Chapter 3425 The King

Chapter 3425 king


Jun Jiu looked at A Ke and raised his eyebrows.

Ake explained: "Jiao Palace is the family land of our Shenjiao clan. It is also the residence of our gods, and it is the safest place in the entire Tianyouhai! The gods are worried that Tianyouhai will be affected, so they ordered us to go back to Jiaogong for refuge. Do you want to go together?"

Jun Jiu turned to look at Mo Wuyue, his golden eyes were cold and not interested at all.

Jun Jiu also didn't want to go to other people's clan land, besides, Da Jiu was still fighting in front, so she needed to wait for news here.

Jun Jiu smiled and rejected A Ke, "Thank you, you can go back by yourselves."


"A Ke!" A Luo shouted, shaking his head at A Ke.

A Ke could only look at Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue regretfully, then returned to the clan, bid farewell to Jun Jiu and them together, then sank into the bottom of the sea, and hurried back to Jiao Palace.

Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue stayed where they were, and they watched for a while, Mo Wuyue led Jun Jiu out of the sea, and the two stood in the air hand in hand, overlooking the direction of Tianyouhai.

The power of the gods sealed off that place of heaven and earth, and all the terrible forces generated by the melee were sealed and imprisoned inside.But through the seal of the gods, one can still feel the slightest hint of leaked terrifying coercion, which is frightening.

But for Mo Wuyue, the blood in his body gradually boiled, and his body began to heat up.

Canglong is born to be warlike and bloodthirsty, so the scene of such a melee, with countless terrifying forces intertwined, is what attracts Canglong the most.The call from instinct, calling for Mo Wuyue to participate, to show his original form and have a good bloody battle!
But holding Jun Jiu's hand is like an incense for meditation and refreshment, and Jun Jiu's breath makes Mo Wuyue gradually calm down his inner impulse.

Xiao Jiuer is the most important thing!
"Wu Yue, I have an idea." Jun Jiu said.

Mo Wuyue immediately retracted his gaze, looked down at Jun Jiu, and pursed his lips, "Tell me, little Jiu."

"The Void Snake rushed to the Cold Water Abyss after being summoned. Can it be proved that among the Void Snakes' group, there is a king who can order them! It's like the people submitting to their emperor."

Jun Jiu went on to say: "The king of the Void Snake is in the deepest part of the Cold Water Abyss, inside the clustered Void Snake. We have been hiding in it, so we have no way of knowing its existence. But why is it hiding?"

If he is really the king of the Void Snake, his strength is undoubtedly the most terrifying and powerful!

It takes a lot of effort for the gods to catch the ordinary snake of nothingness.The king of the nihilistic snake can completely despise the gods, why does it hide?


Jun Jiu's eyes flickered, and he said again: "My power has attracted the Snake of the Void, and it seems to have attracted this king, so the Snake of the Void will come to me one after another. It wants my power! "

"Don't even think about it!" Mo Wuyue's golden eyes were cold and his tone was domineering.

Then Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue looked at each other, and after analyzing this, they had almost found a part of the truth.

The king of the void snake exists 100%!
The reason for hiding is either to avoid being injured and avoid being caught by the gods.The king's energy will definitely kill all the snakes of nothingness in an instant, it's delicious!

Or, the King of the Void Snake has reached a certain critical moment, such as a breakthrough!I had to hide and spend this time.

No matter which one it is, it must be stopped in time!

Jun Jiu immediately tried to transmit sound to Da Jiu, but the enchantment of the gods blocked the inside, and neither Jun Jiu nor Mo Wuyue could contact Da Jiu.

After thinking about it, Jun Jiu took out the boundary book and wrote down...

The boundary book refined by Da Jiu is awesome, the information has been successfully transmitted, just wait for Da Jiu to take a look during the melee.

While Jun Jiu was waiting, she didn't wait. She and Mo Wuyue continued to deliberate and analyze. How should the king of the Void Snake be injured?If it is about to break through, how should we deal with it?

After a while, the Boundary Book responded.

Jun Jiu immediately read Da Jiu's reply. Da Jiu knew their guess and had already contacted other gods. They planned to give it a try!
Team up with several powerful gods to directly attack the group of nothingness snakes and dig out the secrets hidden inside!
Da Jiu and the others are very capable of action. When they took the time to reply to Jun Jiu, Da Jiu had already set off with several gods.Avoiding the blocking snake of nothingness, they had no reservations about their strength, they leaped over the snake of nothingness forcefully, and rushed into the depths of the cold water abyss.

Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue looked up at each other when they saw Da Jiu's message, and they immediately teleported out.

Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue teleported outside the barrier, looking for the direction and location, they planned to see with their own eyes what secrets were hidden in the depths of the Cold Water Abyss!

The entire Tianyouhai trembled, and Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue finally found the most suitable angle, which allowed them to see the situation in the depths of the cold water abyss beyond the chaotic and terrifying power.

Cold Water Abyss was already destroyed by the Snake of Nothingness.

Now that Da Jiu and the other gods took action, Hanshuiyuan could not find any outline of the past at all, and it became a ruin under the water, with countless cracks collapsing and spreading out.The huddled Void Snake is just above the ruins.


The group of Void Snakes was attacked, and immediately roared, and the Void Snakes in the distance instantly dropped their opponents and turned their heads to rush back.

Da Jiu shouted angrily: "Stop!"

In fact, it doesn't need to be said by Da Jiu, a group of gods also took action one after another, stopping the snake of nothingness that was rushing back.They all want to find out, what is hidden in the nothingness snake group?
Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue were outside the barrier seal, watching the gods block a group of void snakes, watching Da Jiu and several gods attack the group of void snakes.

The power of the gods is really terrifying, it confuses space and time, and all pictures are blurred. Jun Jiu had to make a trick to activate the magic trick of time to deduce the correct direction.

In the end, Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue successfully saw the secret hidden by the embracing snake of nothingness.

The embracing snake of nothingness was torn apart by Da Jiu and several gods, revealing the space inside, and a small snake of nothingness appeared in everyone's sight.Everyone looked in surprise and was shocked.

Is this the newborn snake of nothingness?

Protected from all nihilistic snakes, what's the difference?
Then, the little Void Snake stretched out its body, and a rumbling and thunderous sound came out of its mouth, directly gaining insight into space and time, and reaching everyone's ears.

There is such power that it should not be called, but He!
He said, "Okay, I'll do it myself!"

The little He opened his mouth and sucked it, and the nihilistic snake that was close to him directly shattered its body, turning into pure power and being sucked into His mouth.There are also Da Jiu and a group of gods who were also sucked out of their divine power by him, and swallowed them domineeringly.

Following the devouring, his body began to emit ten thousand pieces of brilliance.

Da Jiu and the others attacked, intending to devour it.But all of them attacked before him, and were devoured and turned into his food...

(End of this chapter)

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