Chapter 3534

Chapter 3534 Meeting Udon at the Post Station

Three months later, the station of the Boundless World Passage.

Jun Jiu, Mo Wuyue, and Xiao Mian also passed by and saw the station, so they knew that there is such a thing as a station in the passage of the boundless world.

The post station here is roughly the same as the well-known post station. It is a transit hub, a place to rest halfway, safe and reliable to restore strength.However, due to the existence of boundless world passages in the post station, those who come and go here are all at the peak of the emperor, or the realm of the gods.

Now Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue arrived at the second station they saw on the road.

The appearance of the first station surprised Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue.After carefully inquiring, I found out the function and safety of the station.

The passages of the boundless world are endless, and even the supreme gods cannot peek into the borders.Boundless passages, only boundless darkness, too dead and dull.Once you lose your way in it, not to mention greatly delaying the itinerary, you may lose your life and never go back.

Thus, The Post was born.

No one knows who built the station.I only know that every long distance, there will be a post station, which can be used by the gods who are on a long journey to rest and adjust their breath.

It was also the first time for Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue to travel so far before they knew the existence of the station.

In the post station, there is also a teleportation array that can shorten the distance, but it requires a huge price to activate it once!

The crystal of divine power, a crystal stone condensed by the power of the gods themselves, acts like a spirit crystal.However, it is far more than spirit crystals, and it takes a lot of power to condense a crystal of divine power. The purer the divine power, the better the crystal of divine power.

With the idea of ​​giving it a try, Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue tried the teleportation array once.

A crystal of divine power was condensed by Mo Wuyue, which directly shortened the journey by at least two months, and sent Jun Jiu, Mo Wuyue, and Xiao Mian to the second station.

The original journey of at least half a year has been shortened by three months. If they can see the post station earlier, they can save more time.The benefits of the teleportation array at the post station made Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue feel amazing, and there are indeed all kinds of wonders in the Great Thousand World.

Mori Ye was able to rush to the Eastern God Territory so quickly, did he use the post station teleportation array?
Using the teleportation array also has some sequelae.

It feels like a protracted battle, exhausted and in a trance, not suitable for using the teleportation array, nor suitable for long-distance travel.Jun Jiu, Mo Wuyue and Xiao Mian temporarily stayed in the second inn, adjusted their breathing and meditated, and then set off after recovering.

Living in the station, what you pay is also the crystal of divine power.

Moreover, each person has one crystal of divine power, and the cost is extremely expensive and extravagant.However, it is worthwhile to have a place to settle down in the boundless world and to inquire about news.

This time, Jun Jiu will condense the three crystals of divine power.She is a god with a breakthrough in the spirit body, and her divine power is far stronger and more majestic than the gods of the same realm. There is no pressure for Jun Jiu to condense three crystals of divine power, and she can do it very easily.

Living in the post station, Jun Jiu, Mo Wuyue and Xiao Mian wore cloaks and sat in the corner listening to the gossip exchanges between the gods in the post station.

These gods travel to and from different worlds, and Jun Jiu and the others listened with great interest to the new things they talked about, and it also opened their eyes.

The gods are all gossip, not a rare thing, so they are not hiding it from anyone.What's more, it is inexplicably proud and fulfilling to get the amazed gaze of the gods of the same realm, and I will not shy away from it.

This post station is only half a year away from Tianyi World, and there is a post station teleportation array as a means of transportation, so it is relatively close.Therefore, some gods also talked about the Tianyi world.

They dared not mention Yitian's name, so they used him instead.

In the mouth of the gods, Yitian is an extremely terrifying and cruel existence!

The Tianyi world where Yitian sits, and dozens of worlds around it, are all under the applause of Yitian.The gods in the world he controlled had no status, and the gods in the station were all sympathetic.

The gods from the outside world, if it is not necessary, will not go to the Tianyi world at all!

It is easy to go, but difficult to leave.

No one wanted to offend Yitian, nor wanted to be caught in Yitian's eyes and be detained in Tianyi World.In the mouths of the gods, the world of Tianyi is just like a magic cave, and it is impossible to hide from it.

Jun Jiu, Mo Wuyue and the others listened, and couldn't help but glance at each other, communicating in secret.

This is something they didn't find out from Mori Ye's mouth.

