Chapter 3435 God Bailan
Chapter 3435 God Bailan
Surprise flashed across Jun Jiu's eyes, and then he exchanged a glance with Mo Wuyue, how could a god from another world come to Eastern God Territory?

And just happened to meet them!

Jun Jiu continued to look at the alien god cautiously and calmly.Fair skin, black hair that reaches down to the calves, and a slender figure.The temperament is like an orchid, and it is pleasant to see them smiling slightly, with bright eyes.

The female god looked at Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue in surprise, and was about to walk towards them after speaking.


Mo Wuyue gathered strength with his fingertips, and his golden eyes locked on her dangerously with cold blood.

The female god froze for half a second, then immediately stretched out her hands, and there was nothing on her clean and white fingers.The female god's voice was gentle and pleasant, and she explained: "Don't get me wrong, I don't mean anything malicious, I'm here as a guest in the Eastern God Territory. Your mother and father agreed."

This, Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue don't know, they just came back.

At this moment, Qiongmeng and Yinluo came.

With a flash of divine light, Qiongmeng and Yinluo appeared beside Jun Jiu and the others.The couple first looked at Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue, and Qiong Meng smiled and said, "Welcome home! Is everything going well?"

Yin Luo looked at them, then nodded to the female god.

The female god waved her hand cheerfully and gently, indicating that the family would talk first, and she would stand up.

Mo Wuyue nodded, his tone was cold: "It's okay."

"Not bad, Wuyue and I have gained a lot this time, and this trip is worthwhile." Jun Jiu replied with a smile.

Qiongmeng and Yinluo's expressions softened a bit.

Then Qiongmeng looked at Xiaomian and the others and asked, "Who are they?"

"Xiao Mian, Jiao Sanshan, Guxi, and Jialan are all from the Northern God Territory. When they were in the Northern God Territory, they took refuge in me and Wu Yue, and brought them back." Jun Jiu explained.

Qiongmeng nodded, and he and Yinluo glanced at the four of them.

The monsters, demons and ghosts of the Northern God Territory.There is also a child who looks like a human race, but his strength is quite strong, and he is vaguely similar to Jiu Yatou.There was a god waiting for them, so Qiongmeng and Yinluo didn't look at it in detail, but put it behind their heads after a glance.

Qiongmeng and Yinluo looked at the female gods and introduced each other.

Qiongmeng said: "This is Bailan, the god from another world, our friend. Bailan, this is the son and daughter-in-law of Yinluo and me."

"Yeah, I know them, they are very good juniors!" Bai Lan smiled softly, looked at Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue with admiration and said.

Jun Jiu greeted with a smile, "I have seen the gods."

Mo Wuyue nodded very coldly.

Bai Lan walked over with a smile, "You don't have to call God so unfamiliar, just call me Aunt Bai, can I call you Xiao Jiu?"

Jun Jiu was a little surprised, this god is too kind, is it because of his mother's relatives and friends?

Jun Jiu glanced at Yin Luo, then shook his head and refused.

Only those closest to Xiaojiu would call her that, such as sister.It is impossible for Jun Jiu to agree to other people, at least just acquainted.

Regarding this, Yin Luo gave Jun Jiu a look of support, as long as Jun Jiu likes it, she can do whatever she wants.

Bai Lan was a little sorry to hear that, but she didn't force it.She said: "Well, then I can only call your names."

Qiongmeng: "This is not a place to talk, let's change to another place."

As Qiongmeng said, he turned around and waved his sleeves, and a classical and elegant Shenzhou immediately appeared in midair.Qiongmeng nodded to them, then he and Yinluo flew up first, followed by Bailan.

Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue looked at each other, and decided to follow along to have a look.

The timing of Bai Lan's visit was too coincidental, Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue always had a strange feeling, they wanted to find out the purpose of Bai Lan's visit to Eastern God Territory this time.

Before getting on Shenzhou, Jun Jiu looked at Xiao Mian and the others.

The four of them were very quiet, Xiao Mian was afraid of being recognized, Jiao Sanshan and the others were frightened and hadn't recovered yet.Qiongmeng and Yinluo are not ordinary gods, they are supreme gods!
Jun Jiu said: "Just wait here, we will be back soon."

"Yes!" Jiao Sanshan and the others immediately nodded.

Xiao Mian raised her head, blinked and asked Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue, "Can I go around?"


