Chapter 423 I Will Chop Her Hand Off

Chapter 423 I Will Chop Her Hand Off

The places arranged for Zixiao Academy and Taichu Academy are together.It is thought-provoking that the residence is not on the mountain, but on a huge lake behind the mountain. Twelve pavilions rise up to form a large courtyard around it.

The winter moon has dropped so badly that thin ice has formed on the lake.There is only one corridor bridge and water pavilion to enter and exit.

When they walked onto the covered bridge, they heard the elder Tianxu, who was leading the way, say something meaningful: "Don't go down to the lake at will. There are hundreds of traps under the lake, even a great spiritual master would not dare to break in."

After saying this, the elder in charge clearly stared at Jun Jiu.

None of them said anything.When he got to the yard, he found out where he lived.After the elder in charge left, everyone started discussing immediately.

Fu Linzhan first complained: "Don't you think this place is like a prison? There is only one covered bridge to get in and out, and there are organs under the lake. If someone blocks the covered bridge, wouldn't we be trapped here to death?"

"And all our activities are in this yard." Qing Yu also lost his unrestrained smile, and he frowned and looked at Jun Jiu.

Ji Yiming: "Can we change places? Hey, it's so cold living here!"

It is impossible for Tianxu Academy to change places for them.Although this place is large, there are twelve pavilions, among which garden pavilions are interspersed, and it takes more than half a day to walk around.But it was clearly a prison.

Jun Jiu looked at everyone calmly.She knew very well that this cage had nothing to do with them.It was to keep her locked up!
As long as there is a covered bridge, she can't escape.Jun Jiu raised the corners of his lips coldly, it seems that the prisoner is well prepared, he doesn't know what the next move will be?
Seeing everyone looking at her, Jun Jiu said: "If you come, you will be safe. The journey is exhausting, so go back and rest."

Everyone nodded.There was no one else here, and they talked for a long time without making any progress.It is better to rest and maintain a brain with sufficient physical and mental strength to deal with anything that may happen in the future.

Jun Jiu's room is near the lake, and you can see the lake and the mountains in the distance when you open the window.If the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, or in the midsummer, the scenery here must be picturesque!But now, it only makes people feel the cold wind howling, bitingly cold.

As soon as he entered the house, Xiao Wu urged Jun Jiu to quickly light the brazier.It shrank into a white ball in the cold, and it couldn't stop the chill.

When the charcoal fire started, Xiao Wu immediately huddled beside the charcoal brazier, refusing to move even half a step.Jun Jiu looked amused, and when he was about to say something, he frowned suddenly.Jun Jiu turned and looked out the window.

Through the hollowed-out windows, people outside can be vaguely seen.The man stood there, neither moving nor moving.

"Meow!" Xiao Wu wouldn't open his mouth to speak when there were people around.Anyway, Jun Jiu can understand the meow language.It showed its sharp claws vigilantly, and said: Does the master want me to go out and drive him away?
Jun Jiu shook his head.She asked Xiao Wu to stay and enjoy the fire, while she opened the door and went out.Looking up, Jun Jiu's eyes flashed surprise.She knew this person, but she didn't expect that she would be here!

"Fanggu." Jun Jiu called the woman.

"Walk with me." Fang Gu walked straight without waiting for Jun Jiu's answer.It seems that she is determined that Jun Jiu will definitely follow!
His eyes dimmed slightly, Jun Jiu stepped up to follow.Seeing Fang Gu leading her further and further away, she couldn't help touching the handle of You Ying's knife with her fingertips hidden in her sleeve.At this moment, Aunt Fang stopped.

She was standing by the lake, next to the weeping willows that had been frozen into strips of ice, glistening in the sunlight.Jun Jiu let go and walked over to stand three steps behind Fang Gu.Fang Gu said, "You must have many questions you want to ask me?"

Raising eyebrows, Jun Jiu replied coldly. "not at all."

Aunt Fang was taken aback.She looked at Jun Jiu's expression and became very astonished and couldn't believe that Jun Jiu was fine?How is this possible.

She said again: "Don't you ask me why I am here? Why do I want to see you? "

"If you want to tell me, I'll listen." On Jun Jiu's stunningly glamorous face, there was a cold indifference, without any emotional ups and downs.Facing Shang Jun Jiu's equally cold eyes, Fang Gu felt a guilty conscience of being seen through.

Obviously she made the first move, but in the end she became passive.

This is incredible!

But thinking of Jun Jiu's miraculous and powerful reversal of the situation, he slapped Tianxu Academy in the face.Fang Gu felt admiration and comfort again, Jun Jiu was great and outstanding.The only pity is that she shouldn't be here.

Sighing, Fang Gu decided to tell everything.She looked sad and said to Jun Jiu: "Jun Jiu, you shouldn't be here. The prisoner will not let you go. The longer you stay here, the closer you will be to death."

Jun Jiu raised his eyebrows, but didn't speak.

Fang Gu continued: "Let's go! You can still go now, if you are worried about the ambush behind the prisoner. I can send you out, far away from Tianxu Academy! Jun Jiu, trust me, I have no malice towards you, I'm doing this for your own good."

Jun Jiu smiled.Of course the smile is cold and slightly mocking. "For my own good? So you want me to be a deserter?"

"Jun Jiu, how can you think so. Face is more important than life? What's more, it was right for you to leave, and it would be wrong to stay!" At the end, Fang Gu's tone became hasty and aggressive.

Narrowing her eyes, Jun Jiu looked at Fang Gu coldly.When Fang Gu said every word, she deliberated in her brain and came to a conclusion.

Seeing that Jun Jiu was indifferent, Fang Gu wanted to persuade him.But this time, Jun Jiu raised his hand to interrupt her.

Jun Jiu said: "You want me to go because you think I will definitely lose. Oh, then you think too much. I won't leave."

"Jun Jiu, why..."

Jun Jiu interrupted Fang Gu again, her eyes were cold and menacing, and Fang Gu's heart trembled when she looked at her.Jun Jiu continued: "If you think that you can tell me what to do because you know my parents? Then you are wrong. Even if they are here, they have no right to meddle in my affairs."

Fang Gu stared wide-eyed, gasped and froze.How did Jun Jiu know that she knew Jun Mingye and Man Dong?She obviously didn't say anything, she didn't reveal anything!
"I hate people who stretch their arms too far. If you make me angry, I will chop off her hands!" The cold-blooded tone proved that she did what she said, and she was absolutely not ambiguous, let alone trying to scare her here.Fang Gu's body became even stiffer.

She stood there stunned, seeing Jun Jiu coldly turning around and leaving, Fang Gu opened her mouth and didn't know what to say.

Is she stretching too far?But she obviously wants to care and protect her...

Jun Jiu walked out of this corner, looked up and caught a glimpse of a pair of shoe uppers.She raised her head and looked at Fu Linshuang, her eyes dimmed. "Did you hear everything?"

"Yes, I heard." Fu Linshuang nodded.He accidentally saw Fang Gu and Jun Jiu leaving one after the other, and he was worried that Jun Jiu would follow up to take a look, but he didn't expect to hear the scene just now.

Fu Linshuang: "What she said is not wrong."

"So you also want to persuade me to leave?" Jun Jiu asked back.

(End of this chapter)

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