Chapter 3463 Begins
Chapter 3463 start
Before Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue deal with Shen Ji, Qiong Meng and Yin Luo will do everything they can to keep Arakawa from the border of the Eastern God Territory.

They are not 100% sure.

Because it is possible for Arakawa to bypass the Eastern God Territory and enter the Eastern God Territory through other passages, just like the last time.

There are Dajiu and Yuanqing in Southern God Territory, who can stare at Arakawa.But the Western God Territory and the Northern God Territory cannot be controlled. Even if Qiongmeng and Yinluo communicate with the gods of the two God Territories, they are not 100% sure.

Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue must seize the time and opportunity!
They want to eliminate the threat of Shenji before Arakawa enters the Eastern God Territory!
In the last three months, everything is ready.

In the last two months, all the forces in the Eastern God Territory secretly responded to Cang Jiuzong, acted as Cang Jiuzong's eyeliner, and kept a close eye on Shenji's every move.They don't need to stop Shen Ji, they just need to report Shen Ji's movements to Cang Jiuzong in time.

last month...

Everyone in the Cang Jiuzong has left the customs, no matter what state they are in, everyone is ready to face the battle.

Those who can participate in the war are ready to go.

If you can't, sit guarding Cang Jiuzong and offer your own strength.

The time counted down day by day, until the last three days, Cang Jiuzong lost the whereabouts of Shen Ji.Even Qiongmeng and Yinluo couldn't figure out the position of Shenji.

Shen Ji finally took out her means.

As the supreme god, it is not difficult for her to hide it from Qiongmeng and Yinluo, but what is her first step?
Directly attack Cang Jiuzong?
Cang Jiuzong is fully prepared, Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue are ready to make a killing move at any time, Shenji will definitely not be able to please Cang Jiuzong!

Don't even try to rescue Chengfeng!

In the last two days, Qiongmeng and Yinluo left the Eastern God Territory. They stared at the passage to the boundless world outside the entrance to block Arakawa.

At this time, Shen Ji seemed to have finally remembered Arakawa, she took out the iron plate and contacted Arakawa.

Shenji said: "I'll save the trash son, you go and stop Qiongmeng and Yinluo."

Arakawa: "What do you mean? I am alone, stop the two of them?"

"Don't you dare?" Shen Ji asked sarcastically.

Arakawa's face was contorted.He had already been ridiculed by Shen Ji once, and he didn't want to be ridiculed again, but he didn't dare to slap his swollen face and pretend to be a fat man and say that he could do it.

Arakawa turned a corner, changed the subject and said, "Are you sure you can rescue our son alone?"

"Of course, I can. You just need to hold Qiongmeng and Yinluo so that they can't turn around and come back to help Jun Jiu and the evil emperor. At least seven days to half a month. Arakawa, you can do it, right? " Shen Ji asked in a mocking tone.

Arakawa was silent for a while, then opened his mouth: "I can hold them back."

"Okay! You just need to hold Qiongmeng and Yinluo, and send him out after I rescue the useless son. I will come with you to settle accounts with them!"

"Okay!" Arakawa agreed without hesitation, his expression brightened.

Rescuing Chengfeng is no longer the only goal, he wants revenge!Make them pay the price!

Arakawa and Shen Ji made an agreement, and Shen Ji will be responsible for rescuing Chengfeng.

The last day.

Shen Ji escaped the eyes and ears of everyone, including the gods.

Shen Ji walked into the mountain as if there was no one else around, and the disciples who walked around looked at Shen Ji like nothing else.No one saw Shen Ji, did not notice Shen Ji, Shen Ji entered the house unimpeded.

Sitting in the room with her sleeves raised, Shen Ji glanced around and pursed her lips to pour herself a cup of tea.

The owner of the house has not come back yet!

Shen Ji waited patiently and comfortably~

At dusk, the night is ready to devour the afterglow of dusk.Shen Ji finally waited for the owner of the house to come back, she opened the door and came in, completely unaware of Shen Ji's existence.

Holding a pile of things in her arms, the woman hurriedly walked past Shen Ji and piled all the things on the table.

Then the woman sat at the table, picked up a scroll and read it carefully.

Shen Ji raised her eyebrows, got up and walked to the woman's side to glance at the scroll.With just a glance, Shen Ji raised the corners of her mouth in interest, it still has something to do with her!

Does puppetry to control gods exist?
Can gods share life?

