Chapter 3611
Chapter 3611 Interlocking
After Jun Jiu and Hao Zhi started, no one dared to disturb them.

Including Xixi and Zifu, they sat and stared at the gods in power in this world, and other gods.While contacting the direct disciples, to ensure the safety and stability of Jun Jiu and Hao Zhi.While sending the news back to Tianyi World, Mo Wuyue and Xiao Mian could feel at ease.

As time passed day by day, Jun Jiu and Hao Zhi continued.

In the first year, one tenth of Haozhi's soul was purified.Xixi and Zifu contact Tianyi World, everything is normal, and the fake Jun Jiu has not been exposed.

In the second year, three tenths of Haozhi's soul was purified.There was a little turmoil in the Tianyi world, but Mo Wuyue and the others did not leave the Penglai realm, and the Tianyi guards also had Lu Shengyuan to ventilate, so it didn't have any impact.

In the third year, Hao Zhi's soul was purified five tenths.

The turmoil in the Tianyi world became more and more obvious. Everyone in Penglai retreated and stopped going out.Lu Shengyuan also kept watching Yitian's every move, communicating with Mo Wuyue and the others at any time.

In the fourth year, Haozhi's soul purification was six tenths, and it began to slow down, as if it had encountered a bottleneck.

Jun Jiu's purification speed slowed down, but Hao Zhi's state was much better because of the purification, and he was able to run clean and pure without being polluted.

On the other side of the Tianyi world, turmoil broke out in an all-round way, and countless forces were coveting the territory of the Yitian.

This time, the Tianyi Guard finally took action!

Lu Shengyuan avoided people in Penglai Realm, and showed no mercy to others, as if he had changed back to the former Tianyi Guard who was loyal to Yitian and ruthless.At the same time, Penglai Jing also began to become restless.

fifth year……

Hao Zhi's soul is purified seven tenths.

Xixi and Zifu contacted Penglai Realm, but lost their response for the first time, and did not know the situation of Penglai Realm.

They are a little worried, but Jun Jiu and Hao Zhi are very important here, and only the last three tenths are left.The more it gets to the end, the more critical and important it is, Xixi and Zifu dare not leave.

They can only sit in this world in person, and then send a personal disciple to withdraw from the Dharma Guardian and go back to Tianyi World to see what's going on in Penglai Realm?

Jun Jiu and Hao Zhi don't know these things.

They are engrossed, disconnected from the outside world, immersed in purifying and being purified...


This direct disciple rushed back to Tianyi World with the fastest speed, but was stopped by Yitian's people at the entrance.

The person guarding the entrance and exit of Tianyi World was replaced by a god supreme who was in the same realm as the direct disciple.It was only after inquiring by a direct disciple that he learned that the entire Tianyi world has been sealed off, and no one is allowed to enter or leave.

Xixi and Zifu can be exceptions, but they must come back in person!Even if the direct disciples use the name of Xixi and the others, it won't work.

The direct disciples did not dare to force their way in, fearing to arouse Yi Tian's suspicion, so they could only withdraw and settle in the inn outside the Tian Yi World.Then he summoned Xixi and Zifu to tell the situation, and he continued to stay, looking for a way to see if he could avoid the blockade and contact the people in Penglai!
In the Tianyi world.

Conflicts and turmoil have erupted in an all-round way. Every day, large or small forces are wiped out by the Tianyi Guards, and countless monks have died.

The Tianyi Guards were completely insane! !
It was only at this time that the forces in the Tianyi world realized that the Tianyi guards hadn't moved in the past few years because they were too lazy to settle accounts with them.Now that the Tianyi Guards made a move, they couldn't resist, and it was too late to regret it.

Throughout the world of Tianyi, there are very few people who can live in peace in this turbulent massacre, only Penglai Realm and forces that have not participated in the whole process.

But in fact, the territory of Penglai is not peaceful.

On this day, Mo Wuyue received a summons from Lu Shengyuan.

Because they were worried about being intercepted by Yitian's eavesdropping, they used a code word, which was jointly set by Lu Shengyuan and Mo Wuyue, and only the two of them understood the meaning.

After receiving the message from Lu Shengyuan, Mo Wuyue's golden eyes were cold and bloodthirsty, and he immediately went to find Hu Jiaojiao and the others.

Mo Wuyue told them that Penglai Realm had been infiltrated by Yitian's spies!
It is self-evident why the spies came here.

Xixi and Zifu had been away for too long, they took away all their direct disciples, and only Hu Jiaojiao and Yuan Rui were in charge.They have no deterrent power, and they are not in the eyes of Yi Tian at all.

