Chapter 3498 Who is it?

Chapter 3498 Who is it?

Going up the mountain again, Yang Wu and Haozhi still walked in front.

Yang Wu and the others were condensed by the divine power of the faceless man, and their only memory was the adventure of climbing the mountain.After Jun Jiu, Mo Wuyue, and Xiao Mian died once, their memories were refreshed, they were reintroduced, and they climbed the mountain again.

Jun Jiu, Mo Wuyue and Xiao Mian walked behind, silent for a long time.

They are all thinking.

First, they didn't expect the faceless man to be such a fool!
The nine lives agreed to be shared among the three of them.Why is it that if one person guesses wrong, everyone must die?
The feeling of death made Jun Jiu, Mo Wuyue and Xiao Mian extremely unhappy!

In addition, they were also given a warning.

Guess wrong once, and all three will lose their lives.There are two red lines left in their hands, which means that they only have two chances, and they guessed wrong the last two times. Will waiting for them be the real death?

Jun Jiu, Mo Wuyue, and Xiao Mian all had their cards hidden, but they didn't want to lose the bet twice and take a chance.

The best thing is to find the real body of the faceless man!
He has already guessed wrong once, so Yi Tian can be ruled out.Yangwu, Xixi, Haozhi and Zifu were left, Jun Jiu and the others followed slowly, sizing up the four with dark eyes.

Zi Fu's suspicion is still the lowest, Yang Wu, Xi Xi and Hao Zhi three people guess the chance of betting twice.

Who to choose?
Jun Jiu: "Observe and observe again, and see if you can find any similarities with the faceless man."

"I've only seen a faceless man once, Jun Jiu, you and the evil emperor, please tell me, so I can investigate together." Xiao Mian opened her mouth and said.

Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue looked at each other, it was also the first time they saw a faceless man.But before entering the black vortex, they had contact, Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue pondered for a while, and then told Xiao Mian after summarizing.

The first contact with the faceless man was from Shen Ji!

Although Jun Jiu and the others didn't realize it at the time, Qiongmeng and Yinluo found the imprint of the faceless man on Shenji's soul.

Then the faceless man robbed Shang Lang of a ray of soul power, pretended to be Shang Lang and tricked them out to see the black vortex... Then, he came in and saw the faceless man...

Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue summed it up, the most recognizable is the purple-black power and the appearance of the greedy hand.

"But they are all ordinary people, they don't even have spiritual power, so they can't see their strength at all." Xiao Mian stared at Yang Wu and the others, and whispered.

Yang Wu and the others looked like mortals, and they were excited and excited when they first climbed the mountain.At this moment, I was exhausted and out of breath, and I had to stop and rest after climbing too far.In order not to violate the peace, Jun Jiu and the others had to pretend to be tired and rest together.

For ordinary people, climbing this sacred mountain is very difficult and hard, and the speed of Yang Wu and others is getting slower and slower.

But none of them gave up.

Even Yi Tian, ​​who is the most taciturn and has no sense of presence, has always been determined to climb the mountain.

While they were resting, Jun Jiu went over to test Zi Fu, intending to break through from her.Jun Jiu walked over, handed Zifu a water bottle, and said with a smile, "This is mountain spring water, very sweet."

"Thank you." Zi Fu was pleasantly surprised, and welcomed Jun Jiu to sit down.

Hao Zhi and Yang Wu looked at it, but they were not wary of Jun Jiu, they smiled and nodded to say hello, and then casually chatted with Jun Jiu and Zi Fu.

Jun Jiu asked Zi Fu: "Why do you have to climb up the mountain? Are there any good things on the mountain?"

"Of course! Have you forgotten? There are immortals on the mountain, and if you find an immortal, you can learn skills from a teacher. This is the common goal of all of us! Didn't you agree with Yang Wu?" Zi Fu asked Jun Jiu in surprise.

Jun Jiu was a little surprised, she dismissed it lightly, and nodded: "I know, but I think immortals are too illusory, and it is more realistic to have other good things to lure."

"You're right, even if you find a fairy, they probably won't want us." Zifu smiled, looking quite open.

But Yang Wu and the others were not happy when they heard it, and they all refuted Zifu, there must be immortals on the sacred mountain!
Then, Jun Jiu secretly guided them, and successfully found out their origins from them.Yang Wu and the others all grew up in the same city, and the five childhood sweethearts have the closest relationship.It was also their joint decision to go to the holy mountain to take the risk of encountering immortals.

