The Evil Emperor's Pampering: Divine Doctor Ninth Miss

Chapter 375 You Are Amazing, Little Junior Sister

Chapter 375 You Are Amazing, Little Junior Sister
Chapter 375 You Are Amazing, Little Junior Sister
"It's been three days." Leng Yuan replied.

Yes, three days have passed since Jun Jiu entered the Blood Shadow King's cemetery.Leng Yuan has been guarding the door, at first he saw a group of disciples who failed to come out, and yesterday he saw Ji Yiming who came out again.

He secretly stunned Ji Yiming and interrogated him, and he was relieved only after knowing that Jun Jiu was fine.But he still neglected his duty, Leng Yuan glanced quietly at Mo Wuyue and thought.His duty is to guard Jun Jiu and protect her, but now he is stuck outside the door and cannot enter.

Mo Wuyue didn't look at Leng Yuan, he stretched out his right hand and moved it clockwise in front of him, the outline of a huge cemetery under the ground was outlined in the flashing golden light.

Very large and deep, trembling with Mo Wuyue's detection.

In the depths of the cemetery, the man in red looked at the tomb and trembled three times before regaining his composure.He looked up at the top of the sky, his eyes narrowed with vigilance.When the tomb was set up, there was no advanced defense and tomb guard formation.

It's just that those whose strength surpasses others cannot enter.Otherwise, the tomb would collapse on its own, leaving him with nothing to gain.Those whose strength is lower than his can only obediently follow the clearance rules set by him.So he doesn't have to worry!

Outside the cemetery, Mo Wuyue smiled contemptuously: "It's an opportunistic trick."

Trying to think that this will stop all those who are stronger than him?That is, he has never seen a real strong man.Like him, it only takes one thought to break through this cemetery.Just thinking of Jun Jiu, Mo Wuyue restrained his violent methods.

He spread out his right hand, and there was a dragon scale looming on his wrist.Mo Wuyue threw it up lightly, and the sound of jingling bells echoed around him.

Leng Yuan raised his head when he heard the voice, and he saw a water curtain open.The silver bell first appeared in the perspective, and then zoomed out to see Jun Jiu and other people around her.In the water curtain, Jun Jiu is concentrating on absorbing and refining the spirit jade.

Leng Yuan was taken aback, "What are you doing?"

"A checkpoint." Mo Wuyue used the silver bell to look around at 360 degrees without any dead angle, and immediately understood what he was doing.Thirteen people practiced around this piece of spiritual jade, just to be faster than anyone else.

After learning about it, Leng Yuan's heart skipped a beat.The next sentence blurted out, and they were extremely shocked: "Spiritual jade is too difficult for them, wouldn't it take half a year to absorb it!"

This was Leng Yuan's beautification in fear of Mo Wuyue's violence.In fact, not only half a year, but it took one year to absorb and refine this piece of spiritual jade, which is already very remarkable for the thirteen of them.What's wrong with the owner of the tomb, coming up with such a bad idea as a checkpoint?

If you want to help your inheritance find the best disciples.It's better to take spirit stones, level four spirit stones are enough.Whoever absorbs it faster wins, which is much better than spirit jade!
Thinking that Jun Jiu might spend a year in it, Leng Yuan's heart pounded.He carefully watched his master's expression and reaction, but he was stunned by this look.Not only did Mo Wuyue not frown in displeasure, but he hooked his lips evilly and languidly, and there was a smile in his eyes.

Why are you still laughing?

Mo Wuyue: "For those ordinary people, time is endless. But for Xiao Jiu'er, it won't take more than half a year."

"Why?" Leng Yuan blurted out and asked.

Looking back at Leng Yuan condescendingly, Mo Wuyue continued, "Xiao Jiu'er's talent is seventh-level purple, and he also has the help of Xiao Wu, a white tiger. In seven days, Xiao Jiu'er can refine it by himself at most seven days." Finish this Lingyu stone."

Leng Yuan gasped in shock.It can be refined in seven days?
He couldn't believe it, and couldn't help but open his mouth to refute Mo Wuyue. "But master, Miss Jun is currently only a level four spiritual master, she can't bear too much energy."

"Xiao Wu can swallow it."

"Oh, I see.Leng Yuan rubbed his nose, so the white tiger can eat so much?But Leng Yuan is still very curious, can it really be completed in seven days?Let's wait and see.


Everyone is trying their best to absorb the spirit jade.Like spirit stones, spirit jade stones can be absorbed and refined to help them break through and advance.But when you encounter a bottleneck, no amount of spiritual power will help.Three days passed in the blink of an eye, and the disciples under the Great Spirit Master were in trouble and couldn't absorb it.

They look at me and I look at you.Afraid of being regarded as the last three, he gritted his teeth and continued to practice!

Five days later, Yun Ni could not bear to open her eyes and gasped for breath.She scanned around and couldn't help sneering when she saw those disciples who were suffocating.Seeing that Qing Yu was still practicing, Yun Ni's expression changed.

Qing Yu is only an eighth-level spiritual master, so how can she persist longer than her ninth-level spiritual master, who is about to break through to a great spiritual master?Could it be that his talent is higher than hers, so he can surpass her by leaps and bounds?Yun Ni refused to accept, she closed her eyes immediately and continued to practice without resting.

In their eyes, it will take about a year for them to refine this piece of spiritual jade together, so there is no rush as time passes day by day.

But on the sixth day, the situation changed qualitatively!

Headed by Mu Jingyuan, Fu Linzhan, and Fu Linshuang.Everyone stopped one after another. It was only a small reason that they were too tired to absorb it. What shocked them to stop was the sudden change of Lingyushi!

Qi Shushu opened his eyes, and everyone was shocked and unbelievable to see that the Lingyu stone was buzzing.The pure and powerful energy contained in it is frantically rushing towards a breakthrough at this moment.They don't need to follow the direction of energy flow, because in front of them, Jun Jiu is shining and no one can ignore it.

The energy overflowing from the spirit jade lingers around Jun Jiu, shining brilliantly.Looking up now, Jun Jiu is as bright as a little sun, everyone has to cover their eyes to avoid being dazzled.

Qing Yu was not that shocked, she seemed to have gotten used to it.He just said: "My little junior sister is amazing."

"Hiss! Qing Yu, is it okay for your junior sister to do this?" Mu Jingyuan opened his mouth in shock, he stretched out his hand to touch the periphery of the light circle, and quickly withdrew his hand from the heat.

Fu Linzhan also said: "Terrible! Jun Jiu's absorption speed alone is faster than all of us combined. She is a fourth-level spiritual master! How did she do it? Can she bear it? With her small body, Where is the energy absorbed and put?"

Covering his eyes with both hands, Fu Linzhan looked at Jun Jiu through the gap.

It is impossible to imagine how Jun Jiu's small body can withstand the huge energy that their great spiritual masters can't stand?If it wasn't for Jun Jiu's cultivation, he really wanted to find out the truth right away!

"It's better to help if you're curious, and finish absorbing the spirit jade as soon as possible." Fu Linshuang said coldly, and he continued to close his eyes.

Hearing his words, Fu Linzhan and the others came back to their senses and closed their eyes to continue practicing and refining the spirit jade.Only on the opposite side, Hong Ying's eyes were wide open, her face was ferocious, and her palms were bleeding.

(End of this chapter)

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