Chapter 3651 Two Teammates
Chapter 3651 two teammates
Now, there are three brothers and sisters, Cang Baiqing, who need to prepare.

When Jun Huaichu was free, he prepared a communication jade slip, and asked Xiao Wu to bring it back to Cang Jiuzong of the Eastern God Territory, and put it in the place where Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue retreated.

Jun Huaichu left a few words in the jade slip: "Mother, father, I have learned about the ancient things, and I plan to go and have a look. This place is in the secret realm of the world in the mountains. Bai Qing, Bai Fei and Ghost will come with me."

"Mother, father, don't worry, I've made enough preparations, and I won't put my life in danger!"

There is another most important reason why Jun Huai agreed to go on an adventure in a secret place in the mountains!
Jun Huaichu also said in the communication jade slip: "If the ancient things in the secret world in the mountains are real, I can use them to understand the ancient things and the ancient continent. Mother and father are still waiting for Senior Haozhi's answer." Message, maybe I can help."

"Mother, father, wait for my good news! I am your son, I will not let you down, I will be your pride."

Jun Huaichu's tone was firm and proud.

His parents are so powerful and famous, he will definitely become like his parents!
After Jun Huaichu left the messenger jade slip, he went back and continued to prepare with Cang Baiqing and the others.After the four of them were all ready, Cang Baiqing, Cang Baifei, and Cang Bailing entered Junhuaichu's space, and Junhuaichu would let them out when they were in the mountain world.

Cang Baiqing and his siblings followed, and Jun Huaichu did not hide anything from Dong Linyan and Dong Linyue.

After Donglin Yan's brother and sister learned about it, their expressions were extremely complicated, and they hesitated to speak.

Rules are dead, people are alive.

And there are many people who violate the rules and engage in small actions, but they are either not caught or have a strong back, so no one dares to make trouble.

Jun Huai Chu is the latter!
Dong Linyan only said one thing about this, "Are you sure, Jun Huaichu? Even we feel that the secret realm in the mountain world is dangerous. If you let them go, they may lose their lives!"

"It's too dangerous!" Dong Linyue said.

Jun Huai nodded, "I know, but we are all ready and ready to go."

Jun Huai Chu said so, Donglin Yan brother and sister had no choice but to shut up, nodded and said nothing.After Junhuaichu said goodbye to Yinluo, Qiongmeng, Xiaowu and the others one by one, they immediately set off to leave Yinluo's new world.

Coming to the Boundless World Passage, there are still some militant factions who were kicked out by Jun Huaichu before, still staying here.

Seeing Jun Huai Chu coming out, the militant gods immediately gritted their teeth with hatred, and glared at Jun Huai Chu viciously.

Seeing this, Dong Linyan stood up and said, "Jun Huaichu has already joined the covenant, and he is a member of my peaceful faction. Are you militant faction going to war with us?"

The militant gods were stunned when they heard this.

Although the peace faction yearns for peace and will not provoke trouble easily, it does not mean that they are easy to bully.

There are almost 100 people in the secret realm in the mountains. At this juncture, it is impossible for the three factions to fight against each other.Moreover, brothers and sisters Dong Linyan and Dong Linyue appeared here, and invited Jun Huaichu to join the covenant. It is no need to guess that Jun Huaichu is also going to the world in the mountains.

The expressions of the militant gods changed again and again, and finally they silently moved out of the way, allowing Jun Huaichu and Dong Linyan to leave.

Go full speed!
Dong Linyan and the others shortened the distance by a quarter.

Entering the world in the mountains, Jun Huaichu looked at the continent under his feet. Even though Dong Linyan brothers and sisters had introduced him beforehand, Jun Huaichu was still shocked by the scenery in front of him.

The world in the mountains, also known as the world on the mountains.

This is a circular continent with only endless mountains on it, no plains, no hills, and no other landforms.There are only mountains, and the lakes are located in the mountains like gems dotted in the world in the mountains, and the rivers and waterfalls also flow in the mountains, like the Milky Way flying belt.

This is the first time Jun Huaichu has seen a world with only mountains!

If the world is really big and full of surprises, Jun Huaichu's experience is still not enough.

Dong Linyue's eyes were shining brightly. She looked at the Endless Mountains excitedly, and said, "The secret realm is hidden in the Eternal Mountains. It is in the northwest of the world in the mountains. It will take us two days to get there from here."

