Chapter 3599
Chapter 3599 follow me home
Lu Sheng murmured with his mouth open, and whispered the woman's name, "Fengxuan."

Lu Sheng's voice was extremely soft.It seems that if the voice is too loud, it will tear up this illusion, this dream, and make everything come to naught.

Feng Xuan walked over, Lu Sheng froze in place, not daring to move.It wasn't until Feng Xuan's hands touched his face, the bone-chilling low temperature, that Lu Sheng woke up with a start.

Feng Xuan looked at him tenderly and obsessively, and called out in her mouth: "Sheng Yuan, I miss you so much. What about you? Sheng Yuan, do you miss me?"

Feng Xuan called out Sheng Lu's name, then opened her arms and hugged Sheng Lu, snuggling in Lu Sheng's arms very intimately and infatuatedly.Lu Sheng was dumbfounded, he looked at Feng Xuan for a long time, and then slowly stretched out his hand to hug Feng Xuan.

Through the cloak, you can feel the bone-chilling low temperature on Feng Xuan's body, it's too cold, it's not as cold as a living person!
Lu Sheng swallowed his saliva, and asked nervously: "Feng Xuan, are you a dream of mine?"

"No, I'm back, I'm here to find you."

Feng Xuan raised her head, looking at Lu Sheng gently with her violet eyes, the affectionate and obsessed Lu Sheng was almost drowning in these eyes.

Lu Sheng knew that this was a scam and a fake!

When he was with Feng Xuan, he would not be so close at all.

Feng Xuan is gentle, dignified, and honorable and proud.No matter how gentle she smiled at him, or how gentle her tone was, Feng Xuan's heart was unshakable.They love each other, but apart from Lu Sheng, Feng Xuan never showed it.

Only before Feng Xuan died, she said to him: Don't blame him, don't hate him.

Only this sentence revealed a trace of Fengxuan's forbearing feelings, and every time Lu Sheng recalled it, he felt pain, hurt and regret.

I have been bitter for too long, I only know the taste of wine, but I don't know what sweetness is like.Therefore, even though he knew in his heart that it was false, Lu Sheng couldn't help but sink into it, not daring to expose the illusion.

Feng Xuan looked at him tenderly, her red lips parted slightly: "Sheng Yuan, can you go back with me? Master needs you."

Lu Sheng's eyes were instantly cold and darkened.

Letting go, Lu Sheng pushed Feng Xuan away and looked at her gloomyly, he opened his mouth for a long time before asking.Lu Sheng asked, "What did he do to you?"

"The master still loves you. Because of you, the master saved my life, and I have been entrusted to this body all the time. Look, it's me! I changed my body, and the master will not stop us anymore We are together, Sheng Yuan, are you unhappy?" Feng Xuan first explained, and then asked Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng looked away in pain, unwilling to look at Feng Xuan again.

Feng Xuan took the initiative to grab Lu Sheng's hand and stuck it to her heart. Feng Xuan said: "Look, my soul has not changed, but my body has changed. Do you dislike me?"

The palm of your hand is attached to your heart, and you can't feel your heartbeat.

Lu Sheng could only feel the familiar soul, the familiar feeling.

It is true that the soul in this puppet body is Feng Xuan, but not entirely.Yitian erased Fengxuan's consciousness, erased Fengxuan's ego, and what remained was the puppet that Yitian wanted.This is not the girl with violet eyes that Lu Shengai loved.

"You're not her." Lu Sheng closed his eyes, took a deep breath and shook his head.


"You go. If you don't go, I'm afraid I will kill you." Lu Sheng opened his eyes, his eyes were cold and without warmth, no attachment and affection.Lu Sheng looked at Feng Xuan with killing intent and coldness.

It is enough to lie to yourself for a short time, and it is impossible to lie to yourself all the time.

Feng Xuan looked at Lu Sheng frowning, and asked in bewilderment: "Don't you love me? Are you in love with another girl?"

"Enough. Don't force me to take action!" Lu Sheng threatened bitterly.

Hearing this, Feng Xuan smiled instead.

She smiled sweetly and gently, shook her head at Lu Sheng, and said firmly: "You are reluctant. You love me! If I die, my soul will be completely wiped out, and there will be no trace of me in this world. I have no reincarnation Yes, you are reluctant to kill me."

Lu Sheng's face darkened instantly, and he stared at Feng Xuan gloomyly.

Feng Xuan continued: "Come back with me. The master has an order, I must take you home, otherwise the master may kill me in a fit of anger. Are you reluctant, Sheng Yuan? Will you go home with me?"

Lu Sheng said nothing, but clenched his fists.

Seeing his reaction like this, Feng Xuan already had an answer in her heart.With a happy smile on her face, she reached out to grab Lu Sheng's hand, and pulled Lu Sheng to leave.

