Chapter 427
Chapter 427
Jun Jiu alone?Everyone was stunned.Since their grades are calculated by adding up two groups, wouldn't Jun Jiu be at a disadvantage alone?
As soon as Qing Yu wanted to ask, Fang Gu said indifferently and seriously: "Okay. Someone was injured today, and the class is temporarily suspended. Come back tomorrow! Everyone except Jun Jiu should go back."

Qing Yu immediately looked at Jun Jiu.Jun Jiu winked at him, Qing Yu could only turn around with a frown and leave with Mu Jingyuan and the others.

They didn't leave, they were all outside waiting for Jun Jiu to come out.You look at me, I look at you, Qing Yu first said: "How can I leave my junior sister alone, it's not fair!"

"I'm afraid that Gu Fang stayed with Junior Sister Jun just to talk about it." Mu Jingyuan said.

Fu Linzhan rubbed his chin, and guessed suspiciously: "Could it be that Fang Gu is with Tianxu Academy, so she deliberately made things difficult for Jun Jiu?" Fu Linshuang and Ji Yiming didn't speak, they couldn't figure out what Fang Gu was. mean?
in situ.

Fang Gu pursed her lips and stared at Jun Jiu seriously.No one spoke, there was only silence.

Jun Jiu didn't feel uncomfortable at all, her back was straight and her posture was comfortable and calm.A pair of cold eyes looked directly at Fang Gu, waiting for her to speak first.Fang Gu couldn't hold back anymore, and asked her, "Don't you want to ask me why I put you in a group alone?"

Jun Jiu raised his eyebrows and smiled coldly.

Fang Gu understood immediately.Jun Jiu still means the same thing, she doesn't care if she likes to talk or not.Fang Gu sighed, her age is not as good as Jun Jiu's calmness.

Fang Gu: "Jun Jiu, this is the last chance I'll give you. It's still too late for you to leave! You just saw that Xing Luochen and Hong Ying are very malicious towards you. They won't let you go !"

"You are in danger every day at Tianxu Academy, and you may die at any time. Get out of here! It's the best plan to get out of here quickly." Aunt Fang advised her again.

Jun Jiu frowned, his face was cold.

So what if the tone is sincere and the words reveal concern?Insignificant people, their so-called concern will only cause her trouble.

"What right do you have to say these things to me?" Jun Jiu's icy voice was chilling and cold.

She raised her eyes, her eyes were as cold as ice, frightening.Seeing those eyes, Fang Gu straightened her back instinctively and took a deep breath.She opened her mouth, "Since you know that I know your parents, then you know that I have no ill intentions towards you. I care about you!"

"Heh." Jun Jiu sneered.

She stepped lightly and rushed out.Fang Gu reacted subconsciously to attack, but quickly realized that it was Jun Jiu, so she stopped immediately.At this time, Jun Jiu had already arrived in front of her.With a twist of the fingertip, a shadow appeared.

"Ah!" Aunt Fang cried out in pain.Clutching his wrists and backing away repeatedly, he glared at Jun Jiu with horror and anger.

Shaking off a drop of blood on You Ying casually and lightly, Jun Jiu looked coldly at Fang Gu and sneered, "I said so. If you interfere again to make me angry, your hand will be crippled!"

Aunt Fang clapped her hands and was stunned.She didn't expect Jun Jiu to be real!
She lowered her head to look at the wound, almost breaking her hand tendon.But the wound was so deep that it took ten days and half a month to recover.Jun Jiu is a pharmacist, so she must be careful in what she does.

Jun Jiu said again: "Next time, you and I will be mortal enemies."

Aunt Fang was so stunned that she couldn't say a word.sworn enemy?She obviously cared about Jun Jiu, how could she treat her as a sworn enemy!Fang Gu had no choice but to find a way out for herself, thinking that Jun Jiu was capricious because she was young.

Watching Jun Jiu coldly turning around and leaving without looking back, Fang Gu pursed her lips.

She said to herself: "Jun Jiu is still young, and it's normal to be willful. But I can't let her mess around! For her safety, I must let her leave here as soon as possible. What should I do?"

A flash of light suddenly flashed in Fang Gu's mind, she had an idea!
Since he intervenes positively, he dissuades Jun Jiu and refuses to listen.Then she will come sideways!Fang Gu nodded, "I'm in charge of the Dongyue assessment this time. As long as Jun Jiu can't complete the task, she is doomed to be eliminated and has to leave here. Good idea! Let's do it like this!"

So the next day, everyone met again.

Xing Luochen was seriously injured and carried back. The shocking crowd of Tianxu Academy turned their backs on their backs, and three of Dean Tianxu's angry tables were smashed into pieces.Today, Xing Luochen came in a chair.He and Hong Ying, one pale and the other livid.But both of them looked at Jun Jiu with resentment and viciousness in their eyes.

They can't wait to jump over and chop Jun into pieces.Fang Gu saw it in her eyes, and immediately became more determined in her mind!

Fang Gu said: "Today, you start to form a group of two. In the first basic course, I will teach you how to absorb the second-level spirit stone quickly and accurately. The next class in the afternoon will teach you how to purify your spiritual power in the realm of a great spiritual master. The problem."

Everyone's eyes lit up, eager to try, and looking forward to it.

Both classes were in great demand for them.The teaching method of Taihuangfu is undoubtedly far better than the three major colleges.They must take advantage of this opportunity!

"But Jun Jiu can't participate. Your strength is too low, you are only an eighth-level spiritual master. You can't understand the class, and it will only waste time. So I will give you a task, and you can stay after completing it. Otherwise, you will fail. Get out of here immediately!" Fang Gu stared at Jun Jiu and said.

Everyone was taken aback, their expressions changing.

Qing Yu asked eagerly, "What mission?"

"I'm not a great spiritual master either, why can I listen? Miss sister can't." Ji Yiming questioned Aunt Fang in shock.

Hearing his words, everyone reacted.Yes indeed!There is not only one spiritual master here, and Jun Jiu's strength is two levels higher than Ji Yiming's.Besides talent, how could Jun Jiu not understand when he is so smart?
From yesterday to now, the fool has seen it all.Fang Gu is trying to fight against Jun Jiu on purpose!
Fang Gu: "I'm in charge, and I'm the one who teaches. Anyone has an opinion, and you can get out now!"

"Did you hear that? If anyone has an opinion, you can get out now." Xing Luochen stared at them with a pale face and a gloomy smile.His eyes fell on Jun Jiu, and he stared fiercely several times.

Qing Yu and the others turned dark.

"Come on, what is the mission?" Jun Jiu opened his mouth, defusing the tense atmosphere.She looked at Fang Gu calmly and coldly, neither angry nor irritable.

Seeing Jun Jiu's reaction, Fang Gu felt sorry from the bottom of her heart.She comforted herself inwardly.She was protecting Jun Jiu, so she had no choice but to fight against her!Her original intention is good, and Jun Jiu will understand in the future.

Fang Gu said: "I know you are a pharmacist, and you are very good at refining elixirs. So you only need to refine the ten elixirs above, and you can pass the level."

Aunt Fang handed over a booklet.Jun Jiu took it and opened it, and Qing Yu and Fu Linzhan immediately surrounded it.When they saw the names of the ten kinds of elixirs written on the booklet, their faces were as black as the bottom of a pot.

Are you kidding me?
(End of this chapter)

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