Chapter 3800 The Finale
Chapter 3800: Finale
In the boundless world channel, every long distance, there will be a station for the gods and gods to rest.In the post station, there is also a teleportation array that can lead to the surrounding world, which greatly shortens the distance.

Ji Sang took Lianhua, Junxuan and Mu Junxin to the post station of the Boundless World Passage countless times, but this was the first time they heard of the post station auction.

Immediately very curious!

On the way to the station auction, Lianhua and the others were asking Ji Sang, what would the station auction be like?
Ji Sang explained to them: "The post station auction was originally an exchange market established by the gods privately. As you all know, there are gods from all over the world in the post station. It is useful, but there are other gods who want it, so they trade it at the station."

"The station is a place where hands-on fighting is prohibited. The gods who trade here only need to pay the god stone to the station to be protected. After the transaction is over, leave through the teleportation array. No one knows which world you went to, and there is no way to track it. Very safe and reliable."

"There are more people trading in the station, and the privately established bazaar has gradually expanded to a larger scale. In the end, it evolved into an auction. It is the same as the auction you have participated in before. The process is similar. Only the auction items are different. "

Needless to say, Ji Sang, Lianhua, Junxuan and Mu Junxin could all guess the rest.

The items traded and auctioned at the post station of the Boundless World Passage are all from various worlds, and they are all sold from the hands of gods or gods, and there will never be defective products.They are all treasures!
The passage of the boundless world is endless, and no one can explore its end, so no one knows how many worlds there are.

Gathering treasures from all over the world, the temptation of the station auction is irresistible!

And because the station auction is unstable, no one knows when and in which station the auction will be held.So every time there is news of the auction of the post station, the gods or the supreme gods nearby, and even some ancient existences will rush to participate.

It was also a coincidence that Ji Sang learned that on their way back, they would encounter an auction at a post station.

Opportunities are rare!
In addition, Lianhua, Junxuan and Mu Junxin have to prepare gifts, and there is no better place to choose gifts than the station auction.And it is guaranteed that this gift is unique, and it can surprise Jun Jiu, Mo Wuyue and Da Jiu who are used to seeing artifacts and treasures.

The more Ji Sang said, the more excited Lianhua and the others became.

All the way to the post auction with excitement, everyone came out of the Shenzhou, wearing cloaks to conceal their identities.Even opening his mouth was hidden by divine power, and he couldn't tell the difference between a man and a woman.

Ji Sang, Lianhua and the others also dressed in the same way, mixed into the crowd, and found an empty seat to sit down.Wait for the auction to start.

During the waiting period, there were pieces of jade slips above their heads. If they wanted to take them out for auction, or barter them, they could take the jade slips and record them.Ji Sang wasn't interested, but Lianhua and the others were excited and cleaned up the useless things in the space, and recorded all the benefits in the jade slip.

They came early, and there were more vacancies, so they sat in the front smoothly.

People came one after another, whether it was a god, a god supreme, or a powerful existence, they all had to fill in the empty seats.Unless you expose your identity and strength, coerce and lure you into a better position, but this will also become a target of public criticism.Without absolute strength, doing so is undoubtedly cheating yourself.

Fortunately, Ji Sang and Lianhua participated in the post station auction for the first time, and all they met were well-behaved people.

After waiting for two days, the auction started!

Ji Sang and Lianhua, who closed their eyes and adjusted their breath, opened their eyes one after another to see the person in charge of the station stand up, tell the things recorded in the jade slips one by one, and then start the auction.

Strange names, novel and interesting things, or strange and mysterious things, etc., Lianhua, Junxuan and Mu Junxin found the source of happiness.Bidding without hesitation, the generosity is shocking!
Ji Sang was a little helpless, but in the end he pampered and indulged them. It was rare for Lianhua and the others to become energetic and youthful after they grew up and calmed down.Ji Sang didn't pay much attention to the scrutiny of the surroundings. This place is relatively close to the double star world, and when they left, they walked through the teleportation array, so they were not afraid of being followed.

Even if someone can track it down, in the Double Star World, Jun Xuan and Mu Junxin's grandparents are here!The other half of Jun Wuyou, Day Xing, is also one of the masters of the double star world, who can bully their beloved junior?

Throughout the auction, Ji Sang was calm and calm, occasionally meeting someone he was interested in, and he would participate in it.

After an auction item was announced, Ji Sang, Lianhua, Junxuan, and Mu Junxin all fell into silence and astonishment.This auction item is bartered, and it is still a hard rule.

The owner who auctioned this item wants to change a guide and send them to the world of Yinmeng!