But she didn't pull people.

Feng Xuan turned her head in confusion, "Sheng Yuan, do you really want me to die? I don't have reincarnation. If I die, you will never see me again."

Lu Sheng closed his eyes, took a deep breath and said, "Wait a minute."

Lu Sheng immediately sent another voice transmission to Jun Jiu and the others, and said a few words in a hurry. Before Jun Jiu and the others could answer and ask, Lu Sheng quickly disconnected.

Then Lu Sheng pulled Feng Xuan into his arms, hugged Feng Xuan with one hand, and slapped Feng Xuan fiercely with the other hand.

When Lu Sheng shot, he quietly hid something in the corner...


The divine power was violently vented, and wherever it passed, the houses collapsed and the space was torn apart.

Such a big movement immediately attracted the attention of the three Gorefiends.Lu Sheng raised his hand to restore his appearance, and appeared in the sight of the three Gorefiends as Lu Shengyuan. After successfully attracting the three of them, Lu Shengyuan turned his head and rushed out of the city.

The city had already been sealed, but Lu Shengyuan made a violent move and forcibly broke through and rushed out.

He is too arrogant, too arrogant.Even if he wasn't the Gorefiend's target, the three Gorefiends chased Lu Shengyuan and rushed out. While chasing Lu Shengyuan, they called Feng Xuan via voice transmission, asking why she didn't make a move?

Feng Xuan didn't pay attention at all, her violet-like eyes only caressed gently on Lu Shengyuan's face.

The real Fengxuan has long since disappeared.

Even if it is a spirit body, it cannot resist Yitian's methods until it reaches a strong enough state.Yitian destroyed Fengxuan's spirit body and imprisoned Fengxuan's spirit. She has been imprisoned and cultivated for thousands of years, erasing the real Fengxuan and giving birth to a new Fengxuan.

The new Fengxuan only obeys Yitian's orders, and at the same time, she also inherits the original Fengxuan's emotions, so she will be full of love for Lu Shengyuan.

Yitian's order was for her to take Lu Shengyuan back, and the others were not important.

After leaving the city far away, Lu Shengyuan stopped and let go of Feng Xuan's hand.Turning around, Lu Shengyuan looked coldly at the blood demon, sword god Tian and blood shadow ghost who were chasing up.

Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue have been trying to contact him, but Lu Shengyuan didn't respond.

Lu Shengyuan only stared at the Gorefiend and the others, heaved a sigh of relief, he led them away, Jun Jiu and the others were safe.Because of Feng Xuan, Lu Shengyuan had to go back to God's Realm, what Yitian did completely enraged him, Lu Shengyuan had to see him!
"Lu Shengyuan, it's really you!"

"Hiss, Lu Shengyuan, you are actually here!"

"Feng Xuan, what are you doing? Don't forget, which side are you on!"

The reactions of Blood Demon, Sword God Tian and Blood Shadow Ghost were even more different, but no matter what their reactions were, Feng Xuan didn't even look at them.

Only Lu Shengyuan stared at the three Gorefiends coldly, and Lu Shengyuan said sarcastically, "Are you here to catch me? Tsk, there are only three of them here. Since you can't catch me, you think too highly of yourself."

Jian Shentian: "Who is coming to arrest you, we are here..."

The blood demon glared at Jian Shentian, then blocked Jian Shentian's mouth.

With Lu Shengyuan's question, the blood demons temporarily separated Lu Shengyuan and Jun Jiu, and they did not contact one place.They didn't expect to meet Lu Shengyuan. Although they surrounded Lu Shengyuan at this time, they didn't know what to do.

To catch Lu Shengyuan?
Or ignore him and go back to search for people?

Lu Shengyuan saw through what they were thinking at a glance, and said with a sneer, "I don't need you. I will go back to God's Realm by myself. Do you want to send me and Feng Xuan off?"

"What? Fengxuan, aren't you here to arrest someone from Penglai!" The blood demon questioned Fengxuan in surprise.

Feng Xuan and Lu Shengyuan looked at each other, understanding Lu Shengyuan's eyes, Feng Xuan smiled and said: "I was ordered to find Sheng Yuan to go home, the others are insignificant. Sheng Yuan and I are going back, you guys work hard, don't let the master disappointed."

Hearing this, the faces of the three Gorefiends were extremely ugly, and they stared at Feng Xuan.

That's not what Feng Xuan said before!
The three Gorefiends still wanted to press for questions, but Lu Shengyuan and Feng Xuan didn't give them a chance.Feng Xuan directly used the teleportation disk to teleport back to the nearest Shenmu Bridge. The three Gorefiends could only stare wide-eyed, wanting to vomit blood in anger.

hateful! !
(End of this chapter)

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