, how pathetic and interesting.

What's more interesting is the back!
Chengfeng turned his head and glanced at the deepest part of the Beast Soul Secret Realm. He hasn't done anything yet, but it will be soon.

Flying down in the wind, he smiled and said, "Everyone..."

Chengfeng looked up at the sky before adding: "Good afternoon."

The crowd was silent for a second, and everyone stared at Chengfeng.I don't know who shouted first, "Chengfeng! It's him! He is Chengfeng!"

One word stirred up a thousand layers of waves, and the crowd exploded in an instant.

Apart from anything else, at least half of the thousands of people killed Chengfeng, and Chengfeng's figure was overwhelmed by various spiritual attacks, many of which were killer moves.People stared at Chengfeng, wishing to cut him into pieces!

Chengfeng sighed, why are you so excited?

Those people were too incompetent to die at his hands. They were incompetent, so how could he be blamed?


The crowd's attack directly demolished the entrance to the Beast Soul Secret Realm.

The monk who had just entered the Beast Soul Secret Realm was directly implicated by bad luck, vomiting blood and falling down.Seeing this, the monk who made the move felt guilty for a second, then changed his face in an instant, turning his head murderously to look for Chengfeng.

Is Chengfeng dead?
There were only innocent and implicated monks in place, and Chengfeng was nowhere to be seen.

"Are you looking for me?" Chengfeng's voice came from behind.

The first thing the monks do when they turn around is to attack!

However, Chengfeng was still not encountered.Everyone gritted their teeth with hatred, and someone shouted: "If we can't get out, we must be playing tricks on the wind, catch him!"

Immediately, everyone took action.

No matter how confident and arrogant Chengfeng is, he is no match for thousands of people.He disappeared directly, disappeared out of thin air, and no one could find him.

I could only hear the voice of Chengfeng floating with the wind, "You can't go out, you can't blame me, you have to find the emperor and the evil emperor of Cang Jiuzong, it's their reason!"

"Nonsense! Chengfeng, you don't want to slander the sovereign and the evil emperor!"

"Chengfeng, come out if you have the ability!"

"Chengfeng! Aren't you very arrogant! Aren't you going to challenge the powerhouses of the entire Eastern God Territory? Is there no one here who can satisfy you? Get out! What kind of man is he who hides his head and shows his tail!"


Everyone yelled, cursed, and kept attacking in all directions at the same time, trying to force out Chengfeng who was hiding.

Chengfeng took his time and took the time to appreciate the vocabulary of people yelling and cursing.There was a smile on the corner of Chengfeng's mouth, and his expression was also playful, and he didn't mind at all.

Until Chengfeng felt that Jun Jiu, Mo Wuyue and Gu King were fighting, the smile on the corner of Chengfeng's mouth deepened, he looked at the people below with pity in his eyes, and said: "Shh! What I want to say next, but Your lives are at stake, listen up."

Everyone doesn't care.

Finally, when Chengfeng responded, the people scolded harder and became more excited.

Chengfeng raised his eyebrows, and continued: "Only the Sovereign Jun and the Evil Emperor can help you escape from the Beast Soul Secret Realm. If they don't help you, all of you will become food for the Gu King, and you will all be buried here!"

"So, those who can contact the Sect Master Jun and the Evil Emperor, please ask them for help! I beg them to save you, and I beg them not to forget you! If you don't ask for help, in case the Sect Master Jun and the Evil Emperor forget you, then You can only disappear into the endless cracks together with this secret realm, and be crushed into fly ash..."

If you take the wind, everyone has a chill.

People quieted down, looked at each other, and panicked uncontrollably.

What does ride the wind mean?
What he said is true or false?

"Tsk, don't doubt me! The only enemies I see are the Sect Master and the Evil Emperor. You are not qualified. You are just ants participating in this game. Whether you can survive or not depends on whether the Sect Master and the Evil Emperor care about you." Dead or alive!"

Chengfeng laughed softly, "I'm leaving, I wish you good luck!"

"Chengfeng, get out! Speak clearly!"

"Chengfeng, you bastard, get out! I'm going to kill you!!"


People scolded for a long time, but did not wait for Chengfeng's response.

Chengfeng really left?


Soon, people noticed the earth-shattering movement in the depths of the Beast Soul Secret Realm, and it fluctuated all the way to the entrance. With such a long distance, one can imagine how fierce and terrifying the fighting inside was!
People became terrified, and someone suggested in a low voice, "Why don't you ask Sovereign Jun and the others what's going on?"

(End of this chapter)

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