The Evil Emperor's Pampering: Divine Doctor Ninth Miss

Chapter 3536 Couples on the same road

Chapter 3536 Couples on the same road

Chapter 3536 couples on the same road

Jun Jiu, Mo Wuyue, and Xiao Mian came out from the teleportation array of the post station, and looked at each other, the faces of the three of them were a little gloomy.

Although they don't know the origin of Udon's identity, but the threat they feel from Udon makes them confirm without hesitation that Udon is a member of Yitian!

Mori Ye is dead, Udon is 100% here to catch Jun Jiu instead of Mori Ye.

I didn't expect them to run into each other at the post station!
Although Udon didn't realize their identities, Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue still didn't heave a sigh of relief. They felt that they had to leave here as soon as possible!

Xiao Mian also had a very strong premonition. He looked at Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue and said, "This is the station closest to Tianyi World, isn't it? Let's go immediately and go to Tianyi World to hide. It will be exposed."

"Well, go now!" Jun Jiu nodded.

Mo Wuyue took Jun Jiu's hand and teleported away from the station, followed by Xiao Mian.

There are also many gods here at this station, and they don't care when they see them coming and going in a hurry.Most of Xin Dao was hunted down by others, this kind of thing is not uncommon.

But no one expected that Udon, who left here after a while, would teleport back!

As soon as Udon came back, he was asking about the whereabouts of the three people just now.After getting the answer, Udon immediately changed back to his original form and rushed out, leaving the gods with lingering fears, looking at me and looking at you, and couldn't help gossiping after the panic.

Who were those three people just now?
Why did Udon hunt them down?

Someone suggested: "Shall we follow up and take a look? It must be a big deal!"

"Forget it. Udon kills people without blinking an eye. If she catches someone, she will be in a good mood to kill a few more. If she doesn't catch someone, she will be in a bad mood. Who can stand the killing spree?"

"Exactly! Udon is a well-known female butcher, and she is also the confidant of that existence. Let's avoid it if we can't afford it."

The proposed god had no choice but to give up the idea angrily.

I want to watch the excitement, but life is more important!

Besides, Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue were vigilant in their hearts, and they rushed at full speed as soon as they left the station.Coupled with the time difference with Udon, when they arrived at the entrance of Tianyi World, Udon hadn't caught up yet.

But Jun Jiu, Mo Wuyue, and Xiao Mian all felt the sense of crisis coming from a distant place behind them, like the god of death approaching with a butcher's knife.

Jun Jiu and the others looked at each other, and rushed into the entrance of Tianyi World without hesitation.

Every god realm that enters and exits the Tianyi world will be targeted!Regarding this point, Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue were already prepared, they took out a lamp refined by Yin Luo.

Yinluo has the talent to create the world and life, and this alone can compare with countless gods and supreme beings.It also made the Supreme God not dare to touch Yinluo easily.

Yin Luo is protected by rules and world consciousness!
Yinluo used this to refine a special restraining interest lamp.

Every time Yinluo and Qiongmeng go to the world created by Yinluo, they will light up the restraining lamp. Under the protection of rules and world consciousness, even the gods who are more powerful than Yinluo and Qiongmeng can't spy on their tracks.The world created by Yin Luo could not be found.

Before this world matures, no one can be found and no one can go except Yinluo and Qiongmeng.

Yin Luo gave Jun Jiu the lamp to hold back the breath.The lamp is like a small tree the size of a palm, and the small leaves on the branches bend upwards, holding the shining lamp beads.

Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue were holding hands, and Xiao Mian stood tightly against Mo Wuyue's other side, all three of them were shrouded in the light of the restraining lamp.With the help of the restraining lamp, Jun Jiusan and the others successfully avoided the investigation at the entrance of Tianyi World.

No one knew that three people had quietly entered the Tianyi world.

Wait until you pass through the passage and come to Tianyi World.Jun Jiu and the others looked in a random direction, flew down, broke through the clouds, and finally landed on a mountain top.

The mountain was undulating, and the mountain they settled on was smaller than the surrounding ones, very inconspicuous.The dense forest is just right for them to hide their bodies.

After Jun Jiu, Mo Wuyue and Xiao Mian hid in the forest, they put away the restraining lamp.

Yinluo's divine power injected into the Xixi Lamp is limited, so use a little less.The Xixi Lamp might have more important uses in the future, so Jun Jiu and the others saved their use, and put away the Xixi Lamp after successfully entering the Tianyi World.

