The Evil Emperor's Pampering: Divine Doctor Ninth Miss

Chapter 3679 Mu Yu's family background

Chapter 3679 Mu Yu's family background

Chapter 3679 Mu Yu's family background

"Xiaoyu, what's your relationship with him?" the old man asked Mu Yu kindly.

"It's a friend. He helped me and protected me. He came to the ancient continent because I was implicated. Grandpa, I am very worried about his safety." Mu Yu said eagerly.

The old man stroked his beard and nodded, squinting his eyes and did not speak.

Mu Yu looked at the old man eagerly, and continued: "Grandpa, I remember you once said that everyone who came to the ancient continent, you will feel it. I am here, you can feel it, and Jun Huaichu can too yes, right?"

The old man looked at Mu Yu and groaned slightly.

What he said to Mu Yu was good, and it was indeed difficult to change his words, but the old man still imprisoned Jun Huaichu, so he would not tell the truth.

The old man made an excuse and said, "It's probably because he is too far away, and grandpa can't perceive it clearly. Xiaoyu, don't worry, grandpa will help you find him. Go and see your mother first, okay?" , she is ill, very ill."

Mu Yu's attention was successfully diverted.

Mu Yu always thought that her mother had passed away, but now that she knew that her mother was still there, how could there be no fluctuations.

Especially when she found out that her mother was ill, Mu Yu was extremely worried, and immediately nodded, "Okay, grandpa, please take me to see my mother!"

Old man: "Good boy, come with Grandpa."

The old man turned around and took Mu Yu to the next room, and when he opened the door, a strong smell of medicine came over his face, and Mu Yu's heart sank.

The old man and Mu Yu walked to the bed together, looking at the beautiful woman lying on the bed, Mu Yu's eyes suddenly turned red.Thousands of years have passed, Mu Yu has grown up, and the memory of her mother is also blurred, but when she sees Mu Yu, she immediately remembers everything.

Mu Yu knelt beside the bed, looking at her mother Sang Yuefeng with red eyes.

Having said that, I have to introduce Mu Yu's family background.

Mu Yu's father is the god in power in one world, and his grandparents and other relatives are also the supreme gods.In terms of family background, Mu Yu's background is much higher than that of Hua Shao, who is flamboyant and extremely proud.Her family's words can scare many descendants of gods.But Mu Yu never said it, and deliberately hid it.

Mu Yu ran away from home, and she didn't want to be found by her family and elders, let alone reveal her whereabouts.

This is just the background of Mu Yu's father.

Mu Yu's mother, it's even scarier to talk about it!

Mu Yu's mother, named Sang Yuefeng, was born in the ancient continent.

The ancient continent is mysterious and unpredictable, and it is difficult for all the gods and supreme beings to find its traces. The ancient things handed down from the ancient continent can even attract the gods to fight for their heads and lose their lives.It is hard to imagine that someone would be born in the ancient continent. What kind of terrifying identity and strength is that?
In fact, it is outsiders who do not understand the ancient continent.

The ancient continent is not a good place.The old man, Mu Yu's grandfather Sangji, has a deep understanding of this point.Sanji relied on his own strength to find the ancient continent, but he could no longer leave, couldn't get out.

Sanji has been trapped in the ancient continent all his life, and he can only be freed by falling and dying.

Sangji met his true love here and gave birth to his only daughter, Sang Yuefeng.

Sang Yuefeng was born in the ancient continent, but she never liked this place, and has always been curious about the world outside the ancient continent.From curiosity to yearning to stubbornness, you must go out and have a look!
Even though Sang Yuefeng knew that she would pay an unimaginable price after going out, she was still stubborn and determined to leave the ancient continent.Sang Ji doted on his daughter too much, and after countless beggings, Sang Yuefeng was finally relented and granted.

Sang Yuefeng was able to leave the ancient continent, go to the passage to the boundless world, and travel to the vast worlds for adventure.

Sang Ji had no way of knowing about Sang Yuefeng going out.

Until one day Sang Yuefeng came back again, bringing her husband and young Mu Yu with her.Sang Yuefeng had to come back, Mu Yu was cursed, Sang Yuefeng and her husband spent hundreds of years, went to countless worlds and couldn't solve it.They can only go back to the ancient continent and seek help from Sanji.

Sangji helped Mu Yu lift the curse and restore her health.

