Chapter 3579 Udon Soul Girl Appears
Chapter 3579 Udon and Soul Girl Appear

In the end, Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue chose to trust Lu Sheng.

They and Lu Sheng did not interfere with each other and kept in touch with each other, Jun Jiu, Mo Wuyue and Xiao Mian continued to participate in the auction.Even if they could get the next day's auction list one day in advance every day, and there was nothing Jun Jiu and the others were interested in, they still went.

Look more, look more, Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue have integrated into the auction city, no different from other people here.

Occasionally, Jun Jiu and the others would go to some parties with Hu Jiaojiao and Yuan Rui to meet and make friends with the powerful gods in the Tianyi world...

Time flies.

Five days passed in a blink of an eye, Jun Jiu, Mo Wuyue, and Xiao Mian had already thoroughly grasped the inside and outside of the auction city.

On this day, Jun Jiu and the others once again followed Hu Jiaojiao and Yuan Rui to a banquet hosted by Baili's friends.At the banquet, Jun Jiu and the others keenly noticed that the expressions of the guests were a little strange.

They whispered to each other from time to time, using barriers to isolate the inside and outside, so that no one could know what they were talking about.

From time to time, they raised their heads in unison to look outside the auction city, their spiritual senses looked into the distance, wondering what they were looking at?
Hu Jiaojiao narrowed her eyes, and said to Jun Jiu and the others: "Go to Senior Brother Baili first, and I'll ask what happened."

"Okay, I will take Junior Sister Jun and the others." Yuan Rui nodded.

Hu Jiaojiao separated from them.

Hu Jiaojiao is a celebrity, and she is also a coquettish and stunning beauty with a noble and unattainable background.Wherever Hu Jiaojiao went, everyone was watching and flocking to fawn over her. She easily entered into the crowd and began to investigate.

Yuan Rui took Jun Jiu and the three of them to find Baili.

Baili held this banquet and invited all the gods who had friendly relations with them or were neutral to the banquet.As the host of the banquet, Baili also surrounded many people.

Seeing Yuan Rui, Jun Jiu, Mo Wuyue and the others from a distance, Baili immediately gestured to bid farewell to the guests, and walked towards Jun Jiu and the others.

Baili's eyes were deep and vast, and he smiled at them: "You are finally here, where is Junior Sister Fox?"

"She went to find out the news. Brother, what are your guests talking about?" Yuan Rui asked Baili directly.

Baili squinted his eyes, looked at Jun Jiu and the others again, and said, "Udong and Soul Girl are coming soon. They brought a large number of Tianyi Guards in all directions, and there is a faint tendency to surround the auction city. Instead Since last night, gods are not allowed to leave the auction city."

Yuan Rui frowned, and said in a disgusted tone: "The Tianyi Guard is too domineering."

"They've always been like this." Baili smiled, and there was also disgust and disdain in his eyes.

Baili immediately turned to them and raised his hand: "Come on, go in and sit down and talk."

"it is good."

Baili led the way, and along the way, bad people came to say hello and chat.

In the past few days in the auction city, everyone knows the three newcomers Jun Jiu, Mo Wuyue and Xiao Mian.They are Hu Jiaojiao's younger brothers and sisters, which means that they are favored by Xixi and Zifu, the owners of Penglai Realm, so the people who come to Jun Jiu and the others are all polite and willing to make friends.

Jun Jiu and the others also met a lot of people because of this, but they were all casual acquaintances, and they didn't have any friends worthy of deep friendship.

Knowing from Baili that Wudong and the soul girl are about to arrive, Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue exchanged dark eyes, Lu Sheng should make a move!
Since they choose to believe in Lu Sheng, they will no longer care about Lu Sheng's plan, and just wait and see the next development!
After a while, Hu Jiaojiao came back.

What Hu Jiaojiao and Baili said is similar, to sum up, Wu Dong and Soul Girl came to the auction city to catch Lu Shengyuan!Reliable news, Lu Shengyuan is really in the auction city!
This point, Jun Jiu and the others can testify from the bottom of their hearts that it is true.

Hu Jiaojiao said: "Thousands of years, finally there is a clue of Lu Shengyuan, Wudong and Soul Girl can't miss it. Now, in order to ensure that Lu Shengyuan can't escape, Wudong and Soul Girl led the Tianyi Guards to block the auction city. It seems that , they won't let us out until they catch Lu Shengyuan."

"This is for everyone to temporarily sell Tianyiwei to save face. After a long time, we won't be short of Udon and Soul Girl." Yuan Rui said in an unhappy tone.

Baili pursed his lips lightly, and comforted him: "Calm down. It has nothing to do with us, let's just watch the show and see if Wudong and the others can catch Lu Shengyuan."