Yang Wu is the planner of this adventure plan, Xixi and Zifu pursued and believed in him, and chose to participate.

Haozhi followed because he was worried about them.

As for Yi Tian, ​​he has always been everyone's decision-maker, he echoes and keeps up, and rarely has his own opinion.

After listening to Jun Jiu, she got a better understanding of the relationship between the five people, and then she returned to Mo Wuyue and Xiao Mian.Xiao Mian looked at her eagerly, "How is it, do you have any useful information?"

"Yes." Jun Jiu nodded.

Jun Jiu starts by analyzing the personalities of the five people.

Yang Wu is the most enthusiastic and lively, and he is also the one who makes up his mind. The others basically gather around him.Yang Wu is a bit like the faceless man, he will never waver when he is determined, he is very stubborn and firm.

Xixi is calm and reliable, doesn't talk much, and doesn't quite match up with the faceless man.

Then Haozhi is sharp and vigilant, with a strong momentum!Haozhi is similar to the faceless man, that is, he is unknowingly domineering, does not allow others to refute, and always controls the field back secretly.

Needless to say, Yitian, they had already guessed wrong once.

As for Zifu, Jun Jiu found that the other four young men had more or less admiration for Zifu.Yang Wu's performance is obvious, Xixi and Haozhi are restrained emotions, and Yitian dare not show it.

Jun Jiu continued: "Let's guess between Yang Wu and Hao Zhi first."

Xiao Mian: "Guess now?"

"No." Mo Wuyue shook his head, his golden eyes stared coldly at Yang Wu and the others and said, "Observe for a while."

Jun Jiu and Xiao Mian nodded in agreement.

They have already suffered a loss, and there are only two chances left, it is best to be cautious!
At this time, Yang Wu and the others had rested enough and set off to continue climbing.Jun Jiu, Mo Wuyue, and Xiao Mian followed in silence. Although they pretended to be as tired as Yang Wu and the others, they were praised by Yang Wu and the others for their strength.

When they climbed halfway up the mountain, they saw a lake in the mountain.

Crystal clear and beautiful like sapphires, Yang Wu and the others all ran over, circling the lake excitedly, looking like immature children.

Jun Jiu and the others didn't go there, they were not far away, quietly watching Yang Wu and the others.

The choice between Yangwu and Haozhi is uncertain.

Until they plan to spend the night by the lake.By the bonfire in the middle of the night, when five young men and women began to narrate their wishes, Jun Jiu and the others only got a glimpse of the outline.

It was Yang Wu who spoke first, and said triumphantly, "I hope I can become a master of immortals, become a big man who can call the wind and rain, and travel around the world in the future!"

"I hope the five of us will be together forever and never be separated." Xixi smiled, his tone was very casual, but his expression was serious.

It's Haozhi's turn.

Haozhi snorted softly, looked at his good friends with distaste, and said, "With Yang Wu's character, I don't know how many troubles I have caused when I go out. I'm afraid I have to become stronger and wipe your ass."

"Hao Zhi, you can't look down on me, I can solve it myself! My fist, one hit two is no problem!" Yang Wu said unhappily.

The result was everyone's laughter.

Yang Wu became even more unhappy, and brought the topic to Zifu, "Little Fu, tell me about your wish!"

Sure enough, everyone's attention was drawn to Zifu, looking forward to her answer.

Zifu pretended to be thinking seriously, whetted everyone's appetite, then she looked at Xixi and said, "I hope to be with my sweetheart forever."

It's not a hint, it's nothing less than an indication.

In an instant, the campfire became quiet, and everyone looked at Zifu with different expressions.

Zifu is generous, not worried about everyone's reaction, just watching Xixi wink at him, smiling sweetly and beautifully.

On the other side, seeing this good show, Xiao Mian let out a wow, and immediately winked at Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue.It's bloody!It never occurred to her that the only girl she liked would be Xixi.

Because of Zifu's confession, the rest of the night became somewhat silent.

Until the sun rose, Yang Wu's enthusiasm once again lit up the atmosphere of the team, and he eagerly and joyfully urged everyone to leave quickly.They have only climbed halfway up the mountain, and there is still a long way to go!

And Jun Jiu and the others finally locked on their target.

(End of this chapter)

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