Chapter 3414 Shenjiao Clan

Chapter 3414 Shenjiao Clan

On the other side of the Hengduan Mountains, there is Tianyouhai.

Tianyouhai is extremely vast, the sea area is as green as washing, and the apocalypse is clear.

But none of Jun Jiu and the others would think that this is a good weather.Because when they first arrived at the top of the Hengduan Mountains, they looked at the stormy sky and the sea from a distance, and the weather was extremely bad.When they flew there, the weather suddenly became miraculously clear again.

The three of Jun Jiu and the others flew towards Tianyouhai, but not far away, a sudden storm and tsunami forced them to take out the Shenzhou and move forward.

I have heard for a long time that the weather in Tianyouhai is very strange, Jun Jiu and the others have seen it.

A translucent light curtain shrouded the Shenzhou, blocking all the violent wind and rain.Jun Jiu and the others stood on the deck, overlooking the violent tsunami below. The power of nature was extremely terrifying, especially since this was a sea of ​​gods, and it would be very embarrassing to get involved in the realm of the god emperor.

The sea is temporarily inaccessible, and the sky is not safe.

The thunder whizzing past in the thick black clouds was not pure lightning, but a means formed by the condensed power of the formation.

Compared with thunder and lightning, its power is not inferior at all, attacking Shenzhou menacingly and frantically.

This Shenzhou belonged to Dajiu, and it remained motionless despite the thunder disaster's attack.However, the thunderclouds here are too thick, and the dense thunder and lightning block their vision.In addition to looking down, you can see the tsunami, and there are thunder and lightning all around, making it difficult to distinguish the direction.

They are temporarily trapped.

Fortunately, they didn't have a clear direction, they could go anywhere.

Jun Jiu, Mo Wuyue, and Da Jiu were patiently on the deck, admiring the devastating natural scenery between heaven and earth.Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue stood side by side, holding hands, talking and chatting with a smile.

Da Jiu was alone on the side, holding a book in her hand, and the storm could not affect her.

After a while, about an hour or two, the thundercloud dissipated and the tsunami below subsided.As the sun fell, Tianyouhai returned to its peaceful beauty, and the changes were so great that people couldn't help but think that the previous one was an illusion.

The weather in Tianyouhai is really weird and evil!

But it's not entirely natural factors, and there are also man-made handwriting, such as the thunder and lightning condensed from the formation, which is one of them.

Taking advantage of the good weather, Jun Jiu and the others looked in all directions, the sea area and the sky of Tianyouhai were disturbed by man-made forces.It's like a moat, blocking outsiders from entering Tianyouhai.

In addition, the aura of Tianyouhai is actually richer and more violent than that of the Wanli Mountains!

The spiritual tide is here, and it is more vigorous.

But it's strange, they didn't see void spirits nearby, maybe the fickle weather scared them away?

Da Jiu put away the book, walked to Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue, and asked them, "What do you think?"

"There are more void snakes in Tianyouhai." Mo Wuyue said.

Jun Jiu nodded in agreement, and then followed Mo Wuyue's words: "Either there is something in Tianyouhai that attracts the Void Snake, or there are few gods here, so the Void Snake is hiding here."

Because there are many snakes of nothingness, the power here is more obvious!

However, the Void Snake is good at hiding, and it is difficult for Jun Jiu and the three of them to determine the direction of the Void Snake.They probably can only find a place to settle down as before, and then set up traps to attract the snake of nothingness to come to the door.

Where do you end up?

The weather in Tianyouhai is weird, and there must be islands to implement it!

But Jun Jiu and the others have been flying in Shenzhou for so long, but they haven’t seen any traces of the islands. Obviously, there are islands on the map given by Jiao Sanshan and the others.

Could it be that they lost their way in the thundercloud storm and tsunami just now?

"Xiao Jiu, brother-in-law, did you notice that there is something staring at us below." Da Jiu suddenly said with a meaningful smile.

Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue immediately looked down at the calm sea.Their spiritual consciousness penetrated the sea water and went deep into the bottom of the sea. The people hiding underneath seemed to be alarmed and turned around to hide in a hurry.

His speed was so fast that Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue only caught a long black shadow.


It seems to have claws, but unfortunately I didn't look too carefully.

He hid so well that Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue's spiritual sense searched the surrounding sea area, but they didn't find him out.

It's fine if you can't find it, Jun Jiu and the others continue to move forward, not caring about him.Because no matter what it is, since he is staring at them, he will show up sooner or later, and they will start after he shows up.

Jun Jiu and the others flew randomly without direction. Gradually, the sense of prying came back and increased.


There was thunder on a sunny day, and in an instant, the sky darkened, and the calm sea area began to be turbulent again.

Weird weather is here again!

But this time, Jun Jiu and the others noticed a very obvious external force in the change of weather and sea area.Nine times out of ten, it was made by something hiding under the sea.With this strength, Jun Jiu and the others looked at each other and had a preliminary guess about the identity of this thing.


Thunderbolts, as thick as a python, chopped towards Shenzhou densely.

On the surface of the sea, the turbulent waves suddenly rose from the ground, turning into thick and sharp water thorns, stabbing fiercely at Shenzhou from below.

Da Jiu was happy, leaning on the railing of the deck, and said playfully: "Let's see what the Shenjiao Clan has."

"Knowing that sister, you are a god, you still dare to attack. The courage of the Shenjiao clan is commendable. I am also a little curious about their abilities!" Jun Jiu said in a teasing and curious tone.

At this moment, those who appeared in the Wanli Mountains and Tianyou Sea were almost all gods!

It cannot be other monks.

They can only rub against the power of the spiritual tide at the outermost edge of the Wanli Mountains, and they can't cross to the Tianyou Sea at all.As long as the Shenjiao people of Tianyouhai are not fools, they can guess that there must be a god on the Shenzhou.

But even though they knew it, they still wanted to attack. Where did the Shenjiao Clan get their confidence and courage?
Jun Jiu and Da Jiu are very curious.

Mo Wuyue gave Jun Jiu a loving look, and then looked down at the sea area, his golden eyes were cold and cruel.If the Shenjiao people dare to do something, he will make them pay the price!


Bang bang bang!
The attacks continued to flank Shenzhou from the sky and the sea.

The thunder slashed fiercely on the defensive barrier of Shenzhou, and the giant water thorns in the ground also stabbed fiercely.But no matter how fierce the attack is, no matter how fierce it is, it cannot destroy the outer barrier of Shenzhou.It is difficult to destroy the barrier of Shenzhou, so naturally Shenzhou can't do anything about it.

Shenzhou was safe and sound, Jun Jiu and the three of them were not affected at all, and continued to watch.

After several attacks in turn, the Shenjiao clan below also found that it was useless.Then they changed their tactics, thunder roared, and half-human, half-dragon creatures rose from the sea.

The half-man, half-flood dragon held divine weapons such as knives, axes, spears, and hammers in their hands, surrounded Shenzhou from all directions, and came to kill them aggressively.

Jun Jiu raised his eyebrows, and said in surprise, "This is the Shenjiao clan?"

(End of this chapter)

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