Chapter 3636 Cracks
Chapter 3636 Cracks
Inside the god ship.

Jun Jiu, Mo Wuyue, and Jun Huai Chu sat on one side, while Ji Sang and Shang Lang sat opposite.

Shuang'er poured tea for them one by one.Shuang'er also followed Jun Jiu and the others to leave the dawn world. She no longer had any clan members, and she recognized Jun Jiu as her master.From now on, wherever Jun Jiu goes, Shuang Er will follow her!
Jun Jiu looked at Ji Sang and asked, "Ji Sang, what do you want to ask? Tell me."

"Is there something on Senior Haozhi?" Ji Sang frowned slightly, and asked his confusion.

Seeing Jun Jiu, Mo Wuyue and the others looking at him in surprise, Ji Sang took out the moon mirror fan and shook it, explaining: "You all know what I have on me. When I saw senior Haozhi today, my moon mirror fan kept It trembled endlessly, as if something attracted it to senior Haozhi."

Jun Jiu: "Is there such a thing? Wait a minute, I'll ask senior Haozhi first."

Jun Jiu didn't tell Haozhi immediately.

Although Ji Sang and Shang Lang are their own people, they live and die together, and they are the most trustworthy friends!But this matter is related to Haozhi after all, Jun Jiu first asks through voice transmission, and can only speak with Haozhi's permission.

Hao Zhi quickly responded to Jun Jiu's voice transmission.

You can tell Ji Sang them.The reason why Ji Sang's moon mirror fan responded was because it resonated with the ancient things in his body.But the two are different, they can resonate, but they can't solve the problems in Haozhi's body.Otherwise, Hao Zhi would go to Ji Sang directly, and would not go to the Eastern God Territory again.

After getting Haozhi's permission, Jun Jiu told Ji Sang and Shang Lang about Haozhi's problems.

Hearing this, everyone fell into silence.

The battle with Yitian back then was deeply remembered, as if it was yesterday.

In particular, the countless greedy hands enveloped and surrounded the former Tianyi world. That scene was so horrifying and terrifying that even looking back on it now, I can still feel the chill behind it.

Haozhi is so powerful and frightening, that he is also stumped by ancient things, and even after several years of retreat, he can't solve it.I had to go to Yinluo and the others to see if they could solve it.This is a slap in the face for all of them!

How strong is it?

How about becoming the supreme god, comparable to the gods in power in every world?Even an existence like Haozhi will encounter troubles that cannot be solved.

They were still too tender!
The strength has improved, but the experience and experience are not enough, and there are still many unsolvable things.

Ji Sang pondered for a while and then said: "When I go back to the Eastern God Territory to take a look, after saying goodbye to my sister, clansmen, and old friends, I plan to go to the world of my ancestors. That world is very far away, and the degree of danger is comparable to the current dawn world. , you can sharpen me well."

"The ancient things on my body were also given to me by my ancestors to protect me. Maybe I can ask my ancestors to see if he can help a group of senior Haozhi." Ji Sang said.

Jun Jiu smiled slightly, "Then I will trouble you."

"This is not troublesome. I just ask, and I don't guarantee that it will be resolved. But Jun Jiu, Mo Wuyue, do you want to go with me?" Ji Sang asked.

Jun Jiu looked at Ji Sang in surprise.

Mo Wuyue also raised his head, his golden eyes looked at Ji Sang calmly and asked, "Go to the world where your ancestors are?"

Ji Sang nodded, "Yes! Isn't a world only able to accommodate one Canglong? Even though Mo Wuyue and Senior Qiongmeng are father and son, you are both supreme gods and Canglong. You have been in the Eastern God Territory for a long time. , is oppressive to you, and you can’t let go.”

"Only the dawn world and the world of my ancestors can accommodate more gods and supreme beings! If you and Jun Jiuruo have no plans in the future, you can go there with me to have a look and sharpen yourself."

Ji Sang said, then looked at Shang Lang with a faint smile and said, "Shang Lang has already made an appointment with me, and he will go."

Shang Lang nodded, echoing Ji Sang's words.

The Eastern God Territory is a big world like the other three God Territories, and it is far from being able to compare with a world of the level of the Daybreak World.Whether it's resources or anything else, it's too bad.

When they returned to the Eastern God Territory in this state, they couldn't use it at all, and even a little turbulence of divine power could cause the fragile collapse of the world.

Instead of being restrained, it is better to go to other worlds, to go to a bigger and wider world to exercise yourself.Maybe one day, they will also have their own world, and they will be gods in power.

