The Evil Emperor's Pampering: Divine Doctor Ninth Miss

Chapter 3699 The price of taking away

Chapter 3699 The price of taking away

Chapter 3699 The price of taking away

Jun Huaichu came out third, then Mu Yu, and finally Sang Yuefeng.

All five of them left the ancient continent safely and smoothly.The five people looked at each other, in a happy mood, with smiles on their faces.They did it!

Mu Yu opened her mouth and said, "Grandpa and grandma must be very happy to know."

"Yeah." Sang Yuefeng nodded, with a sad expression on her face, leaving this time may be a farewell.Sang Yuefeng does not want to leave her mother and father, but she also misses her sweetheart very much, and she does not want Mu Yu to have a limited lifespan in the ancient continent, waiting for the day of extinction.

Having already come out, Sang Yuefeng shook her head, not thinking about those sad things anymore.

Sang Yuefeng looked at Jun Jiu and the others, and said, "After leaving the ancient continent, the imprint of the ancient continent will be left on your body. Before the ancient continent takes your price, this imprint will not have any movement, nor will it affect you. itself. You won't feel it until it's activated."

"Well, we have found the mark." Jun Jiu nodded and said seriously.

Sang Yuefeng smiled and wanted to say something, but her expression suddenly changed.Sang Yuefeng raised her hand to cover her heart, and said with a surprised and suspicious expression: "Why didn't I have a mark this time?"

Immediately after, Mu Yu also said in astonishment: "Mother, I don't have a mark either."

The mother and daughter looked at each other with serious expressions on their faces.Jun Jiu, Mo Wuyue and Jun Huai Chu also frowned and looked at their mother and daughter, how could there be no imprint?Has the ancient continent already taken their price?
Sang Yuefeng and Mu Yu also thought of this, but no matter how they checked, they couldn't feel that they had paid any price.They are fine, there is no change in their bodies, even if they want to take the life of someone they care about, or something else, they will feel it.

But this time, they didn't feel anything, as if the ancient continent had never left its mark on them, nor would it demand a price from them.But both Sang Yuefeng and Mu Yu knew that this was impossible!

The consciousness of the ancient continent will never be kind to anyone!

Jun Jiu, Mo Wuyue and Jun Huaichu came out with their mother and daughter, how could it be that Jun Jiu and the others had a mark but they didn't?
With a flash of inspiration, Mu Yu opened her mouth: "Could it be that grandpa and grandma did something?"

Sang Yuefeng's heart tightened, her face turned pale, and she immediately took out something that could contact Sangji and Mu Hexian.Divine power submerged in it, contacted Sangji and the others, and after a while the contact was successful, Sangji and Mu Hexian came out with reproachful tones.

There is a limit to the number of times to contact things, one time is less, it doesn't mean that they can see it after successfully leaving the ancient continent.Why waste time?
Sang Yuefeng and Mu Yu hurriedly told Sang Ji and Mu Hexian about their situation, and Jun Jiu and his family listened without interrupting.Sangji and Mu Hexian on the opposite side were also very surprised. They were surprised that the situation was different this time, but they didn't know the reason.

Sangji warned: "The consciousness of the ancient continent will not let go easily, perhaps because you left for the second time, and the imprint was hidden. It doesn't matter if you don't know it now, you should be careful and take good care of yourself."

"Don't panic, it's good for you to leave here successfully, and you will contact us in the future. No matter what, don't go back to the ancient continent again. Just because you can go once or twice, doesn't mean you can leave for the third time. Don't Come back!" Mu Hexian advised.

Sang Yuefeng and Mu Yu took it seriously, promised Sangji and Mu Hexian a guarantee, and then reluctantly disconnected.

Sang Yuefeng and Mu Yu still don't know why they don't have imprints?
They didn't know that Sangji and Mu Hexian who were in the ancient continent at the moment were hit hard.Haozhi is still here, and Haozhi has seen the changes in Sangji and Mu Hexian. When Sang Yuefeng and her daughter just left the ancient continent, the consciousness of the ancient continent retaliated and took away their price.

But they didn't know that Sang Ji and Mu Hexian had tampered with them early in the morning, replacing Sang Yuefeng and Mu Yu.The price for taking away the consciousness of the ancient continent was taken from Sangji and Mu Hexian.

Sanji fell into a weak and old state visible to the naked eye. Sanji checked that he was deprived of his life span.Today, Sanji only has 3000 years of life left. After 3000 years, he will return to perish like those extinct ancestors in the ancient continent.

