Chapter 3427
Chapter 3427 swear to each other
"The laws and the consciousness of the world do not allow me to become a god. The snake of nothingness is not even allowed to give birth to wisdom. Our family is a natural god, conceived to refine and improve the strength of the gods. This is the role we were born with."

His tone was mocking and angry.

It would be fine if he was ignorant and unconscious for a lifetime, and finally fell into the hands of the gods and was refined and disappeared, but it happened that he was born with spiritual wisdom and had his own thoughts.He couldn't take it all!
He does not accept what is arranged for him.

He wants to live out his life!
Since his birth and the birth of his intelligence, he has been hiding in the snake of nothingness.Carefully hide yourself, not to be noticed and captured by the gods, and then slowly try to cultivate, and possess powerful power.Later, he became the king of the Void Snakes, able to summon and command all Void Serpents.

He still didn't dare to show his face, and was still hiding carefully, until recently his strength reached a bottleneck.

As long as he breaks through the bottleneck, he can change form, pretend to be a human race or other races, and better avoid the monitoring of laws and world consciousness.Only when he becomes a god can he completely change his own destiny and the destiny of the ethnic group.

At first, he was attracted by Jun Jiu's power.

He doesn't know what a god's spirit body is, he only knows that Jun Jiu's power is pure and holy, cleaner than a god.And Jun Jiu himself is extremely loved by all things in the world!

He has been hiding in the laws and world consciousness, so he is extra sensitive.He felt that the law and world consciousness are partial to Jun Jiu, and Jun Jiu is like the darling of all things in the world.He was moved, if he swallowed Jun Jiu and refined Jun Jiu's power, he would be able to break through the transformation.You can also use Jun Jiu's uniqueness to better cover up and hide yourself until you become a god.

But he failed to capture Jun Jiu once, failed to capture Jun Jiu twice, and the gods came three times.

When he rushed to Jun Jiu himself, he found that Mo Wuyue was extremely dangerous, and it was very difficult for him to get him.Since you can't catch Jun Jiu, then be flexible and make a deal with Jun Jiu, they will cooperate with each other!Helping each other is good for everyone.

"I will give you my power to help you break through and hit the realm of gods. And you, use your advantages to protect me from being discovered by laws and world consciousness, and help me transform into a god!" He continued. .

Jun Jiu raised her eyebrows, now she understands what's going on.

Jun Jiu had an idea in her heart, she didn't say it out, but exchanged eyes with Mo Wuyue.The two have the same mind, and they understand each other's thoughts without opening their mouths.Mo Wuyue's golden eyes darkened, signaling Jun Jiu not to speak yet.

Then Mo Wuyue stared at the king of the Void Snake for a while, and said coldly and mockingly: "This is not cooperation at all, Xiao Jiuer can become a god without you, and the Void Snake is enough for us. Do you think It's impossible to take advantage of it."

"And who knows if what you said is true or not. You have already admitted it yourself, you want to swallow me, maybe one day you will find a chance, and I will lose my life." Jun Jiu said after taking the words.

He moved his body and curled into a twist.

He stared at Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue and shook his head, "As long as you agree to cooperate with me, I will not take action against you. I can swear! The oath is as binding as me. If you don't believe it, you can verify it now! And I don't want your power for nothing."

"After we cooperate, your life is very important to me. You can't die until I become a god! I will protect you. All the gods can't catch me. Although I am not a god yet, my fighting power is comparable to that of a god , It’s not a loss to cooperate with me!”

This is what Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue wanted.

Nothing else is important to them, their status and contacts can obtain countless substitutes.

But helpers, the more the merrier!

Jun Jiu took a fancy to the strength of the Snake King of Nothingness.All the gods can't catch it, so it's okay to let him deal with Arakawa and Shenji.A ready-made thug, but the premise is that he must cooperate and be able to use it.

Mo Wuyue learned of Jun Jiu's thoughts, and after examining him, he also felt that it was feasible.

With his words, Jun Jiu went down the river, and said with hooked lips: "You swear! I swear that you and I just share each other's strength, and you will never have any thoughts of hurting me or the people around me. If I meet If you encounter danger and trouble, you have to help me, and you must not shirk."

