Chapter 3720 Strange Feelings
Chapter 3720 strange feeling
"Let's chat alone?" Jun Wuyou spoke first, looking at Ye Chenxing coldly and deeply with his purple eyes.

Ye Chenxing didn't even think about it, she nodded and agreed.

But Mu Yu and Xiao Wu disagreed.Everyone looked at Jun Wuyou and Ye Chenxing suspiciously and worriedly, Xiao Wu first asked Jun Wuyou: "Do you have any grudges? You won't fight?"

"He was the one who stared at Uncle Wuyou first, and he couldn't let Uncle Wuyou be alone with him!" Cang Baifei said eagerly.

Cang Baiqing and Cang Bailing nodded, both disagreed.

Jing Yuan stood beside Jun Wuyou, glanced at Ye Chenxing, then turned to ask Jun Wuyou: "What's the matter with you?"

These two people obviously met for the first time, but there was a strange aura of discord.No matter how you look at it, it makes people very worried whether the two of them will fight. How can they rest assured that they will chat in private under such circumstances.

Mu Yu was also asking Ye Chenxing what he wanted to do?
Jun Wuyou explained to Xiao Wu, Jing Yuan and the others: "It's nothing, just chat casually, don't worry you won't fight."

Ye Chenxing was also assuring Mu Yu that she would never do anything, just chatting.

Jing Yuan was still suspicious, "Call casually, why do you avoid us?"

"Jing Yuan." Jun Wuyou looked at him quietly with purple eyes, Jing Yuan had no choice but to shut up and retreat, Xiao Wu and the others could only remain silent when they saw Jun Wuyou's decision.

After Jun Wuyou got Xiao Wu and Jing Yuan out of their way, he looked at Ye Chenxing and said, "If you don't mind, go to my space and have a chat."

Ye Chenxing: "Okay, I'm fine."

Then the two entered Jun Wuyou's space one after the other.

The gate of the space was closed, and no one could spy on what Jun Wuyou and Ye Chenxing said in the space.The people outside are not in the mood to watch the game right now, they look at each other, they are all confused and worried.

Mu Yu couldn't help but ask Xiao Wu and the others: "Senior Jun Wuyou, this is the first time to come to the Double Star World, right?"


"not sure."

Xiao Wu and Jing Yuan spoke in unison, but gave different answers.

Xiao Wu looked at Jing Yuan in astonishment, Jing Yuan hesitated a little, and after thinking about Mu Yu's own person, he said, "Have you forgotten? Jun Wuyou still has a previous life, I don't know when he was the Phoenix God, Have you ever been to a double star world?"

"I don't know." Xiao Wu shook his head in confusion.

Although they are a family, they are extremely close and trusting, but they will not tell each other everything without reservation.Not to mention Jun Wuyou's past life, they don't know much about it.Now that Jun Wuyou and Ye Chenxing have entered the space, they can only wait for the two to come out before asking.

On the castle in the air diagonally across from them, Xingzhou stood in the shadows, looking at this side with deep eyes.

Xingzhou is the day star, one of the masters of the double star world, as long as he wants to, the conversation between Xiaowu and Mu Yu can't be hidden from him.It's just that after entering Jun Wuyou's space, Day Xing has no way to spy on it, and it will alarm the owner of the space.

If it is someone else, Day Xing doesn't care at all, he is the master, and there is nothing in his territory that can be hidden from him!

But Ye Chenxing's special attitude towards Jun Wuyou made Day Xing think deeply and think a lot.With sweaty palms, Zhou Xing took a deep breath, his eyes sank to the bottom.He also waited until Jun Wuyou and Ye Chenxing came out.


in space.

Jun Wuyou's space is the vast fairy mountains and grasslands, planted with endless trees and sacred flowers that the Huangfeng family likes most.

In his own space, Jun Wuyou has absolute control.So when he came here, Jun Wuyou felt extremely relaxed, and his purple eyes looked at Ye Chenxing thoughtfully again.Similarly, Ye Chenxing stared at Jun Wuyou after briefly inspecting the space.

Neither of them spoke, they just stared at each other over and over again.

They all have an indescribable feeling in their hearts.It felt strange, as if the stranger on the opposite side had something to do with him, or they were destined to have a bond.But they had never known each other before, and the only person who could contact them was Mu Yu.

Jun Wuyou is not a procrastinating character, he spoke first, and said to Ye Chenxing in a cold and distant tone: "You give me the feeling that there is some kind of relationship between us. Friends? Enemies? Opponents? Or family members? "

With the last word, Jun Wuyou's tone became weird.