Mu Hexian lost her youth and became an old woman, but she didn't regret it.

Mu Hexian looked at Sangji with a smile and said, "It's all right now, we look like a good match again, as the old saying goes."

Sangji also smiled, as long as Sang Yuefeng and Mu Yu are doing well, they will be content.Anyway, they can't get out, they are doomed to perish, and it's okay to lose some lifespan.The conflict between the husband and wife is resolved, and they can live together and accompany each other, which is very good.

Sangji looked at Haozhi, and warned: "Don't let your mouth slip. Don't let Feng'er and Xiaoyu know about our situation."

"Don't worry, Mrs. Sang and I don't know each other well." Haozhi said as he looked at them coldly with gray eyes.

Sangji snorted, and Mu Hexian supported each other to leave.

Looking at them, Haozhi suddenly felt an impulse.Hao Zhi said: "Before Jun Jiu and the others left, they also gave you the magic pill? Live well, I have a hunch that this ancient continent will be destroyed sooner or later. As long as we are alive, we still have a chance to leave here."

"Stop dreaming, who can destroy the ancient continent?" Sanji shook his head in disbelief.

Mu Hexian looked thoughtfully at Haozhi with deep eyes, and then the old couple walked away with their arms.

Haozhi looked at their backs and said nothing.The consciousness of the ancient continent is always watching the wind and grass in the ancient continent, Haozhi does not want to speak out to cause trouble for Jun Jiu and the others.But Hao Zhi was convinced that he saw hope and opportunity in Jun Jiu and the others.

Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue have luck in their bodies, even if the consciousness of the ancient continent is deprived of the price, Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue will not be able to hurt Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue.Junhuaichu is their child, so it is the same!
The most important thing, at the moment when Jun Jiu and the others successfully left the ancient continent, Hao Zhi somehow felt that Jun Jiu and the others could settle the price.Also, Jun Jiu and the others can discover more secrets of the ancient continent, and one day in the future, they will be able to crack the ancient continent.

Hao Zhi believes that he can see this day!
He also needs to prepare for this day, don't give up hope, let alone be completely assimilated by the ancient continent...


They couldn't find the mark for a while, and after contacting Sang Ji and Mu Hexian, the mother and daughter of Sang Yuefeng put this matter aside for the time being.They looked at Jun Jiusan and the others, and began to talk about their itinerary. After leaving the ancient continent, they each had their own homes to return to.

Sang Yuefeng and Mu Yu couldn't wait to go home and reunite as a family.

The same goes for Jun Jiu and his family of three.Five or six years have passed since they entered the ancient continent, leaving aside the time spent on the ancient wooden bridge.You can't feel the passage of time on the bridge of ancient trees, at least a few months, at most a few years.Jun Jiu and the others have been disconnected from everyone for at least five or six years!
The world that Sang Yuefeng and Mu Yu are going to is in another direction, an extremely long journey.Here they are, going their separate ways.

When parting, Jun Huaichu told Mu Yu and the others the coordinates of the Eastern God Territory, and welcomed them to Cang Jiuzong as guests.Mu Yu also exchanged the coordinates of their world.Then the two sides set off in different directions, and after a short while, they could no longer see each other when they looked back.

On the Shenzhou, Jun Huaichu kept looking at the direction Mu Yu and the others were leaving, frowning and wondering what he was thinking.

Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue first sent news to Yin Luo, Da Jiu and the others, telling everyone that they had found Jun Huai Chu and had left the ancient continent.Now on the way back to Eastern God Territory!Because the crack that came out was not the one that entered before, Jun Jiu and the others were not sure how long it would take to go back.

But let me know first, so that Yin Luo and Da Jiu will not continue to worry about them.

After the news was delivered, Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue looked back and saw Jun Huaichu standing on the Shenzhou deck in a daze.Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue looked at each other, and finally decided to leave it to Jun Jiu and Jun Huaichu to chat with the mother and son, while Mo Wuyue went to confirm the location and steer back to the Eastern God Territory.

Jun Jiu walked up to Jun Huai Chu, and asked with a smile, "Is Huai Chu reluctant to part with Mu Yu?"


Jun Huai turned his head in confusion, "Why would mother say that?"

Jun Jiu: "It's not that I'm reluctant, what have you been looking at here?"

(End of this chapter)

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