Things like this are all recorded on the scroll.These scrolls also look extremely old and outdated, and the words written on them are handwritings that have been handed down thousands of years ago.The woman also struggled to read, but she took it very seriously.

This is the scroll she found after digging out the entire sect and asking the ancestor-level gods.

She wanted to find out inside, how did Shen Ji disguise herself as Bai Lan and Shi Lan?
She said that she lived and died with Bai Lan and Shi Lan, how did she do it?
Her strength cannot help Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue, so she can only do her best and contribute her strength.But she never imagined that there were still a few hours before the god's oath expired, and the protagonist was staring at her from behind.

She is Nie Xueqing.

In fact, Nie Xueqing was not totally indifferent.

She felt a chill, a slight chill, and her hairs rose in bursts.But she was too focused on the content on the scroll, and thought that this was her teacher, so Nie Xueqing didn't pay attention to other things.

When the time came, a familiar, gentle voice came to my ears.She said, "You have a wrong translation here."

Nie Xueqing froze for a moment, her body stiffened.

When will there be one more person in her room?This voice sounds...

"The meaning here is 'swallow'. These languages ​​were lost thousands of years ago, and it's normal for you to translate them wrong. It's not bad that you can translate here, but there is a better way!"

The familiar and gentle voice smiled and said meaningfully: "Nie Xueqing, you can actually ask me! How did I control Bai Lan and Shi Lan? Why don't you just ask me?"


Nie Xueqing clenched her fists, subconsciously wanting to ask her teacher for help.

But as soon as she moved, her body lost control.Only thoughts are your own, and everything else is controlled by others, just like puppets on strings.

Nie Xueqing was controlled to turn around and looked up at Shen Ji.

Shenji still looks like Bailan now, her smiles are like an orchid flower, her temperament is fresh and refined.But Nie Xueqing looked at her, and the hairs on her back were creeping up. Shen Ji was behind her, and she didn't know it until now!
And her body, when was it recruited?Nie Xueqing has no memory at all.

Shen Ji: "You look like you want to talk, so go ahead."

After the voice fell, Nie Xueqing was able to speak.

Nie Xueqing immediately opened her mouth and said angrily and firmly: "Shenji, don't try to threaten Jun Jiu and the others with me! The people who are important to them are all in Cang Jiuzong, and I am not on the list. It is useless for you to arrest me. Give up !"

"Interesting, you still want to lie to me?"

Shen Ji walked up to Nie Xueqing, stretched out her hand to pinch Nie Xueqing's chin and raised her head.

With her red lips raised, Shenji said, "Do you think I didn't know that Jun Jiu also sent you an invitation? It was you who wanted to find scrolls at the master's gate, so you didn't go to Cang Jiuzong."

Nie Xueqing pursed her lips, a trace of regret flashed in her eyes.

Nie Xueqing really did not expect that Shen Ji would find her!
This is her teacher's door, and it is also protected by the gods, so it should be the safest place.As a result, Nie Xueqing made a miscalculation, not only did Shen Ji come, but no one from her sect noticed.

Shen Ji pinched Nie Xueqing's face, and said meaningfully: "Jun Jiu cares about her relatives and friends very much, and you are one of them."

"It's useless for you to pretend to be me. You can't get in Cang Jiuzong! Someone did this before you. Now Cang Jiuzong is like an iron bucket. You have no chance!" Nie Xueqing said struggling.

Shen Ji smiled, "Who said I'm going to pretend to be you?"

Nie Xueqing suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart.

Instead of arresting her and pretending to sneak into Cang Jiuzong, what was Shenji's plan?
Then, Nie Xueqing saw Shen Ji stretch out her other hand, squeezed a magic formula with her fingertips, and pressed it on Nie Xueqing's forehead.

Shen Ji smiled and whispered: "Don't you really want to know? Soon, you will know how I do it~ Don't worry, the people under my control are living well, and your life is the most useful. It's useless , I will dispose of the waste."

Nie Xueqing lost consciousness and fell into darkness.

The next day, Nie Xueqing's teacher found out that Nie Xueqing was missing!
In Nie Xueqing's room, a jade slip was left.If there is Shenji in it, she is provoking Cang Jiuzong, instead of jumping into the trap prepared by Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue, she dug a trap for them!
Want to save Nie Xueqing?

If you want to save, come to her!
(End of this chapter)

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