Jun Jiu can only simply control Mori Ye, and what Mori Ye says is what he wants to say.If he refuses to say it, Jun Jiu can't pry his mouth open, let alone search for his soul.For example, at the post station, Mori Ye kept it a secret, and another example was Tianyi World, which was easy to enter and difficult to exit.

Every god who enters the Tianyi world will be targeted!

Jun Jiu is not worried about this.

After ten years of practice and study, Jun Jiu has mastered the forbidden techniques, secret techniques and other magical techniques related to the gods and spirits in his memory. Among them is the secret technique of restraining and hiding his own blood.

Jun Jiu now hides his identity as a god spirit body.The secret technique is very powerful, as long as she doesn't make a move, others will not be able to detect that she is a spirit body.

The Canglong clan has always been domineering and belligerent, they have never restrained their status, and have no relevant magic formulas.

Fortunately, Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue put on the cloak refined by Yuan Qing, on which Yuan Qing carefully arranged the forbidden array of divine power, which could cover one or two.

Xiaomian is even easier!

He is the Snake King of Nothingness, he is good at concealing and restraining himself, and can easily deal with other people's prying eyes.

They also arranged for new identities.

Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue are still a couple, and Xiao Mian has become their junior.In the eyes of other gods, they came out of the same sect, and the senior brother and senior sister are the most powerful, and they brought the junior brother out to practice.

This combination is common and nothing special.

As for Jun Jiu and the three of them all wearing cloaks to hide their identities and appearances, that's even more common!In the station, many gods are dressed like this.

Jun Jiu, Mo Wuyue and Xiao Mian stayed at the inn for three days, and they spent three crystals of divine power a day, nine of which were spent in three days.They had almost listened to the gossip, and they were ready to set off on the fourth day. They did not use the post station to send the array, and continued to use the Shenzhou to go to the Tianyi world.

The information they learned from the mouths of the gods made Jun Jiu and the others decide to slow down the journey and practice more on the way.Half a year's journey is enough for them to improve their strength a little bit.

But I didn't expect that the plan could not keep up with the changes!
On the fourth day, when Jun Jiu and the others walked out of the room, they found that the atmosphere in the entire inn was very frozen, so depressing that people could not breathe.

The situation is not right!

Jun Jiu, Mo Wuyue and Xiao Mian looked at each other vaguely, then calmly went downstairs to the lobby.

The lobby is a place where the gods gossip, and there are always people there no matter what time of day it is.It's the same now, except that none of the gods sitting in the lobby said a word, and all hung their heads in silence, drinking tea silently.

It was a strange woman sitting in the lobby that caused this scene.

She turned her back to Jun Jiu and the others, only seeing a slender figure, a head of long black curly hair, and a thick and long black snake tail under the skirt.

Generally, no matter what race, after reaching a certain level of cultivation, they will choose to transform into the most popular human form.Except for a few who prefer the original form, or who want to maintain the strongest combat power at all times, they will have appearances other than human forms.

This woman has a snake tail, what does she look like?

I don't know who she is, who can make all the gods in the lobby silent like statues, and no one dares to break the silence.

The arrival of Jun Jiu, Mo Wuyue and Xiao Mian, the sound of footsteps broke the silence, and the gods looked over vaguely.The look in their eyes made Jun Jiuyi feel like a warrior for a moment.

Then the woman with snake tail also moved.

She turned sideways and looked up at Jun Jiu and the others.It also showed her beautiful face and two pairs of dark eyes on her face, which made her feel extremely inhuman!

The woman with snake tail is Udon!
She took Yitian's order and went to the Eastern God Territory to arrest Jun Jiu.But when she packed up and was ready to go, she was secretly obstructed by two powerful beings, Xixi and Zifu, and Udon finally left the Tianyi world after a lot of effort.

After wasting time, Udon was dissatisfied and did not dare to complain to the two powerful beings, let alone complain to his master.As we all know, Xixi and Zifu are childhood sweethearts of the owner who grew up!

Udon can only come to the post station, and plans to use the post station to teleport the formation, and rush to the Eastern God Territory as quickly as possible to arrest people!
Seeing Jun Jiu and the others, the cloak concealed his identity and appearance, Udon didn't know that the person he wanted to catch was right in front of him...

(End of this chapter)

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