The Evil Emperor's Pampering: Divine Doctor Ninth Miss

Chapter 3625 Don't congratulate me?

Chapter 3625 Don't congratulate me?
Chapter 3625 Don't congratulate me?
Especially the direct disciples of Xixi and Zifu, they couldn't control them, their instinctive power was ready to go, and they were ready to attack at any time.

Xixi and Zifu couldn't calm them down, they could only look at Haozhi.

Haozhi narrowed his gray eyes, sneered and mocked: "Trash."

Haozhi has no good looks towards Xixi and Zifu, and it is even more impossible to treat their direct disciples gently and completely ignore them.Even if the direct disciple couldn't hold his hand, to Hao Zhi, it was nothing more than an ant tickling the world's giant beast, insignificant.

It was Jun Jiu who made the move, and the pure and powerful power enveloped these direct disciples, which cut off their instinctive resistance and guard against greedy hands.

They all let out a sigh of relief.

The direct disciples thanked Jun Jiu, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Jun Jiu smiled, and looked at Greedy Hand after withdrawing her divine power.

It's amazing, Jun Jiu feels kindness when she sees the hands of greed, just like how Hao Zhi felt to her.Could it be because Jun Jiu helped Haozhi purify the pollution on the soul, and also mixed part of Haozhi's divine power?
Seemingly knowing what Jun Jiu was thinking, Hao Zhi explained: "It is the hand of greed that is changing."


"Yes. The hand of greed is the incarnation of my divine power. When I was cursed by pollution, I lost my mind, leaving only the instinct after being polluted. Constantly devouring and filling the incomplete soul, the hand of greed is my ambush in the boundless A hunting net for world passages."

Haozhi continued: "Greedy hands will hunt and eat the gods they catch, or the gods are supreme. They hunted and divided them, turned them into power and injected them into my body, but doing so would only pollute my soul more Seriously, it cannot complete the soul."

In the past, Haozhi didn't even know who he was, and he didn't know anything.

Most of the time, Haozhi's ego has been in a deep sleep, leaving behind the hands of greed to keep hunting.

Now all the pollution on Haozhi's soul has been removed, Haozhi has completed his soul and solved the curse.After fully recovering, his strength has been improved to a higher level. The Greedy Hand is the embodiment of Haozhi's divine power, so changes will naturally occur.

From now on, the greedy hand will no longer hunt the gods and gods who pass through the passage of the boundless world.

within a day.

Greedy hands spanned a vast and boundless distance, and sent Jun Jiu, Xi Xi, and Zi Fu to the outside of Tianyi World.

Avoiding Tianyiwei's eyes and ears, the hand of greed tore through the passage of the boundless world, the hand of greed rolled out into a ball, and then stretched out to reveal Haozhi, Jun Jiu and others inside.

As soon as they came out, they felt that they were close at hand, the power belonging to the Tianyi world.

came back!
They are finally back!
The battle with Yitian was imminent, Xixi and Zifu were both nervous and excited.

The husband and wife looked at each other, then looked at Hao Zhi and Jun Jiu and said, "Let's go back and find out first."

"Alright, seniors, be careful." Jun Jiu nodded.

Haozhi glanced at Xixi and Zifu, but didn't say anything.

Xixi and Zifu took their direct disciples to the passage to the world of Tianyi.Outside the passage, the personal disciple who rushed back a few years ago has been guarding here, trying every means to contact Penglai, but has not been successful until now.

After seeing Xixi and Zifu, they will go to the entrance of Tianyi World together with Zai.

Xixi and Zifu returned in person, and the Tianyi Guards did not dare to stop them, no matter how brave they were, they stepped out of the way and let them go back.

At the same time, Wing Tian, ​​who was recuperating and healing, received the news.

Yitian had reached the critical moment of recovery, so he didn't answer, and let Xixi and Zifu go back to Penglai.The most important thing is for him to hurry up and recover!
Outside the Tianyi world.

Jun Jiu and Hao Zhi stayed here, surrounded by the hands of greed, surrounding them like ferocious tentacles of giant pythons.

Jun Jiu looked past the greedy hand, and kept looking at Tianyi World, with anxiety, longing, and impatience in his eyes.Haozhi glanced at her, and said, "As long as there is nothing wrong with the Penglai Realm, we can enter right away, and you can also meet Mo Wuyue again."

"Yeah." Jun Jiu nodded and murmured, "I hope it's all good news!"

"Yes." Haozhi said.


Xixi and Zifu returned to Penglai smoothly with a group of direct disciples.

