Chapter 3412 Successfully caught!

Chapter 3412 Successfully caught!

The power of the void snake is endless, and its huge body flickers in the sky, whether it is real or imaginary.It's like lightning!
Jun Jiu and Da Jiu stood on the edge to watch the battle.

With Dajiu blocking this world, no matter how the nothingness snake struggles and riots, it cannot escape from here.It can only fight violently with Mo Wuyue and unleash its powerful and domineering power.

Both the power of the Void Snake and Mo Wuyue belong to the overbearing one, who is more overbearing!

The Void Snake can swallow all the power, Mo Wuyue's attack Void Snake swallowed it all.The body of the Void Snake swelled up slightly, then flicked its tail, and opened its mouth to spit back Mo Wuyue's power without moving.

If it was another person, the backlash of strength would be enough to eat a pot, and if you are not careful, your life could be in danger.

But for Mo Wuyue, the power comes from the body, no matter how overbearing he is, he cannot be overbearing.The Void Snake vomited back the power of backlash, Mo Wuyue caught them all, raised his hand and attacked back.

The Void Snake couldn't counterattack, so he hid and attacked.

Although the body of the Snake of Nothingness is huge, it can hide nothing but nothing.In the void, Mo Wuyue's attacks all passed through his body, unable to touch the void snake.When it was real, the snake of nothingness rushed towards Mo Wuyue.So Mo Wuyue is the Canglong, ignoring its impact and taking all of them.

The sneak attack of the Void Snake is also terrifying!
He opened his mouth and let out a roar like thunder, and the sound waves rolled in, directly attacking the soul.

The attack of the Void Snake is extremely domineering and overbearing. The attack on the soul seems to be torn apart. It makes people feel headaches and dizzy.Even the gods will be affected and injured by the soul attack of the void snake.

Mo Wuyue didn't dodge or dodge, the phantom of the blue dragon rose from behind and roared back at the nothingness snake.

Da Jiu waved her hand to cover Jun Jiu before the nothingness snake attacked, she looked at Jun Jiu worriedly and asked, "Xiao Jiu, are you alright?"

"It's okay, sister, don't worry, Wuyue and I's souls are not weak. We can still share the damage, and the Void Snake's tricks can't help us." Jun Jiu replied with a smile.

Da Jiu frowned slightly, but didn't feel relieved.

She carefully inspected her eyes, and after making sure that Jun Jiu was not affected, she continued to look at the battlefield.

The attack of the Void Snake was useless to Mo Wuyue. The overbearing forces collided, and the power of the Void Snake and Mo Wuyue continued to rise.Judging from the current situation, Mo Wuyue steadily crushed the Snake of Nothingness.

However, it will take some time to catch the Snake of Nothingness.

Da Jiu thought for a while, the seal and the divine formation were all set up, and the snake of nothingness would not be able to break through for a while.Why don't she make a move and catch the Void Snake with Mo Wuyue quickly to save each other's time?

But before Da Jiu made a move, Jun Jiu acted first.

Sensing the fluctuation of spiritual power around him, Da Jiu immediately looked back at Jun Jiu, and asked, "Xiao Jiu, what are you doing?"

"The Void Snake was attracted by my spiritual power, which proves that the spirit body has an effect on the Void Snake. I want to try to see if it can appease or interfere with the Void Snake." Jun Jiu replied.

Da Jiu disagreed, "Xiao Jiu stop, it's too dangerous!"

Jun Jiu: "I'm not afraid of danger. And don't you have my sister by my side? I'm in danger, and my sister will definitely protect me as soon as possible, right?"

Jun Jiu tilted her head and smiled at Da Jiu, her smile was beautiful and bright, Da Jiu couldn't refuse her.

Helpless, Da Jiu could only nod his head, "Okay, I will protect you. But you have to promise me, don't be reckless, try slowly."

"I promise!"

Jun Jiu sat cross-legged in meditation, the sea of ​​spiritual power in his dantian surged, and a steady stream of pure spiritual power flew out of Jun Jiu's body.Gently blending into the space, avoiding the violent power of Mo Wuyue and the Void Snake, and approaching the Void Snake little by little.

Jun Jiu is a god and spirit body, she is the darling of heaven and earth, her power is pure, kind, strong and holy, she is too tempting for all things in the world.

The same is true for the snake of nothingness.

In the beginning, the Void Snake was attracted by Jun Jiu's power.Before it could get close enough to feel Jun Jiu's power, it was interrupted by Mo Wuyue's strike.Now the temptation appeared again, and the snake of nothingness began to confuse.

The temptation from nature is hard to resist!
The Void Snake couldn't help but attack and dodge Mo Wuyue while crawling in the air, approaching Jun Jiu's power.

Jun Jiu slowly and gently increased his strength, luring the Snake of Nothingness to keep distracting.

There is an irresistible temptation on one side, and a tyrannical and dangerous attack on the other. The Void Snake runs away from both sides, and the power it exerts gradually weakens.Both Mo Wuyue and Da Jiu saw an opportunity.

Mo Wuyue looked back at Jun Jiu, and summoned his phantom of the Canglong, which was bigger and more divine and domineering than the Void Snake.Blocked the retreat of the nothingness snake!
Da Jiu also made a move, and while her divine power was running the seal and the array, she condensed into a rope and approached the Snake of Nothingness.

The three of them cooperated and managed to catch the Snake of Nothingness in one go!
Da Jiu's divine power bound the Snake of Nothingness, and the Snake of Nothingness woke up suddenly and wanted to escape immediately.But the divine power is so powerful that the Void Snake cannot hide in the void under the restraint of the divine power, and can only struggle to counterattack and rampage.

The snake of nothingness collided with the phantom of the blue dragon, it was indestructible and could not escape at all.

Mo Wuyue and Da Jiu spoke at the same time: "Xiao Jiuer/Xiao Jiu, take back your spiritual power!"

"it is good."

Jun Jiu withdrew his power, Mo Wuyue and Da Jiu exerted their power at the same time, suppressing and trapping the Snake of Nothingness.

They successfully captured the Snake of Nothingness!
Da Jiu took out a large stone stove, sucked the huge body of the Void Snake in, then closed the lid, and sealed it tightly so that the Void Snake could not escape.

Da Jiu: "Okay, it's done!"

"Congratulations." Mo Wuyue returned to Jun Jiu's side, without even looking at Da Jiu and the stove, congratulations also said flat without ups and downs.

Mo Wuyue took Jun Jiu's hand, first checked carefully, and after making sure that Jun Jiu was not affected or hurt, his frown relaxed.

Jun Jiu looked at him with a smile, "I'm fine ~ you and your sister protected me very well."

"I know, but I'm still nervous about you."

"I'm worried about you too. Fortunately, we successfully captured the Snake of Nothingness, and no one was injured!"

"Cough!" Da Jiu coughed lightly, looked at them with a smile in his eyes and teased: "Forget about showing affection, here, this is for you."

Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue looked at the stove that Da Jiu handed over.

Da Jiu continued: "After you return to Cang Jiuzong, remove this layer of seal on the stove, and you will be able to refine the power of the snake of nothingness. Before it is completely refined, don't let it out, it will run away Yes. It will be difficult to catch again."

"Sister, you also need the Snake of Nothingness!" Jun Jiu said.

Da Jiu smiled, "I'll give it to you first, and I'll get the last one. We'll catch more Void Snakes!"

(End of this chapter)

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