Ji Sang and Shang Lang also knew that Jun Jiu and the others had relatives and friends in the Eastern God Territory, as well as the Cang Jiu Sect that they created by themselves.

The Eastern God Territory is still the world controlled by Mo Wuyue's parents, and they are more concerned about them than their bonds. Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue will definitely stay in the Eastern God Territory for a long time.But sooner or later, they will still leave, so invite them to try first, and it would be great if they can walk together and be with each other.

Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue looked at each other and exchanged eyes.

At this time Jun Huai Chu said: "No matter where mother and father go, I will be with mother and father! Don't leave me behind, I still have a lot to learn, and I still can't bear to part with mother and father."

"Huai Chu." Jun Jiu looked at Jun Huai Chu, shaking his head tenderly and lovingly.

Jun Jiu said, "Don't worry, Wu Yue and I have no plans to leave for the time being."

"We've been away from the Eastern God Territory for too long. Let's go back and see the situation in the Eastern God Territory. There is still a long time ahead. We are not in a hurry to make a decision now. If we go to another world, we will let you know." Mo Wuyue said to Ji Sang they said.

Ji Sang and Shang Lang nodded and agreed.

After that, no one of them mentioned this matter again, and they only talked about their realm and perception when they met.

The boundless world channel, no matter how many years have passed, will always be dark and dull.They are too far away from the Eastern God Territory, even if they use the station, it will take a long time.

The road was uneventful, everyone did their own thing, until one day the ancient thing on Ji Sang's body moved again.

And the movement is bigger than before!

Ji Sang had no choice but to go to Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue and tell them about it.

At the same time, Haozhi finally walked out of his room, looking for Jun Jiu and the others with a pale and gloomy face.

Ji Sang first talked about his situation, and took out the vibrating and humming moon mirror fan.Jun Jiu and the others gathered in a room, looking at the moon mirror fan in Ji Sang's hand, the divine light shone dazzlingly, trembling constantly exuding ancient and powerful power fluctuations.

Now the power fluctuation is still benign, and it can still be suppressed by Ji Sang.But they don't know if the movement will become bigger and bigger, and whether Ji Sang can keep suppressing it.

Not to mention, how could the ancient thing inside the Moon Mirror Fan suddenly move so loudly?

Jun Jiu, Mo Wuyue and the others all looked at Hao Zhi, and only Hao Zhi could explain the situation, he knew more than they all.

Haozhi also stared at the moon mirror fan in Ji Sang's hand, his gray eyes were extremely dark and gloomy, Haozhi said: "There is an ancient crack near here, and the breath leaking out of it will attract things of the same origin."

"Crack? What's that?" Jun Huaichu asked curiously.

Hao Zhi asked them to sit first, and then explained to them.

A world is like a star. Countless worlds are scattered and connected by boundless world passages.The gods and the supreme gods also travel to and from various worlds through boundless channels.

Even further back in the past, there were not so many worlds. At that time, the core of all worlds was an ancient original continent.

This ancient continent is not connected to the world, nor can it find its way there.

Only occasional cracks can lead to the ancient continent!

On the ancient continent, there are countless ancient things.For example, Yuanqing's rules, Yitian's curse, and the ancient things on Ji Sang's body all came from this continent.

If Haozhi wanted to solve the trouble Yitian left him, he had to find the ancient thing of the same origin to resolve it.

Originally, Hao Zhi planned to ask Yin Luo and Yuan Qing to see if they had any information.As a result, cracks appeared, Haozhi undoubtedly had a better choice, he could go to the ancient continent to find a solution!
When Hao Zhi explained to Jun Jiu and the others, his expression had already told Jun Jiu and them that he had made a decision.

Haozhi finally said: "I won't go to the Eastern God Territory. The crack is nearby. I will go to the ancient continent to find a way to resolve it. Let's separate."

"Can we go together?" Shang Lang opened his mouth and asked, his eyes a little eager to move.

Unexpectedly, Hao Zhi gave Shang Lang a look, as if looking at a fool.

Haozhi said: "Not everyone can enter the ancient continent. I don't know if this crack is safe. I can still escape if I go there. How about you?"

"We are all gods and supreme, so we shouldn't be so weak." Shang Lang said weakly.

Haozhi shook his head at them, and suggested thoughtfully: "If you want to go, let me go to explore the way first to see the situation. I'll give you news after I'm sure you can come, and it's not too late for you to take risks by then."

(End of this chapter)

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