Ye Chenxing also found it weird, he opened his mouth and said, "I feel the same as you. And I have an inexplicable urge to get close to you. Let me explain first, this is not love at first sight! It's... it's friends, we should become friends. friend!"

The uncertain tone turned into certainty in the end, Ye Chenxing was trying to affirm this relationship.

Only friends can explain their mutual feelings in a reasonable and unobtrusive manner.Otherwise the enemy?Unlike, they have no idea of ​​fighting each other.Neither is the opponent, and the family is even more impossible!
Ye Chenxing thought for a while, and asked Jun Wuyou, "Have you ever been to the Double Star World before?"

Jun Wuyou replied: "No, this is the first time."

"Then do you have any relatives here? Or blood relationship!" Ye Chenxing asked without giving up.

Jun Wuyou then replied: "There are only two friends, neither of them has a family, and they have only been in the Double Star World for a few decades, so it is impossible for them to have any blood relationship with you."

Ye Chenxing: "Who are they?"

"Ji Sang, Shang Lang."

Ye Chenxing felt that these two names sounded familiar, and then quickly remembered that Ji Sang's ancestor was the elder of the Ye family.He has met Ji Sang once, and he has the impression that Ji Sang is from the Moon God Clan. He has good talent and strength, and the Ye family is very optimistic about him.As for Shang Lang, he is a rising star and he is friends with Ji Sang.

These two people are competing!Jun Wuyou and the others will be here, so you don't need to think about it to know that they are here to watch Ji Sang's match.

Ye Chenxing couldn't figure it out, didn't know what to say, and fell into silence.

Jun Wuyou looked at him quietly for a while, and said, "I don't know why there is a strange feeling between you and me for the time being. In terms of Mu Yu's relationship, let's be friends first, and we will figure it out sooner or later. of."

"Okay. I'm at Ye's house, you can come to me at any time." Ye Chenxing said, and handed out his communication jade slip.

Jun Wuyou didn't refuse, and he also exchanged contact information with Ye Chenxing.

If you want to figure out the weird and wonderful feeling between them, there will definitely be contacts in the future.After Jun Wuyou and Ye Chenxing finished exchanging and made an agreement, they left the space together and returned to the castle in the air.As soon as I went out, I was immediately surrounded by everyone's eyes.

Everyone checked and checked first, and after making sure that they didn't fight each other, they felt relieved.

Then Jing Yuan asked curiously: "What did you two say?"

"I made a friend. Don't just look at us, Ji Sang and Shang Lang are still competing, have you forgotten that we are here to cheer for them this time?" Jun Wuyou looked calm, and his purple eyes looked towards the competition , divert everyone's attention.

Ye Chenxing also regained his composure and alienation, and said, "We'll be out of the top ten soon."

Neither Jun Wuyou nor Ye Chenxing revealed a single word, and it was useless for Jing Yuan, Xiao Wu, and Mu Yu to be curious.The top ten were about to come out, they all looked at the game and turned their attention away.

Only the castle in the sky diagonally opposite, Day Xing still looked at Jun Wuyou and Ye Chenxing, his eyes were dark, he didn't know what he was thinking.

The top ten are out, Ji Sang and Shang Lang are inside.

Immediately after the decisive victory in the top three, Ji Sang narrowly won and entered the top three.Shang Lang lost half a move, quit the game space, and planned to find a place to watch Ji Sang's game.At this time, Jing Yuan sent a voice transmission to him, and then took the three brothers and sisters Cang Baiqing to pick up Shang Lang in person.

The reunion of old friends, the atmosphere is particularly warm and exciting.Also, Ji Sang fought among the top three, which was extremely fierce and dangerous, so no one paid any attention to the matter of Jun Wuyou and Ye Chenxing.

Until finally the leader came out.

Ji Sang didn't get the leader, but he ranked second and was also very strong, and received olive branches from the top ten families.Ji Sang chose the Ye family in public, and everyone else rejected it, so it was no surprise to everyone.After all, Ji Sang's ancestors were elders in the Ye family, so Ji Sang's choice of Ye family is also expected.

Shang Lang also received olive branches, but he rejected them all. Shang Lang prefers to be free.His home is not in the double star world, and he will go back sooner or later.

After the game was over, everyone decided to go to a banquet to celebrate. Mu Yu was among those invited, and Ye Chenxing followed.

(End of this chapter)

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