They did not leave in a hurry, but sat cross-legged on the spot, feeling the spiritual power of this world.

The power of Tianyi World is very similar to that of Eastern God Territory, but it is more pure and rich.Just like the place Jun Jiu and the others chose randomly, this place is still at the edge of the Tianyi world, and its spiritual power is comparable to the place with the purest spiritual power in the Eastern God Territory.It is not inferior to Cang Jiuzong.

This should be due to the fact that there are many gods living there. The power of the gods has transformed the world, allowing the aura of heaven and earth to be qualitatively elevated.

The Tianyi world is divided into the Upper God Realm and the Lower God Realm.

For the time being, Jun Jiu and the others couldn't imagine what it would be like for a god not liked by Yi Tian to be forced to live with monks?
They can only know this by witnessing it with their own eyes.

Now, Jun Jiu and the others adjust their breath and meditate, first adapting to the power of Tianyi World.Try to stay close to this world, and make yourself look more like a local monk in this world, rather than an outsider.

Jun Jiu is in the realm of the gods, Mo Wuyue is only one thunder calamity away from the realm of the gods, and Xiao Mian is also very close to the realm of the gods.It only took the three of them half an hour to fully integrate into this world, completely dissipating the breath of outsiders.

Although integrated into this world, Jun Jiu and the others still did not take off their cloaks.

Standing up and looking around, Jun Jiu and the others chose to go east and find a city to settle down first.Then inquire about the recent situation of Tianyi World.

In order not to attract attention, Jun Jiu and the others walked down the mountain with both feet.There are several roads down the mountain, and they picked one at random. They never expected that as soon as they reached the foot of the mountain, they looked up and saw a man and a woman standing in front of them.They blocked Jun Jiu's path.

How could anyone?
Mingming Junjiu and the others were extra cautious, and used their spiritual sense to explore the way in advance. The neighborhood is desolate and quiet, and there are only three of them.

Where did this man and woman come from?
Jun Jiu, Mo Wuyue, and Xiao Mian looked at each other, secretly alert, looking at a man and a woman with cold eyes.

A man and a woman also noticed them and turned to look at them.The eyes of the two sides met, Jun Jiu and the others were shocked when they saw the appearance of a man and a woman.

Who are they?

Why do you feel so familiar!
Just as the sense of familiarity emerged, two names, Xixi and Zifu, suddenly appeared in my mind.

It's as if they've seen and known this man and woman before, but it's been so long that they've forgotten.I didn't remember until we met again.But this is impossible, Jun Jiu and the others came to Tianyi World for the first time!
Unless...Jun Jiu and the others remembered the memory sealed and tampered with by the faceless man.

Could these two people named Xixi and Zifu be the characters that appeared in this memory?

Similar to the shocked mood of Jun Jiu and the others, when Xixi and Zifu saw Jun Jiu and the others, even though they were covered by a cloak, they felt an inexplicable impulse in their hearts.They knew, met these three people!

Just like the vague feeling that suddenly appeared in their hearts not long ago!
Ten years, to Xixi and Zifu, is not long ago.

Time means nothing to them.

The two sides confronted each other, no one spoke, and the atmosphere was a little frozen.

It was Mo Wuyue who spoke first, and said in a cold and hostile voice, "Both of you, you are blocking the way."

"It's okay, we're going the same way," Xixi said.

Zifu smiled kindly at them, took Xixi's words and added: "We are waiting for you!"

Jun Jiu and the others immediately got ready to do it!

Seeing this, Zifu quickly explained: "Don't get me wrong! We husband and wife are not your enemies. On the contrary, we are here to help and protect you!"

"Are you kidding us?" Xiao Mian gritted her teeth and said angrily.

How could the people of Tianyi World help them and protect them?
If you lie to a child, the child will not believe it!

Xixi took Zifu's hand, "Fu'er, let me talk."

"Okay." Zifu nodded, and handed over the right to speak to Xixi.

Xixi is handsome and calm, with every word and deed, there is a coercion that has accumulated for thousands of years in every gesture.However, Xixi controlled it very well, only making people feel that he was powerful and invincible, not that he was so uncomfortable that he couldn't breathe, and his legs were weak and he knelt down.

Xixi said: "You have felt my strength, if I came to catch you and kill you, I would have done it long ago without needing to talk nonsense."

"Maybe you have another purpose." Jun Jiu looked at him coldly and said.

(End of this chapter)

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