Chapter 3620 Recognize each other (new article has been opened)

Chapter 3620 Recognize each other (new article has been opened)

"Shut up! If you keep talking nonsense, I will crush you!" Hu Jiaojiao has a bad temper. She glanced at the speaker and made him dare not open her mouth again.

Hu Jiaojiao took a step forward, with eleven fox tails swaying behind her.

Hu Jiaojiao looked at Lu Shengyuan and said: "Lu Shengyuan is Lu Shengyuan. Although he is in the Tianyi Guard, he did not call on the Tianyi Guard to conquer the Tianyi World like he did thousands of years ago. If he wants to solve you, he can still make you jump for a few years ?”

"Just you rabble, the Tianyi Guards are real killers, ask yourself how long can you last?" Hu Jiaojiao asked.

For a while, no one said a word.

Hu Jiaojiao said again: "Lu Shengyuan saved your lives by becoming the master of Tianyi Guard. Get lost! This goddess and senior brother are here to pick up friends, and Tianyi Guard has nothing to do with that existence. This goddess knows who of you is talking nonsense, be careful!"

"Weigh what should be said and what should not be said." Baili said indifferently and displeased.

These people were even more silent, seeing that no one was stopping them, they helped each other get up and fled.

Seeing this, Lu Shengyuan rubbed his nose in embarrassment and thanked Baili and Hu Jiaojiao: "Thank you! If it weren't for you, this matter wouldn't be so easy to solve, it would be too difficult for me."

"You deserve it! Who told you to stand in that camp." The man ran away, and Hu Jiaojiao rudely teased Lu Shengyuan.

With a flash of divine light, Hu Jiaojiao's giant fox body shrank, turned into a beam of light and landed on the divine boat, turning into a charming and beautiful woman.

Baili also flew over and landed beside Hu Jiaojiao.

Lu Shengyuan hurried over, stood between the people on both sides, and introduced with a smile: "Let me introduce first, these two are the Supreme Gods of Penglai Realm, Baili and Hu Jiaojiao!"

"These five are guests from other worlds! God Supreme Yin Luo, Yuan Qing, Ji Sang. There are also Jun Huai Chu and Shang Lang!"

The two sides nodded to each other and looked at both sides in a friendly manner.

Among them, Hu Jiaojiao and Baili looked at Jun Huaichu for the longest time, and their expressions were the gentlest and most benevolent.There is a very obvious feeling that the elders look at the younger generation.

Hu Jiaojiao smiled charmingly: "This is not a place to talk outside, let's go in and talk."

Yuan Qing nodded, "Please."

They all entered the divine ship, and the divine ship started up again, heading for Penglai.

This time, there are very obvious Hu Jiaojiao and Baili's powers on the divine ship. All the gods in the Tianyi world know them. Anyone who wants to make trouble has to weigh whether they can beat them, and add Lu Shengyuan.

With them, the next journey went much smoother.

Inside the godship.

Everyone sat in the room, Yin Luo and the others sat on one side, and Lu Shengyuan, Hu Jiaojiao, and Baili sat on the other side.

Everyone looked at each other silently, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

But Lu Shengyuan couldn't bear the overly quiet atmosphere, he coughed lightly, turned his head and asked Hu Jiaojiao and the others. "Why are you here?"

"Otherwise, who do you think it is?" Hu Jiaojiao asked him back.

Lu Shengyuan stared at Hu Jiaojiao quietly, needless to say?
Since Mo Wuyue told Hu Jiaojiao and the others, it is certain that Hu Jiaojiao and the others knew Yin Luo and the others' identities.Knowing that they were stopped, Mo Wuyue must be the most anxious, and he must be the best choice to come out to pick them up.

Why didn't Mo Wuyue come, but Hu Jiaojiao and Bai Li?

Hu Jiaojiao glanced at Yinluo and the others, especially at Jun Huaichu, and said after some consideration, "Junior Brother Mo is not feeling well, it's inconvenient to go out."

"What? He was injured? When did it happen!" Lu Shengyuan asked excitedly.

Yin Luo, Yuan Qing and Jun Huai Chu also stared at Hu Jiaojiao together, all of them frowned and looked worried.

Mo Wuyue was injured?

is it serious?
What about Junjiu!
Hu Jiaojiao first rolled her eyes at Lu Shengyuan, then looked at Yinluo and the others with a comforting smile, opened her mouth and explained, "Don't worry, it's just that the divine power is consumed too much, and it hurts your vitality. You can recover after a while."

Only then did Yin Luo and the others breathe a sigh of relief, and temporarily put down the big rock.

Lu Shengyuan was still perplexed and asked, "When did it happen? Didn't it go well when we met last time?"

"It was the injury last time. The situation was in a hurry and you came and went in a hurry, so naturally you didn't notice it." Hu Jiaojiao looked at Lu Shengyuan speechlessly and said.