Ji Sang and Lianhua cautiously scanned the crowd, everyone covered up their identities, they didn't know who was auctioning this item.I don't know why he went to the world of Yinmeng?
It stands to reason that Cang Jiuzong is famous in countless worlds, and the world of Yinmeng is also famous.Anyone who knows the Yinmeng world knows how to get there.Those who don’t know the route are either interested in hearing it for the first time, or they have come from a very distant world and are not familiar with the route of the boundless world passage here.

Jun announced the bid.

They secretly communicated through sound transmission, no matter who this person is or what purpose they want to go to Yinmeng World.They all have to figure out who this person is!
In the end, Jun Xuan won the auction item.

The auction continues...

The entire auction lasted ten days before it ended.After everyone traded and got what they wanted, they left the station from the teleportation array.Only those who did not participate in the auction would use Shenzhou to leave, not afraid of being missed.

Lianhua, Junxuan, and Mu Junxin auctioned off a lot of things, and were directly brought into the room by the person in charge of the post station for trading.After they finished the transaction, the two people who were going to Yinmeng World were also brought in front of Ji Sang and Lianhua.

Ji Sang looked sharply at the man in front of him who couldn't tell the difference between a man and a woman, and said, "Since the two of you are going to the world of Yinmeng with us, you must tell us your identities? It can't be like this all the way. I believe it will be difficult for both of us. Rest assured."

Hearing this, the two quickly took off their cloaks, revealing their true colors.

It was a man and a woman. They introduced themselves as a couple. The man was called Xie Wending, and the woman was called Biwu.They also took the initiative to be honest, they went to Yinmeng World to find two friends!

After knowing the identities of Xie Wending and Biwu, Ji Sang and Lianhua took off their cloaks and introduced their identities.When they learned the names of Junxuan and Mu Junxin, Xie Wending and Biwu were stunned for a moment, and then became excited and surprised.

Xie Wending asked, "Do you know Jun Wuyou and Day Xing?"

Ji Sang, Lianhua and the others looked at each other in surprise, and looked at Xie Wending and his wife in surprise.Then Xie Wending explained his relationship with Jun Wuyou and Day Xing. They met in Yunmeng World, and he still owed Jun Wuyou a few potions of magic pills.

After listening, Lianhua couldn't help asking: "If you are friends of Uncle Wuyou and Uncle Day Xing, then how come you don't know the route to Yinmeng World?"

Xie Wending suddenly looked embarrassed.

Biwu snorted coldly, rolled his eyes at him, and complained speechlessly: "It wasn't him. He broke the communication compass on the way here, and couldn't contact Jun Wuyou and the others. The owed magic pill was not repaid, and both our husband and wife felt sorry , and then find a way to find someone to take us to the world of Yinmeng."

"If you don't go to Yinmeng World, you can only wait for Jun Wuyou to contact me. They often travel to different worlds, so they don't know when they will remember me. I'd better find them sooner to be at ease." Xie Wending said embarrassingly. Said.

Hearing this, Ji Sang and Lianhua were all silent, this oolong really couldn't be explained in words.

Ji Sang and the others didn't fully believe what Xie Wending and his wife said, they left the post station first through the teleportation array.On the way to the Double Star World, Ji Sang contacted Jun Wuyou and told him about Xie Wending and his wife.

After receiving the definite news from Jun Wuyou, knowing that Xie Wending and Biwu were really their friends, Ji Sang and the others felt relieved to bring Xie Wending and his wife to the world of Yinmeng.But it was also because of this contact that Jun Wuyou guessed that they were on their way back.

It doesn't really matter if Ji-sang comes back or not.

The most important thing is Lianhua, Junxuan and Mu Junxin.The younger generation of my family went to travel around the world, and after going there for more than 100 years, everyone missed them.Jun Wuyou immediately told everyone the good news, and waited at the same place in the world of Yinmeng, and hurried back elsewhere, so that when Lianhua and the others came back, everyone would be there to welcome them together.

Ji Sang looked helplessly at Lianhua and the others, "It seems that your surprise was aborted."

"No, at least Uncle Wuyou didn't know that we had prepared a gift, so it's still a surprise!" Lianhua blinked, and comforted Ji Sang in turn that it's no big deal. In fact, their return is already the biggest surprise for relatives and friends!
They enter the binary world first.

Junxuan and Mu Junxin's grandparents, as well as their great-grandfather and great-grandmother are all in the Mu family in the double star world.Sang Yuefeng, Mu Heng, Sang Ji and Mu Hexian came to pick them up first, and then went through the teleportation channel together to the world of Yinmeng.

Since Xie Wending and Biwu entered the double star world, they have been shocked all the way.

Only then did they know that Day Xing is one of the rulers of the binary world, an extremely terrifying and powerful ancient existence!Before this, Day Xing was gentle and talkative around Jun Wuyou, no one would have guessed that Day Xing was so powerful!

