Chapter 408 Comeback?impossible
Chapter 408 Comeback?impossible
When the dean of Taichu heard the news, he took a group of people and went directly to Zixiao Academy without saying a word.The dean of Taichu didn't care why he didn't send Jun Jiu back to Taichu for interrogation.He just wanted to avenge Mu Jingyuan!

But all the people in the prisoner had ugly faces, and MMP roared in their hearts!

They laid many traps in the city of Absolute Beginning, and all the spies hiding in the Academy of Absolute Beginning emerged to monitor the academy.As a result, Jun Jiu was "captured" by Zixiao Academy.It is not only too late to mobilize the spies of Zixiao Academy now, but it is also easy to be exposed.

Especially Xing Luochen, whose face was blue with anger.He didn't catch Jun Jiu, but Zi Xiao got ahead of him.What a shame!
All their plans were interrupted, and they hurriedly withdrew from Taichu Academy and rushed to Zixiao Academy.First let the dead prisoner hide outside Zixia Academy for surveillance, then Xing Luochen rushed to meet with Dean Taixu, and Hongying also came at the same time.

Hong Ying was seriously injured and her face was extremely pale.Coupled with the gloomy and vicious expression, it completely destroyed that enchanting and charming face.

Those who saw her at this time did not feel that she was the number one beauty in Tianxu.I can only feel frightened in my heart, is this a dominatrix?When Xing Luochen saw it, he also frowned. "What are you doing here, Hongying?"

"Of course it's to kill Jun Jiu. Senior Brother Xing, Jun Jiu must die!" Hong Ying gritted her teeth, with strong hatred and killing intent intertwined in her eyes.

"I know." Xing Luochen responded perfunctorily, and looked up at Dean Tianxu.

The sudden news caught them by surprise.No one expected that Jun Jiu would fall into the hands of Dean Zi Xiao!

Hong Ying said: "Master, Brother Xing, we don't need to worry. As long as Yun Ni bites the 'evidence' to death, can Jun Jiu make a comeback? No one will believe her words, the prisoner of heaven is Yan Luo, and Jun Jiusan is going to die if she wants her to die. She will definitely not survive the fifth watch."

Xing Luochen squinted at Hong Ying, with contempt and disgust flashing across his face.madness!
If Jun Jiu had no evidence to prove his innocence, how could Dean Zixiao say to ask Dean Taichu to interrogate himself.Xing Luochen thought of Jun Jiu going to Taichu City, because he wanted to see the dean of Taichu.She was even more certain in her heart that Jun Jiu was holding something in her hand.

Yun Ni was also taken there, and she will definitely confront Jun Jiu at that time.But Yun Ni is one of them, and she has been poisoned by poison pharmacist Fei Qing, so she will not betray her.

But just in case, they had to do something else!Xing Luochen said: "Old man, have the people sent to the two sects and ten countries come back?"


For Xing Luochen, he called Dean Tianxu the old man, not the master.Red Poppy is not surprising.Her senior brother has a very close relationship with the Taihuang Mansion, and her status is higher than that of Dean Tianxu.It's too late for her and Master to be proud, so how could they care about a title.

Hong Ying heard a venomous flash in her eyes, and she said, "Brother, what you mean is to threaten Jun Jiu with the disciples of Tianwu Sect. Let her shut up and take the charge of killing the Great Elder and Mu Jingyuan?"

"That's right. If she dares to defend herself, we will kill the disciples of Tianwuzong!"

"But we haven't caught the disciple of Tianwu Sect yet. Even if we caught it, it's too late to send it to Jun Jiu to threaten her." Hong Ying frowned, a little unhappy.The disciples who are doing things are useless, and when they come back, she must reward them with a hundred lashes to teach them a lesson.

Xing Luochen smiled, "Who said we didn't catch them. It's enough for Jun Jiu to see that we caught someone. As for whether it's true or not, we have the final say."

"Brother, good plan!"

"Good idea." Dean Tianxu also nodded in praise, and he added: "There is also the fourth layer of body training. Before interrogating Jun Jiu, tell her that if she dares to resist, she will burn the body training, and let them lose Tian Wuzong forever." Secrets."

Hong Ying: "What about after the conviction? The principal of Taichu will definitely take Jun Jiu back."

"The civet cat was replaced by the prince. Jun Jiu was swapped at Zixiao College." Xing Luochen said.The three of them looked at each other and smiled at each other.

What a perfect plan!
Step by step, Jun Jiu was completely trampled under his feet and could not turn over.So what if Zixiao Academy captured her?The initiative is still in their hands.Thinking of this, they couldn't wait to rush to Zixiao Academy as soon as possible.


Day after day, the principal of Taichu has arrived at Zixiao Academy.

Jun Jiu was still in the house, taking acupuncture and moxibustion for Mu Jingyuan calmly, and then took out the needles and put them away.After finishing, Jun Jiu raised her hand and touched Xiao Wu who was sleeping in a circle in the basket in the house.It's been a month and it still hasn't woken up.Woke up once at Lingshuquan, in a trance like a dream.

"Little Junior Sister!" Qing Yu's sad tone made everyone's heart broken.

Looking up, there are brothers Fu Linzhan and Ji Yiming sitting in a row with Qing Yu.What's funny is that the three of them have the same expressions, almost dying of sorrow.The only difference is that Fu Linshuang was born with a paralyzed face, so he couldn't make such vivid expressions.

Seeing them like this, Jun Jiu felt wicked and playful again.She raised the corner of her mouth and asked deliberately, "what's the matter?"

"Jun Jiu, you still ask what's wrong! You will be interrogated in public for up to three days. What are you thinking? Why do you want my master to spread the news of your arrest. Now, Dean Taichu and Dean Tianxu They're all here. Didn't you just send them to your door..." Fu Linzhan sighed heavily, unable to say the word courting death.

Ji Yiming felt wronged. "I'll ask grandpa. But grandpa said that it's helping you, not helping you. It's obviously hurting you."

The corner of his mouth curved again, Jun Jiu raised his eyebrows and looked at Qing Yu and asked if he had anything to say.Qing Yu just sighed, with an expression on his face as if he was watching his junior sister messing around, but he could only play with her.

"Fu Linshuang, do you have anything to say?" The expressions of the three made Jun Jiu laugh out loud.She finally looked at Fu Linshuang.

Fu Linshuang moved his lips and said, "I don't know your plan. But I found a way for you to escape."

"Pfft!" Jun Jiu couldn't hold back anymore.She laughed, seeing their expressions became even more resentful.Then he clenched his fist and coughed twice to hold back.

It's not that she didn't tell Qing Yu and them, it's that she kept it secret to surprise them.But now it seemed that the four of them were almost resentful and worried, and they turned into spirits behind her and followed her non-stop.Jun Jiu said: "Thank you for your worry, but relax. You just need to keep smiling and wait to see the sky prisoner slapping you in the face."

"Before slapping the prisoner in the face, you have to save your own life." Fu Linzhan said seriously.

"I will." Jun Jiu ticked the corner of his mouth.

Resting her chin with her hands, Jun Jiu suddenly misses Mo Wuyue.He knows her best, don't ask, don't tell.Just to accompany her to run amok and give her a hand while she digs a hole.This is a good buddy!
Mo Wuyue: I don't want to be a good buddy.

At this time, a disciple suddenly came to send a message. "Dean Zixiao has arrived!"

"What!" Qing Yu got up worried.Dean Zixiao arrived earlier, which means that the trial of Jun Jiu will also be earlier.Their hearts beat like drums, but they saw Jun Jiu pursed his lips and looked at Mu Jingyuan.

"It's time to wake up," she said.

(End of this chapter)

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