"Sister Yu and Li Kun are already waiting for us over there. They come first to collect information about the secret realm, and we can learn about the latest situation when we go there." Dong Linyue said.

The elder sister Yu mentioned by Dong Linyue was named Mu Yu, and she and Li Kun were the other two members of the team.

On the way here, Dong Linyue had already introduced Mu Yu and Li Kun to Jun Huaichu, and Jun Huaichu had an impression.But Jun Huaichu didn't fully listen to Dong Linyue's words, and he still had to see it with his own eyes to know what the real person was like.

Jun Huai nodded at the beginning, and the golden eyes said indifferently: "Let's go."

On the way, Dong Linyue lively and cheerfully introduced to Jun Huaichu the mountains passing along the road, as well as the gods and forces in the world in the mountains.

There are clues of ancient things in the secret realm, which was also discovered by the Supreme God of the Mountain World.He joined the covenant, and announced the news in the covenant, seeking many gods to explore the secret realm together and find ancient things!
Ancients are too rare and too powerful.

It is impossible to obtain ancient things 100% based on strength alone.You have to fight for luck and face, the more people come, the greater the chance!

And where ancient things exist, they will emit power to change everything around them.Therefore, even if you can't snatch the ancient things, you will have other gains if you go there, and it will never be in vain!

In order to increase their chances, all the gods are looking for teammates and team up to explore the secret realm.

Two days later.

Jun Huaichu and Dong Linyan brothers and sisters rushed to the agreed place and met Mu Yu and Li Kun.

This is a valley hidden in the deep mountains, full of spiritual power, with unknown divine flowers growing.The fragrance of the flowers is like plum blossoms in the snow. It smells good and refreshes the mind. It is a comfortable place.

Mu Yu and Li Kun sat cross-legged under a big tree respectively.

They are far apart, if you don't know, you may think they are two teams!

Hearing the arrival of Jun Huaichu and Dong Linyan, Mu Yu and Li Kun opened their eyes, stood up and looked in the direction they came from.

When his eyes met, Jun Huai Chu's eyes flickered, and he frowned slightly.

Jun Huai first looked at Mu Yu.

A very young and beautiful girl.Her black hair hung down her waist like satin, she was dressed in purple, she was slender and exquisite.

The appearance is bright and beautiful, extremely outstanding!
But because of her indifferent expression, her beauty was a little more unattainable and arrogant, which made people feel that she was not easy to get close to.

Jun Huai has seen countless beautiful people, especially his mother and father. After traveling to several worlds, it is difficult to find a beauty comparable to his parents.Jun Huaichu himself has inherited the advantages of Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue, so it is difficult to have an appearance that makes him pause.

But Jun Huai stared at Mu Yu in a daze, not because of Mu Yu's appearance.

But when he saw Mu Yu, Jun Huai Chu had a strange feeling in his heart, like a seed had germinated.It's strange, I've never felt this way before, Jun Huai couldn't tell what it was in the first day of junior high school?
Jun Huaichu didn't like things that were out of his control and cognition, so he forcibly moved his eyes away and looked at Li Kun.

Li Kun is a tall and strong man with short gray hair and blue falcon-like eyes.Dressed in strong clothes, he exudes an aura of "I'm not easy to mess with" and "Stay away from me".

Jun Huai raised his eyebrows at the beginning, the two teammates seemed difficult to get in touch with.

When Jun Huaichu was sizing up Mu Yu and Li Kun, they were also sizing up Jun Huaichu.

Before meeting Jun Huaichu, they had heard enough rumors about Jun Huaichu.Although Jun Huaichu is too young, not as big as many people, but what Jun Huaichu has done far surpasses most of them.

Jun Huaichu became the most outstanding descendant of gods in their cognition and understanding!
Jun Huaichu's parents are very powerful.

He is also very good!
Li Kun was the first to know about Donglin Yan's brother and sister's idea of ​​fighting Jun Huaichu, and wanted to invite Jun Huaichu into the team.But Li Kun felt that they couldn't do it.Based on the evil emperor's temper, the son of the evil emperor might not talk to them.

The result was unexpected, Dong Linyan and the others succeeded!
Li Kun strode forward, stretched out his hand to Jun Huaichu, and said in a deep and deep voice, "You are Jun Huaichu, right? I'm Li Kun, nice to meet you."

Li Kun's initiative broke Jun Huaichu's first perception of him.

Jun Huai smiled and held out his hand, "Hello."

(End of this chapter)

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