On the way back to Penglai, both Xixi and Zifu saw the current chaotic situation in Tianyi World, with wars and fighting everywhere.Let them worry about Penglai.When they returned to Penglai, and saw that Penglai was sealed off inside and outside, and everything was fine, the couple immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Xixi and Zifu swept their gazes and saw Yinluo and Yuanqing in Penglai.

Without him, the two are too dazzling!

Although in terms of seniority and age, Yinluo and Yuanqing combined are not as good as Xixi and Zifu.But in their eyes, Yinluo is full of vitality, pure and flawless.Yuan Qing is a mysterious galaxy, containing power beyond all rules.

Who are they?

How could it be in Penglai?
When Xixi and Zifu saw Yinluo and Yuanqing, Yinluo and Yuanqing also sensed them.Yin Luo and Yuan Qing raised their heads, looked at Xixi and his wife through the distance and space, and nodded in a friendly way.

Xixi and Zifu were puzzled for half a second, they looked away and returned to the temple first.At the same time, the sound transmission was sent to Hu Jiaojiao, Yuan Rui and the others. They have been away for too long, and they need to understand the situation of Penglai Realm and Tianyi World in the past few years!
After confirming that there is no danger or threat, they will send a message to let Jun Jiu come back.

When the news of Xixi and Zifu's return came out, everyone was shocked!

Hu Jiaojiao, Yuan Rui, Yan Dong and Baili went to the temple immediately.Mo Wuyue and Xiao Mian were half a step behind. Before they left, they looked at Yin Luo and Yuan Qing. Mo Wuyue asked, "Together?"

"We have lived in Penglai for a few years. When the master returns, we will definitely visit. But you must have important matters to discuss. You go first, and we will come later." Yuan Qing said.

Mo Wuyue nodded, and left with Xiao Mian first.

Mo Wuyue was very anxious, eager to know Jun Jiu's situation!

in the temple.

Hu Jiaojiao and the others arrived first, followed by Mo Wuyue and Xiao Mian. After arriving at the temple, they first saluted Xixi and Zifu.

"Don't worry, Jun Jiu is fine, and Hao Zhi's problems have been resolved." Seeing Mo Wuyue and Xiao Mian coming, Xi Xi repeated with a smile.

Because everyone who came was the first to ask about Jun Jiu.

Then Hu Jiaojiao and the others first described the situation in Penglai Realm and Tianyi World in recent years.Too much time has passed, even though Hu Jiaojiao and the others only picked important matters, it still took a lot of time.

Finally, they talked about the arrival of Yin Luo and Yuan Qing.

Hu Jiaojiao looked at Mo Wuyue, and handed over the topic to him.

Mo Wuyue took a step forward and said, "They came from the Eastern God Territory, they are relatives and friends of me and Xiao Jiu'er, and they are here to help."

At this time, Yuan Qing, Yin Luo and the others also calculated the time just right, and came outside the temple one after another.

Xixi and Zifu immediately got up and went out to greet Yuanqing and the others in person.

Everyone knew each other and exchanged news.

After Xixi and Zifu got to know each other, they determined that the time had come, and they and Haozhi could do it right away!No need to procrastinate any longer.

Xixi said to them: "Let's find Yitian in person and settle the matter in the Upper God Realm. I will leave it to you in the Lower God Realm. You must protect Lu Shengyuan's safety. After we go to the Upper God Realm, Hao Zhi will send Jun Jiu Send it back."

"it is good!"

"We understand."

Everyone nodded one after another, with dignified and stern expressions, and they were all ready.

They have all waited for this day, for a long time!

They checked the plan again and again, and after confirming that it was correct, Xixi and Zifu set off to Shangshenyu to find Yitian.At the same time, they sent a message to Haozhi, telling them their plan.

Shang Shenyu.

Xixi and Zifu arrived, Fengxuan welcomed the couple to the front hall, and said: "Please wait a moment, the master is still busy."

Xixi and Zifu frowned, but finally nodded and agreed.

Just in case, they have to see Yitian before they can send a message to Haozhi and let Haozhi enter the world of Tianyi.

This time, Xixi and Zifu waited for three days and three nights, just when they were about to leave to find Yitian in person.Yitian finally showed up!

Seeing Yitian, Xixi and Zifu's eyes flashed with astonishment.

Yitian's strength has always been difficult to break through and develop. It has been stuck for thousands of years, but now that it has not been seen for several years, Yitian's strength has actually made a breakthrough!This is not good news. Xixi and Zifu felt more fearful in their hearts, and became more cautious.

"Old friend made a breakthrough, don't you congratulate me?" Yi Tian walked over with a smile, and asked Xixi and Zifu first.

(End of this chapter)

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