"Okay." Xiao Mian looked at Zhou vaguely, then sat down on the ground, playing with his clothes.

Anyway, he looks like a three-year-old kid, so it's not against harmony to do so.

Jun Jiu glanced at Xiao Mian again before he and Mo Wuyue flew onto the Shenzhou.

Above the Shenzhou is a small world, a classical and elegant palace, and a fairy-like scenery.Qiongmeng and the three of them were already sitting in the hall, enjoying the scenery while chatting and reminiscing about the old days.

Seeing Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue approaching, Qiong Meng waved to them, and Yin Luo poured two cups of tea for them.

Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue walked over to sit down, Qiong Meng opened his mouth, looked at Jun Jiu with a smile and said, "Bai Lan came here specially for Jiu girl this time."

"For me?" Jun Jiu looked at them in surprise.

Qiong Meng nodded, then looked at Bai Lan, motioning for her to explain herself.

Bai Lan smiled, looked at Jun Jiu with bright eyes and gently explained: "I came here for your strange medicine. I am also a medicine master. By chance, I heard about the strange medicine of the Eastern God Territory through some channels, so I thought I was amazed to find some ways to do it.”

"The alien magic medicine you cultivated is very good! The efficacy and quality of the medicine far exceed the previous magic medicine. Jun Jiu, you have created an era. As a god, I admire you very much. I am also curious about you, so I want to meet you , See with your own eyes how you cultivated the exotic medicine."

Hearing this, the surprise in Jun Jiu's eyes became even deeper.

Knowing the reason for Bai Lan's visit, Mo Wuyue's cold and heartless golden eyes softened a little, at least he was no longer hostile to Bai Lan.But his attitude was still cold, with no interest, let alone respect.

Jun Jiu shook her head: "God, you misunderstood. I did not create the alien medicine. Before me, a senior divine pharmacist created the alien medicine! I cultivated it based on the handbook she left behind. I got a strange medicine."

"Are you right about Shi Lan?" Bai Lan asked with a smile.

Jun Jiu nodded.

Jun Jiu was not surprised that Bai Lan knew Shi Lan's name.

Because Shi Lan later also became a god.Although they have never seen Shi Lan and do not know Shi Lan's whereabouts, but as gods, they must know each other, or know their names.But what surprised Jun Jiu was that when she mentioned Shi Lan, Qiong Meng's expression was a bit regretful.

Did something happen to Shi Lan?

"Shi Lan is my friend. We have studied alchemy and medicine together, and she also told me about exotic medicine." Bai Lan's words attracted Jun Jiu's full attention.

Bai Lan sighed, and continued: "But Shi Lan's process of becoming a god was too bad. After she became a god, she left the Eastern God Territory and wandered in countless worlds. Later, she also lost hope for the exotic medicine, so she gave up. No more research."

"How could this be?" Jun Jiu was stunned in surprise.

"The world is too big, there are countless worlds. I can't find Shi Lan now, and I can't contact her. But I can be sure, if Shi Lan knows your achievements, she will be very happy and feel for you pride!"

Bai Lan smiled, looked at Jun Jiu appreciatively, and continued, "Shi Lan Zeng Jin failed, but now you have succeeded. You have done what Shi Lan failed to do, so you don't need to belittle yourself, and you don't need to deny your contribution. You are Well-deserved, created the era of exotic medicine! You made it brilliant and glorious."

Jun Jiu blushed slightly, and coughed lightly: "I just insisted on my judgment and did what I wanted to do."

"You did very well."

Bai Lan praised, and handed Jun Jiu a small box.

Bai Lan looked at the small box with nostalgic eyes, and said, "This is the letter Shi Lan left for me. It contains her thoughts and experiences. I am very talented and not good at alchemy and exotic medicine. It’s a pity to leave it to me, but now to you.”

"God, this is too expensive, I can't accept it." Jun Jiu quickly refused in surprise.

But Bai Lan's next sentence made Jun Jiu hesitate.

Bai Lan said: "Only you can fulfill Shi Lan's dream. If one day Shi Lan sees your achievements, maybe she will muster up the courage to return to her hometown."

Jun Jiu hesitated.

Ever since she came into contact with the strange medicine, she has always admired this senior who had the courage and strength to pioneer the first medicine, but unfortunately she has never met.

Yin Luo said: "Jiu girl, take it, good things can only be of the greatest effect when they are in the hands of the right people."

(End of this chapter)

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