"In exchange, I will give you shelter as you said, and do my best to help you become a god! Once you break your oath, you will never be able to become a god for eternity, how?"

Jun Jiu listed all his conditions.

The king of the Void Snake twisted his twisted body again, resting his head on his body, as if he was thinking about Jun Jiu's words.

Soon, he stretched out his body, raised his head and asked Jun Jiu: "I swear, you agree to cooperate with me?"


"Then after I swear, you have to give me the strength first, let me get rid of my current appearance."

Jun Jiu's promised words came to his lips, and he retracted in time, Jun Jiu asked him cautiously: "How much strength do you need?"

"Don't worry, it will only make you feel tired and weak, and will not harm your foundation and vitality. After all, I want to persevere and develop for a long time! Besides, isn't there a blue dragon guarding you by your side? I want more, but he doesn't." Give me a chance." He muttered, his thunderous voice softly whispered a little bit.

Jun Jiu looked at Mo Wuyue and nodded, "That's no problem."

"Okay, I swear!"

The King of the Void Snake immediately swore to Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue, every word clearly stated.After the oath was finished, both Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue felt the power bound by the oath appear, and finally sank into his body.

Jun Jiu also opened his mouth and made an oath.

After Jun Jiu finished swearing, there was an invisible thread connecting Jun Jiu and the Snake King of Nothingness, and there would be no sense of existence at ordinary times.The oath only comes up when it is mentioned, or when someone breaks it.

If you break your oath, you will pay the price!Even the gods are also bound by the oath.

Constrained by the oath, both Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue were relieved, and put away their wariness and killing intent towards the Void Snake.

Then Jun Jiu looked at the King of the Void Snake, who was drooling at her with salivating eyes.Although he knew that He wanted her power, he still couldn't help feeling a chill when he saw his eyes.This guy swallowed even the power of the gods.

Jun Jiu cautiously asked him: "How can I give you strength?"

"Can I have a bite?" He asked.

Mo Wuyue snorted coldly, his golden eyes were as lingering as he was, and asked him, "What do you think?"

He lay down again, then stretched out his little tail, shook his tail at Jun Jiu tentatively, opened his mouth and said, "Let me curl your wrist, or you grab my tail, you must touch me devour."

"When you devoured it before, couldn't you not touch it?"

"They are gods. If I let Tun go, I won't do anything to them. But you are only in the eighth-level god emperor realm, so you have to change your method. If I swallow too much, or if you feel uncomfortable, just throw it away and I will break it." Open devour. It is safer and more secure." He explained.

Jun Jiu understood.

She reached out and grabbed the tip of his tail, it was cool and felt a little weak to the touch.As if grasping something that was not real, Jun Jiu calmed down when he thought of the supernatural power of the snake of nothingness, which is to shuttle between nothingness.

Then, Jun Jiu felt that the tail she was holding was like a black hole, continuously sucking away the power in her body.

Mo Wuyue stretched out his arms to wrap around Jun Jiu's waist, looked at her gravely and worriedly, and asked, "Xiao Jiuer, how do you feel?"


Jun Jiu is a divine body, she recovers very quickly, and the devouring of the Void Snake King will not have much impact.

Time passed bit by bit, and the power in Jun Jiu's body was continuously swallowed and absorbed by the snake of nothingness.Following the devouring, the Void Snake glowed with light again, and then slowly began to float up, stretching and changing in the air.

Only Jun Jiu's tail remained unaffected.

After a long time, Jun Jiu felt a little weak, like the kind of exhaustion that exhausted his strength after fighting for days and nights.Fortunately, with Mo Wuyue, Jun Jiu can relax and lean against Mo Wuyue's arms, warm and reliable.

The gods will automatically restore their strength, but the consumed spirit still needs to be recuperated to recover.

Mo Wuyue stretched out his hand and slapped the tail of the Void Snake King. In the radiance, there was a childish whirr immediately. "It hurts! You are the Canglong, can you pay attention to your own strength?"

(End of this chapter)

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