Lu Shengyuan didn't say a word, he thought and recalled silently.

Last time, when he received the news that Yitian had gone to Penglai, he rushed there in a hurry.He also brought news of Yinluo and the others' visit to Tianyi World.At that time, he was really in a hurry and nervous, and didn't care about other things, so he didn't notice whether Mo Wuyue was injured.

As for how it hurt, needless to say.Either Fengxuan or Yitian, it must be caused by one of them.

Thinking of this, Lu Shengyuan suddenly felt guilty and blamed himself.

Lu Shengyuan was immersed in his own thoughts, and Hu Jiaojiao didn't bother him, looking up at Yin Luo and the five of them, Hu Jiaojiao smiled.When they left Penglai, they discussed with Mo Wuyue that they could tell Yin Luo and the others.

Hu Jiaojiao and Baili looked at each other again, they were both ready.

They re-introduced themselves, and Hu Jiaojiao said first, "Hello, I am Hu Jiaojiao, the goddess of the fox tribe in Penglai, and also the senior sister of Mo Wuyue and Jun Jiu."

"I am Baili from Penglai, and I am also Mo Wuyue and Jun Jiu's senior brother." Baili said.


After Yin Luo was slightly surprised, the corners of her mouth soon showed a slight curvature. She nodded to Hu Jiaojiao and Baili, and said, "My name is Yin Luo, and I am the mother of Mo Wuyue and Jun Jiu."

"Hello senior!"

Although it's hard to say who is older, Hu Jiaojiao and Yin Luo, but based on their seniority, it's no problem to call them senior.

Yin Luo accepted the title with a slight smile.

Then Yuan Qing introduced herself, "I am the brother-in-law of Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue, you can call me Yuan Qing."

"Hello." Hu Jiaojiao and Baili nodded friendly and happy.

Then it was the turn of Shang Lang, Ji Sang and the others to greet each other, making the atmosphere more harmonious.

Finally arrived at Junhuaichu.

Although she knew it a long time ago, Hu Jiaojiao was still excited about it.Even Baili was a little less steady, looking at Jun Huaichu with gentle eyes and anticipation.

Jun Huai clenched his fists and coughed lightly. He straightened his back and was handsome. His appearance, which perfectly inherited the advantages of his parents, was even better than everyone present.Jun Huaichu said, "My name is Jun Huaichu, Mo Wuyue is my father, and Jun Jiu is my mother."

"You guys, I should call Aunt Hu and Uncle Baili, right?" Jun Huai Chuchi asked.

Hu Jiaojiao smiled happily, nodded and clapped her hands again and again: "That's right! It's Shigu!"

"Hi nephew." Baili nodded with a gentler smile.

They recognize each other here, and the atmosphere is getting better and better, warm and welcoming.Only Lu Shengyuan sat in a corner, dull and silent, looking out of place.

Hu Jiaojiao saw Ji Sang and the others looked at Lu Shengyuan a few times, and worried that they might misunderstand, she explained: "Lu Shengyuan is one of our own. Although he is under the command of that existence and still manages the Tianyi Guard, he is actually on our side , has been helping us."

"He has a very good relationship with Junior Brother Mo and Junior Sister Jun," Baili added.

Yin Luo and the others were not surprised when they heard this, and nodded calmly.Now, Hu Jiaojiao and the others became curious.

Jun Huai opened his mouth and explained: "We heard the conversation between him and Daddy, and knew that he is Daddy's friend, so we followed him to Penglai."

"What! Did you hear that? When?" Lu Shengyuan snapped back to his senses, and looked at Jun Huaichu in astonishment.

When Jun Huai Chu said it, Lu Shengyuan was hit hard immediately.

He was so careful that he was snooped and didn't even know it.Fortunately, it was Yinluo and Yuanqing, if it was Yitian, wouldn't it be the end!

Lu Shengyuan was stunned, "I'm getting worse and worse."

"How can a man say no? Lu Shengyuan, you have to stand up, you are the most important protagonist. No matter what happens in the future, you will never be able to do without you, so cheer up!" Hu Jiaojiao frowned at him and said .

Lu Shengyuan sighed, and said perfunctorily that he knew.

Lu Shengyuan couldn't sit still, he got up to say goodbye, went out on the deck to take a breath, think carefully and organize his thoughts.

Hu Jiaojiao and the others didn't stop him either.Because Yin Luo and the others asked about Jun Jiu.

It was just said that Mo Wuyue was injured, but luckily the injury was not serious, just need to adjust breath to recover.

What about Junjiu?

Mo Wuyue and Jun Jiu have always been one body, Mo Wuyue was injured, how is Jun Jiu?

Hu Jiaojiao and Baili glanced at each other, and after they communicated, they said, "Actually, Junior Sister Jun is not in Tianyi World."

(End of this chapter)

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