When the family wanted to leave, the price came.

Sang Yuefeng's price was losing her true love.

Mu Yu's price was losing her own mother.

Sang Yuefeng has the shackles of the ancient continent on her body. Like Sangji, she can no longer leave the ancient continent unless she is freed by death.Helpless, Mu Yu and her father had to leave, and Sang Yuefeng stayed with Sangji.

When her daughter came back, Sanji was initially happy and excited.But as time went by, Sang Yuefeng thought about her husband and daughter day and night, and finally got sick from thinking too much.

Sangji couldn't cure his heart disease, he could only watch helplessly as his daughter became weaker and more decadent, losing energy.Until the last sleepless night.Sangji was exhausted physically and mentally, so he had to resort to means to send the Four Elephant Knife he made out of the ancient continent.

Sangji left a forbidden technique on the Four Elephant Knife.

No matter how far the distance and the years are, the Four Elephant Knife will secretly attract Mu Yu to approach, and in the end it can only be obtained by Mu Yu.Once Mu Yu gets the Four Elephant Knife, Sangji will sense it, thus opening the crack connecting the ancient continent and bringing Mu Yu back.

The return of her biological daughter will definitely cure Sang Yuefeng!
Regarding this point, Sangji did not hide from Mu Yu, he told Mu Yu all about it.

Sangji sighed for a long time and said, "Xiaoyu, Grandpa has nothing to do. You know that the ancient continent is different from the outside world. If your mother continues like this, she will die sooner or later. Grandpa can't lose your mother, he can only take you with her." Come back. Xiaoyu, if you want to hate grandpa, do it."

Knowing the cause and effect, Mu Yu shook her head and said, "I don't hate grandpa. But if grandpa promises me, he must find Jun Huaichu!"

Mu Yu raised her head and looked at Sangji with cold and firm eyes.After knowing the truth, Mu Yu felt even more guilty and annoyed towards Jun Huaichu. It was her fault that Jun Huaichu was caused by her.

Sanji was silent for a long time.

Thinking of the future he saw by counting Jun Huaichu's name, Sangji finally nodded, "Yes, we will find him."

"Thank you, grandpa." Mu Yu heaved a sigh of relief, and smiled at Sangji.

Then Mu Yu looked at her mother, and reached out to hold her mother's hand, which was so cold that there was no warmth.Mu Yu's heart was heavy, she opened her mouth and asked, "Grandpa, I'm back, what can I do to wake up my mother?"

Sangji sighed and said, "Talk to your mother. Tell me about your experiences over the years, and also about your father. Only you two can wake her up."

Mu Yu nodded and said yes.

Sangji said again: "Xiaoyu, stay with your mother well. In the early days of Junhuai, grandpa will look for him. Grandpa promised you that he will appear in front of you in peace."

"Yeah, thank you grandpa!"

Sangji exited the room, leaving room for Sang Yuefeng and Mu Yu's mother and daughter.

Sangji glanced at Jun Huaichu who was imprisoned in the small space, his expression was indifferent.He promised his granddaughter, and naturally he would not do anything to Jun Huaichu, but after all, this is the ancient continent, not the outside world.When Jun Huai first thought about it, he had to bow his head and be obedient!

If you refuse to obey, then continue to close it.


Time flies, Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue found the original crack in the boundless world channel at the fastest speed.

Luckily for them, the crack is still here!
Just when Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue rushed to the crack and were about to enter, Yin Guzi made a movement.

Haozhi has news!

Jun Jiu excitedly took out the sound guzi, and received Haozhi's news with Mo Wuyue.

They were just disappointed that Haozhi had no news of Jun Huaichu.Hao Zhi contacted Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue at this time because he guessed that they would rush into the ancient continent first and come to find the trace of Jun Huai Chu in person.Haozhi has something to remind them and tell them.

Once the ancient continent is entered, it is very difficult to get out.After going out, you will also pay the price, think twice before acting.

Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue knew about this, they didn't hesitate at all.My own son, no matter what the price is, can't stop them, and can't scare off their husband and wife!

Haozhi also knew that Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue would not be shaken, so after the words of reminder, Haozhi told them how to reach the ancient continent smoothly after entering the crack.Haozhi also told them some real situations in the ancient continent, so that Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue should be prepared.

(End of this chapter)

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