Chapter 410

Chapter 410 Confrontation, Thunder and Thunder
"Great Elder, Mu Jingyuan was killed by you. You are a traitor in the early days, there is no doubt about this fact." Xing Luochen smiled dangerously and stared at Jun Jiu.From this distance, Jun Jiu could clearly see that his eyes were not pure black, but a little blue.

Jun Jiu: "Oh."

Hearing the mocking disdain in Jun Jiu's sneer, Xing Luochen's face turned black.He straightened his back and looked at her sullenly and arrogantly. "You can't escape death. But if you die yourself, there are still another group of people buried with you. Choose yourself!"

From Xing Luochen's point of view, the calm and calm look on Jun Jiu's face is all fake!

She must have been extremely terrified, scared, and even trembling and crying.It's just for the sake of face and self-esteem, to hold on.Just wait and see, how will Jun Jiu pretend to be in the main hall?At that time, even if she knelt down to beg him, he would not let her go.

Snorting and laughing coldly, Xing Luochen turned around and strode away, the sleeves of his robe billowing in waves, aggressive and arrogant.

Because of Jun Jiu's unafraid attitude when facing Xing Luochen, Zixiao's disciples hold Jun Jiu in high regard.Therefore, the tone of the speech was much more gentle, "Let's go! The dean and the others will wait for you to pass."

Jun Jiu nodded his forehead, "Let's go."

In the main hall, when Jun Jiu came, everyone was watching and everyone was pointing.Some wondered what exactly Jun Jiu had done to kill the great elder, some scolded Jun Jiu as a traitor, some were jealous and cursed Jun Jiu to execute her after the trial...etc.Noisy and unpleasant words cannot be heard.

Jun Jiu's expression didn't fluctuate at all.She looked up to the main hall, and the headmaster of the early days glared at her with angry, shocked, remorseful and suspicious eyes.Yun Ni stood behind Dean Taichu, her eyes were vicious and faintly excited.

Looking at Dean Tianxu again, Xing Luochen got here one step ahead of her.Dean Tianxu, Hong Ying, and Xing Luochen all stared at her, roaring with murderous intent.

Jun Jiu!Fu Linzhan is very worried, what exactly do you want to do?Public trials are no joke.

It wasn't until Dean Zixiao raised his hand slightly that the hall fell silent.Countless pairs of eyes stared at Jun Jiu maliciously, they just waited for Dean Zi Xiao to speak.However, when Dean Zixia spoke, everyone in the hall was stunned.

Dean Zixiao: "Move a chair for Jun Jiu."

Everyone: ?
Ji Yiming volunteered to go over, and he directly gave Jun Jiu his most comfortable chair.She also winked at Jun Jiu, "Miss, this chair is very comfortable."

Ji Yiming's voice was not low. Hearing his words, there were so many question marks on their heads that they almost drowned them out.Hong Ying couldn't believe it and said, "Dean Zi Xiao, what do you mean?"

"Since it is a trial, Jun Jiu is innocent until the result comes out. Since she is innocent, why do you have to let her stand harshly." Dean Zi Xiao stroked his beard and said with a smile.

Hong Ying's eyes almost popped out when she heard this.What a theory!Those who can sit in the main hall are either the dean or the elders.Ji Yiming had it because of his special status.I didn't see that she doesn't have a chair or a bench to sit on, so why can Jun Jiu sit?
Is this still a sinner?Hong Ying turned her eyes cold with viciousness, Dean Zi Xiao was clearly protecting Jun Jiu!She was about to speak, but Xing Luochen stopped her by winking at her.

Dean Zixiao didn't even look at Hongying, and waited for Jun Jiu to sit down.He went on to say: "This public trial is for the murder of Mu Jingyuan, the great elder and disciple of Taichu. After I, Zi Xiao, caught Jun Jiu, I found that there were inconsistencies in this matter, so I hereby give a fair trial."

"Hehe, Dean Zixiao sees that you are doing too much. Jun Jiu is a disciple of Taichu, and the trial and punishment should be done by Dean of Taichu!" Dean Tianxu provoked openly and secretly.

Looking at Dean Taichu, he didn't say anything, just stared at Jun Jiu.

Dean Zixiao: "Jun Jiu, do you have anything to explain?"

Jun Jiu leaned back on the chair in a relaxed posture, raised his head, his eyes were so cold and sharp that people dare not look directly at them.She said, "Explain? I don't know what my crime is. Explain what?"

"Jun Jiu, stop pretending!" Yun Ni stood up excitedly.Her voice was no longer as gentle and pleasant as before, only hoarse as if she had swallowed sand in her throat.

Yun Ni tore off the silk around her neck, her eyes were red with hatred and hatred.She pointed at Jun Jiu and shouted: "Jun Jiu, you didn't think about it, did you? I'm still alive! It's because I'm alive that I can point out the evil things you, a traitor, have done."

Jun Jiu curled his lips coldly, "What did I do?"

"Hmph! Listen up, everyone. Jun Jiu, a traitor, has done countless things. Since I recruited her into the hospital, Taichu Academy has carefully cultivated her and her senior brother Qing Yu. I even let them go to Lingshu Spring. Empowerment."

"And them! When my grandfather, the Great Elder of the First Beginning, and I went to pick them up and go back to the academy. Jun Jiu ganged up with thieves and attacked my grandfather and brother pastor. They killed them cruelly in the end! And I, the scar on my neck is the proof If Dean Tianxu hadn't saved me, I would have died too. No one can prove her crime!"

Although Yun Ni's hoarse voice was unpleasant, she was emotional with every word, and finally she covered her face and began to cry.

When everyone in the hall heard this, they cursed Jun Jiu one after another.Especially the disciples of Taichu Academy, they wished to rush over and cut Jun into pieces.Even if they couldn't come over, their eyes were as vicious as a Ling Chi knife, and their curses were even worse.

"Silence!" Dean Zixiao's pressure fell, and the hall fell silent again.Including Yun Ni, the crying was also frightened and silenced.

"Jun Jiu, do you have anything to defend?"

"Yes." The corner of Jun Jiu's mouth hooked slightly.At this moment, she was like a boat in the storm, she was still calm, and she didn't even wrinkle her eyebrows.Seeing Jun Jiu's reaction, Yun Ni panicked inexplicably.


It is impossible for Jun Jiu to come back.In order to be questioned, the fact that Jun Jiu could not kill the Great Elder.Xing Luochen also taught her that Jun Jiu had friends!She doesn't believe that Jun Jiu has a way to solve it.

Jun Jiu opened his mouth, and his cold and heartless voice was heard clearly in everyone's ears.She said: "The death of the great elder, I admit it. Yun Ni, I am indeed going to kill you. I didn't expect that you survived even cutting your throat."

"Did everyone hear that? Jun Jiu admitted it!" Yun Ni was ecstatic, and the panic in her heart disappeared immediately.

But no one responded to her, they still looked at Jun Jiu.Watching her sneer, watching Yun Ni ridicule is like watching a clown.Jun Jiu continued: "But Mu Jingyuan, I didn't kill him. It's the Great Elder who wants to kill him!"

Everyone was stunned and unbelievable.In the early days, the Great Elder wanted to kill Mu Jingyuan?In the main hall, Dean Taichu's expression changed.

"You're talking nonsense!" Yun Ni used her volume to cover up her guilty conscience, and she shouted at the top of her voice, "It's clear that you killed Brother Priest. I can swear it! Everything I said is true, if there is a fake day to hit five thunders boom!"

Suddenly, there was a loud bang of thunder, resounding through the sky and the earth.

(End of this chapter)

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