After arriving in Yinmeng World, Xie Wending and his wife were so shocked by the huge lineup that came to greet them that they were speechless for a long time.

Lianhua, Junxuan and Mu Junxin have too many relatives and friends!
And the level of strength is more terrifying than the other!
Xie Wending and Biwu came to Yinmeng World for the first time. After seeing these lineups, the couple immediately understood why Cang Jiuzong had developed so fast in the past few hundred years.Many of the worlds the couple has been to have Cang Jiuzong's strongholds.

Cang Jiuzong's strength cannot be supported by just one or two people!

Instead, there are countless powerful gods and supreme beings, behind them are the new existences that created the silver world, as well as the double star world and so on.With a strong background, no matter in any world, I am afraid that they would not want to become enemies with Cang Jiuzong, nor would they want to deal with the people behind Cang Jiuzong.

Xie Wending also finally understood why after knowing that he was the supreme pharmacist, Jun Wuyou was not in a hurry to ask him for the magic pill.

There is no shortage of Jun Wuyou!
Jun Wuyou's own sister is a young supreme pharmacist who is not inferior to her in ability, and is also a powerful god supreme who has broken through to the level of existence.And Jun Wuyou's other half, Day Xing, one of the masters of the double star world, what can this background lack?
Although everyone cared about Lianhua, Junxuan, and Mu Junxin, Jun Wuyou still remembered Xie Wending and Biwu after the excitement.

Jun Wuyou welcomed them as guests and invited them to live in Cang Jiuzong.After nearly 200 years of development, the world of Yinmeng is no longer what it used to be. Xie Wending and his wife can play and experience here.If you can stay and join, there will never be too many Silver Mongolian Worlds.


Cang Jiu Sect Master Temple, Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue, Da Jiu and Yuan Qing, Xiao Wu and Cang Chen, Jun Wuyou and Day Xing, etc., all rushed over.They were all gathered here, looking at Lianhua, Junxuan and Mu Junxin with doting and praising eyes.

Among them, the youngest generation has also grown up!
In the coming era, the protagonists of Cang Jiuzong's famous world will be mainly Lianhua, Junxuan and Mu Junxin.

They will also become stronger step by step, climbing to the heights of their elders, such as Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue.Even in the distant future, it is possible to surpass them!The future is immeasurable, the youngest generation right now, Lianhua, Junxuan and Mu Junxin are sending out the gifts they prepared one by one.

Everyone has a share!

Everyone's gifts were carefully considered and selected by Lianhua, Junxuan and Mu Junxin.Although no matter what they give, everyone will happily accept it, but matching their own preferences and interests undoubtedly proves Lianhua and the others' intentions.

After the gifts were distributed, Lianhua and Junxuan brothers and sisters returned to their parents one after another.

Proud and proud, Lianhua opened her hands and said, "Mother, father, godmother, look, Xiao Jinlian is going to break through the gods!"

Jun Xuan and Mu Junxin: "Mother, father, grandparents, look, Xuan'er/Xin'er has also become stronger!"

Da Jiu, Yuan Qing, Jun Jiu, Mo Wuyue, and Jun Huai Chu all nodded, smiling and looking at them proudly.They are the pride of all of them and the future!

Jun Jiu Chongni looked at them and asked, "I'm back this time, do I want to continue to travel around the world?"

"Yes!" The three said in unison, eager to try.

Ji Sang couldn't help laughing, waved his hands and said: "Let's talk about it first, I won't take you there anymore, you can experience it yourself when you grow up. You can also go to your parents and ask them to take you there. I have to rest for a while .”

As soon as Xiao Wu heard this, he immediately pulled Cang Baihao out, "Xiao Jinlian, next time you go out, take him with you!"

Cang Baihao was still not happy, but was directly suppressed ruthlessly.

Worried that Lianhua and the others couldn't control Cang Baihao, Cang Bailing and Ye Chenxing smiled at each other, and Cang Bailing said, "Next time, Chenxing and I will be together."

"Okay!" Lianhua, Junxuan, and Mu Junxin looked at each other, and began to look forward to the next trip.

But before that, they finally went home, and they must reunite with their parents for a few years first!By the way, complete your own small goals!
Like Lianhua, her small goal is to break through the realm of gods first!
Like Junxuan and Mu Junxin, the goal of the brothers and sisters is to go to the land of the Canglong Clan with their parents, grandparents, and participate in the adult assessment!

They are young, like the rising sun, never set, have a lot of time...

With their travels, sooner or later, the name of Cang Nine Sects will spread to every world and become an ancient legend!

(End of this chapter)

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