Chapter 3527
Chapter 3527 Acting, devouring the dragon's body

The voice of the faceless man suddenly appeared in the minds of Qiongmeng and Qiongcang, "Do you want to put on a play?"

Everyone:? ?

Everyone stared at the hand of greed in confusion, acting?What's the meaning?
The faceless man: "Ying Tian will not let Jun Jiu go. Although he can't leave his territory easily, he is not helpless. Without Mori Ye, there will be another one until he comes. You can't even deal with Mori Ye It’s all difficult, there’s nothing else to say.”

Everyone's faces darkened, staring at the hands of greed and saying nothing.

They knew that the man without a face was telling the truth, but no matter how they heard it, they didn't like it!

Mo Wuyue's golden eyes were cold-blooded, and he asked the faceless man: "What's the use of acting?"

"Temporarily draw Yitian's attention away, so that he can't take care of Jun Jiu, and buy you time." The faceless man replied.

It sounded like they were thinking about them, but Mo Wuyue and Qiong Meng didn't believe what the faceless man said, and they had great doubts about his words.It's just that they have no other choice, so they have to stop.

The faceless man told Mo Wuyue and the others about his new plan.

After listening, Mo Wuyue, Qiongmeng and the others not only had doubts in their eyes, but also fear and hostility.acting?Who knows if a man without a face will be able to make a fake show for real!

Da Jiu hugged her chest and said, "Unless you swear!"

Faceless Man: ...

He also wanted to swear, but he swore to swear by his real name, and he couldn't remember his identity at all.Jun Jiu, Mo Wuyue and Xiao Mian knew about it, but they had tampered with their memories after being sealed by him, so they couldn't tell him now.The faceless man fell silent, he actually cheated himself!

The faceless man fell silent.

Mo Wuyue, Qiong Meng and the others silently approached Jun Jiu, protecting Jun Jiu, and guarding against Mori Ye and the invisible faceless man.

Their conversation was kept secret throughout, and Mori Ye couldn't hear it.But Sen Ye saw the changes in Mo Wuyue and Qiong Meng's expressions, as well as the change in their momentum, and Sen Ye rolled his eyes.They seem to be in conflict, he has a chance?
At this moment, Mori Ye felt a deadly sense of creepiness.

Then Mori Ye saw another greedy hand spreading from the boundless darkness, wrapping him completely around him.In the next second, the excruciating pain came, and Mori Ye couldn't help screaming.

In the eyes of Mo Wuyue and the others, they saw a terrifying scene.

Mori Ye was wrapped around two greedy hands, and then another greedy hand stretched out, pulling Mori Ye's soul out of the dragon's body.The art of drawing souls is no different from searching for souls, it is an extremely cruel and terrifying forbidden art.

Performing this technique on the Canglong who is stronger than the Supreme God, and it is easy to succeed without any effort.The terrifying strength of the faceless man once again refreshed Mo Wuyue and Qiongmeng's evaluation and speculation about him.

The power of a faceless man is beyond their imagination!

Similarly, Yitian, the faceless man's enemy, is also a terrifying existence.

Mori Ye's screams were restrained by the faceless man, they couldn't hear Mori Ye's screams, they could only watch.Because Jun Jiu had her eyes closed and was concentrating on performing Yushen Jue, she didn't know what was going on outside.

Forcibly separating Mori Ye's soul from the dragon's body, Mori Ye was severely injured and became weaker and miserable.

Only then did the faceless man speak: "I can kill all of you directly, there is no need to act with you. I can promise you that I will not touch you at all, and I will not hurt Jun Jiu."

"Sen Ye is ready, are you ready?" the faceless man asked Mo Wuyue and the others.

Mo Wuyue, Qiongmeng, and Dajiu looked at each other, and they already had an answer during the exchange of eye contact.

Qiongmeng asked: "Do we all need to go up together?"

"No need. The gods in power in Eastern God Territory and Southern God Territory can't participate, neither can the two of them, only you a few dragons can." The faceless man said, his power was like a breeze blowing harmlessly across Qiongyu and their surroundings, Circle them.

In the end, Mo Wuyue, Xiao Mian, Qiong Meng, Yin Luo, Da Jiu and Yuan Qing did not participate.Only Qiongyu, Qiongcang and several Canglongs who came from the Canglong Clan could participate.