"En." Both Hu Jiaojiao and Yuan Rui nodded.

Then they looked at Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue, and told them not to act in private recently, lest they be targeted by the Tianyi Guards as suspects.

Jun Jiu and the others understand that they don't plan to do anything, just being a spectator is enough.

Then go to the banquet with peace of mind.

A banquet lasted all night, the auction was brightly lit, and the difference between day and night was not that great.

When dawn broke, someone shouted, "Udong and Soul Girl are here."

Immediately, everyone raised their heads one after another, with divine power running in their eyes, they looked out of the auction city from a distance.They all saw the Tianyi Guards coming through the air, some with spears and knives, some with divine horse chariots, and some with Shenzhou warships.It can be said that the Tianyi Guards called all the troops that could be mobilized nearby.

It came with great momentum, and all the people in the auction city looked at the Tianyi Guard for a while, some were frightened, some were angry, some were timid.

Most people, looking at Tianyiwei's posture, couldn't help thinking: Lu Shengyuan probably won't be able to escape this time!

The master who could betray the Tianyi world was caught after being free for thousands of years. Lu Shengyuan is also the No.1 in the Tianyi world for tens of thousands of years!
I wonder where Lu Shengyuan is hiding now?
Is he afraid?
Jun Jiu, Mo Wuyue, and Xiao Mian knew that Lu Sheng had a plan, so they were not worried about Lu Sheng, and all stared at the two people headed by Tianyiwei.

Udon and Soul Girl stood on the chariot, attracting everyone's attention, no one would ignore them.

The most outstanding thing about Udon is that she is half human and half snake, her upper body is amazingly beautiful, her lower body is cold and cool with a snake tail, and her scales are shining with a gloomy cold light.There are also those two pairs of dark pupils with no whites, which have a strong sense of inhumanity. Looking at people gives people a sense of terror that shocks the heart and soul.

Aside, the soul girl is not like Udon.

Gray mist floated around the soul girl, and the mist seemed to be alive, floating and changing various forms around the soul girl.The figure of the soul girl is half covered, and the soul girl is still wearing a cloak, covering her entire body, even her hands are hidden under the cloak.

A face was exposed, extremely pale, as white as a piece of paper, without a trace of blood.

Snow-colored hair, snow-colored eyebrows and lips, and a pair of eyes that are also close to gray.This makes the soul girl also have a strong sense of inhumanity, giving people the feeling of a cold corpse without any warmth.

The chariots of Wudong and Soul Girl entered the auction city, and countless people looked at them withdrew their eyes, fearing to offend them.

Udon and Soul Girl brought only a few hundred Tianyi Guards into the auction city.Before they entered, a team of Tianyi Guards greeted them at the gate of the city. After entering, the road they passed was wide and clean, and no one dared to compete with them for the road.

Hu Jiaojiao looked at it, and clicked her tongue, "You are so overbearing, you are indeed the new person in charge of Tianyi Guard."

"They're coming towards us." Yuan Rui reminded Hu Jiaojiao.

No matter how much they don't like Udon and Soul Girl, they still have to give face, and they don't want to cause conflict between that existence and their master.

But watching Udong and Soul Girl approaching them, the eyes of the two were not fixed on Hu Jiaojiao and the others.Following the direction of Wudong's eyes, Hu Jiaojiao turned and landed on Jun Jiu and the others, Hu Jiaojiao frowned.

What do you mean?
Udon came here for Jun Jiu?
Hu Jiaojiao, Yuan Rui, and Baili looked at each other.Hu Jiaojiao and Yuan Rui stood motionless in front of Jun Jiu and the others, while Baili took the initiative to walk over and stopped Wudong and Soul Girl.

Seeing that someone stopped Udon, the gods all exclaimed.But after seeing clearly that it was Baili, they calmed down again. It was said that Baili was very likely to become the direct disciple of the master of Penglai Realm, and his status was no lower than that of Udon and the others.

Baili smiled, and spoke first: "I held a banquet, do you two want to attend the banquet? If you want to participate, please get off the chariot, otherwise my guests may misunderstand."

"I'm not here for the banquet, I'm here to find Jun Jiu." Udon got off the chariot, glanced at Baili, and said to Jun Jiu.

Baili's eyes dimmed, and he asked, "What are you looking for, Junior Sister Jun? Do you know me?"

"Just say a few words, Baili, why are you so sensitive, you are not the one who robs you." Udon snorted coldly, walked around Baili and walked towards Jun Jiu.

Soul girl didn't get off the chariot, she stood on the chariot, followed Udon coldly and quietly, and then locked Jun Jiu.

Baili felt troubled.

(End of this chapter)

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