It's been too long, Yitian can't wait for good news, so he can't help but want to catch Jun Jiu.

Mo Wuyue, Xiao Mian, and Hu Jiaojiao were not worried about Jun Jiu's safety.Because Jun Jiu is not in the Tianyi world, Jun Jiu is the safest side, and the only one left in Penglai is the stand-in puppet.They only need to worry about one thing, not to let Yi Tian know the existence of the stand-in puppet.

They let the stand-in puppet stay in the Penglai Palace, unable to go anywhere, and then they secretly investigated the Penglai area.

Once a suspicious person is found, a spy is found, and they will be expelled immediately!
After Xixi and Zifu left, they handed over the control of Penglai to Hu Jiaojiao and the others.They have the right and ability to directly throw suspicious people out of Penglai, and block them, never to enter again.As long as they are in Penglai, Hu Jiaojiao and the others are invincible.

After this investigation, they found that there were quite a few spies who had infiltrated the Penglai territory!
If they are driven out all at once, the turmoil will inevitably be great, and it will attract the attention of everyone in Penglai.Regarding this, Hu Jiaojiao and the others explained that there were people with bad intentions who got in and wanted to drag Penglai into chaos.

As for everyone's belief or not, Hu Jiaojiao and the others don't care.

They only need to intimidate people in Penglai, whoever dares to harbor evil intentions will be the next one to be thrown out!

This was done in exchange for a clean life in Penglai.

But with the sudden blockade of Tianyi World, spies appeared again.These spies did not infiltrate the Penglai territory recently, but obtained the right of residence a long time ago. There are even monks who have lived in the Penglai territory for a thousand years. They could not resist the temptation and became Yitian's minions.

These people are the hardest to catch!
As long as they don't show their faces and hide very deeply, Hu Jiaojiao and the others can't make a big fuss and pull everyone out of Penglai to check it out.

In addition, Mo Wuyue, Xiao Mian, and Hu Jiaojiao also discovered that even though Jun Jiu's substitute puppet only stayed in Penglai Palace, they were still being watched by spies.

These people are extremely powerful, and have the means to hide their aura and cultivation, avoid the blockade of Penglai Palace, and quietly spy on Jun Jiu's substitute puppet.They haven't discovered the identity of the substitute puppet yet, but if it continues, it will be exposed sooner or later.

Xixi and Zifu could no longer be contacted in Penglai. They didn't know what was going on there and where it had progressed.

All they can do is to protect Jun Jiu's substitute puppet, as long as it can last!
On this day, Mo Wuyue, Xiao Mian, Hu Jiaojiao, Baili and the others gathered together to discuss this matter.They must think of a way to deal with it!
Baili said: "The best way is to lure out the people in the dark and catch them all!"

Yuan Rui: "The longer they are safe and sound, it is a signal to other people who are ready to move. If this continues, more and more people will be tempted to turn into spies. Once the number reaches a certain level, they may dare to enter Penglai Palace robbery!"

Saying that, everyone looked up at the stand-in puppet sitting next to them.

No matter how you look at it, it looks very similar to Jun Jiu, and it is generally the same.But they all know that a puppet can never be replaced, if the real Jun Jiu is here, he will definitely communicate with them and find a way together.

Jun Jiu always has a lot of brilliant ideas!
Hu Jiaojiao sighed, looked back at Mo Wuyue and asked, "Junior Brother Mo, what do you think?"

Jun Jiu is not here, only Mo Wuyue can make decisions for her.

Hu Jiaojiao and the others also respected Mo Wuyue's opinion very much!

Mo Wuyue's golden eyes were dark, and he said coldly: "If you want to lure these people out, you must let the substitute puppet go, otherwise if you don't throw the bait, no one will be hooked. But the substitute puppet can't go out. Once you go out, you may be exposed. Too much sex."

"That's right! Once it's exposed, you don't need them to keep staring at it, just tell Yitian directly that our efforts for so many years will be in vain." Xiao Mian repeatedly nodded in agreement.

Mo Wuyue: "Unless, another fake substitute is used."

Everyone froze, looking at Mo Wuyue in surprise, what do you mean?
Mo Wuyue tapped the table with his fingers, and said in a cold voice: "Except for us, no one knows that Xiao Jiu'er is not in Penglai Realm, but the substitute puppet here. We can take advantage of this, and the substitute puppet will continue to stay in Penglai Palace , and then let another person pretend to be Xiao Jiu'er and go out to lure the spies."

"If you do this, it doesn't matter even if you get exposed. In their eyes, the bait is just the bait. It's true that Xiao Jiu'er is still in Penglai Palace."

The chain is intertwined, and no smart person can guess the truth.

(End of this chapter)

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