The faceless man continued: "You were chasing and killing Mori Ye. Canglong is one of the most powerful ancient protoss in countless worlds. You fighting and fighting are enough to arouse my interest. Then I ate you all, Yitian When you notice it, you will only stare at me and ignore you."

That's the idea of ​​the faceless man.

If it cannot be avoided, then transfer the firepower!
Yitian has not seen him for 2000 years.He ate Sen Ye, who had the brand of Yi Tian on his body, and Yi Tian would immediately come after him when he noticed it.At that time, Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue will be insignificant, at least Yi Tian won't be able to think of them in a short time.

Since Mo Wuyue and Qiong Meng did not participate, the right to choose is in the hands of Qiong Kang and Qiong Yu.

Qiongcang and Qiongyu immediately nodded in agreement without hesitation.

Because although the faceless man's plan has elements of acting, it also has real elements.That's Sen Ye!The separation of the dragon body and the soul is the biggest blow to Mori Ye. His cultivation will drop and he will not be able to return to his peak.

The faceless man will also actually eat Mori Ye's dragon body, leaving only Mori Ye's soul in Jun Jiu's hands, and let Jun Jiu continue to use the God Control Art until he succeeds.

Qiongcang and the others agreed, and the faceless man waved his hand immediately, dragging Sen Ye's dragon body into the boundless darkness.Then stretched out an empty greedy hand, and let Qiong Kung and all the dragons stand up.

They are going to change places!
Mo Wuyue, Qiong Meng, and Yin Luo couldn't go there, but they could see the situation on the other side through the magic mirror left by the faceless man.

Soon, the Greedy Hand and the firmament all disappeared.In the magic mirror, from darkness to light, a completely strange place appeared, a place they had never been to.Only Yuanqing had a little impression, he told Qiongmeng and the others that this was a dead place with no life.

Many gods who fight to the death will choose to fight here.

Since Mori Ye was hunted down by the Canglong Clan, it was normal for him to fight here, and Yitian would not doubt it.

Then, Qiongmeng, Yinluo and Mo Wuyue saw Qiongkong and they were acting.Mori Ye's dragon body was under the control of a faceless man. He pretended to be Mori Ye and Qiong Cang, and they fought fiercely. It was more thrilling and bloody than before, and there were many dangers.

They fought violently, and the sound of the fight spread far and far, until it attracted the hands of greed.

The Greedy Hand appeared, directly killing all the blue dragons who were on the verge of dying and whose fighting power was greatly reduced.The greedy hand grabbed all the blue dragons domineeringly and greedily.Because of the huge body of the Canglong, greedy hands appeared one after another.

It wasn't until more than 20 shots emerged that they were enough to entangle Qiong Kang and them all, and then dragged them into the crack of the world.The expressions on Qiongcang and the others were so painful and real that both Qiongmeng and Yinluo couldn't help but sweat.

Is it really acting?

Fortunately, soon Qiongcang, Qiongyu and the others were fine, and there were quite a few of them, and they were all sent back by the faceless man.Qiongmeng and Yinluo let go of their apprehension.

Acting must deceive Yitian, but fighting must be real.Qiongcang and Qiongyu were all injured, and it was true that they were dying. After they came back, they just sat cross-legged on the floor and meditated, and they didn't even have the time to say hello to Qiongmeng and Yinluo.

Although they were badly injured, Qiongcang and the others looked happy and happy!
Mori's night is over!

They saw with their own eyes the hands of greed tearing up and devouring Sen Ye's dragon body in front of them.There are two strongest Canglongs, one is the dragon body and the other is the soul.

If one of the two is missing, even if Canglong survives, he will forever lose the chance to become stronger.And it will continue to weaken over time, and its cultivation will regress until it dies!
Now Sen Ye has no dragon body, only the soul is curled up here.

Dying, I don't even have the strength to move.Jun Jiu doesn't know what's going on outside, but she just knows that she suddenly relaxed a lot when she used the God-God Art, and Mori Ye's huge soul seems to be a little smaller?
Jun Jiu concentrated on it and remained unmoved by the outside world until the net of Yushen Jue completely enveloped Mori Ye's soul.

Then the net tightened, and Jun Jiu's power submerged into Mori Ye's soul, thus controlling him!

Jun Jiu unexpectedly discovered that everything was incredibly easy, and Mori Ye didn't struggle or resist at all!what happened?

When Jun Jiu opened her eyes, she learned from Mo Wuyue and the others what she had missed.

(End of this chapter)

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