The Evil Emperor's Pampering: Divine Doctor Ninth Miss

Chapter 440 PK Three-Eyed Leopard-headed Eagle

Chapter 440 PK Three-Eyed Panther-headed Eagle

Chapter 440 PK Three-Eyed Panther-headed Eagle

Everyone looked at Jun Jiu together, "What can I do?"

Jun Jiu first gestured for the big guys to sit down. They stood behind different trees, and they sat down just enough to be considered a circle, but the distance was a bit far away.Jun Jiu crossed her legs, and Xiao Wu squatted on her lap and snored.

Jun Jiu said: "The three-eyed leopard eagle is an eighth-level spirit beast, you all know this. Now let's talk about something that everyone doesn't know."

Everyone was quiet, waiting for Jun Jiu to continue.

"Only the middle eye of the Three-Eyed Leopard Eagle is endowed with supernatural powers, and it can emit the attack power equivalent to that of a fifth-level Great Healer. It is good at air combat. There will be limitations to the Three-Eyed Leopard Eagle in the forest, but it is limited."

"Before, Xiaoying and I took a shot and injured the three-eyed leopard. Although the injury is insignificant, we can lock the active attack wound and pull it to aggravate its injury. My plan is as follows, Xiaoying will lure the three-eyed leopard over." Just as Jun Jiu was speaking, Xiao Ying slipped out of Qing Yu's sleeve.

It bounced and ran in front of Jun Jiu, Xiaoying stared wide-eyed. "You let me go?"

"Is there a problem?"

Looking at Jun Jiu's indifferent and cold eyes, Xiaoying's instinctive desire to survive made him shut up.If you don't work, you will be thrown out.

But Xiaoying still said weakly: "I used up too much energy before. I can't beat the three-eyed leopard eagle again." After speaking, Xiaoying quietly transmitted the words behind Xiaoying to Jun Jiu to add: "Unless I expose the original , but then I'd fall into a deep sleep."

"Why not?" Jun Jiu also answered him via voice transmission.

Xiaoying's eyes widened even wider.The bronze fox had a very humane sad expression on his face, and Xiao Wu stabbed him quickly at this moment.

Xiao Wu smiled and said via voice transmission: "Anyway, you usually eat and sleep, and seldom work. If you sleep deeply, sleep deeply. Qing Yu will put you in his sleeve and won't forget."

Xiaoying: QAQ
Do you actually despise him so much?
Jun Jiu patted Xiao Wu on the head lightly, she looked at Xiao Ying and said, "You don't need to confront the three-eyed leopard hawk head-on. You just need to lure it over, and leave the rest to us."

"Okay, I will definitely finish this!" Xiaoying put away her expression and nodded.

Looking at everyone again, Jun Jiu explained their division of labor one by one.To kill a three-eyed leopard eagle, one or two people alone will not do.Everyone deserves it!

In the morning of the next day, it was time for them to do it!
The three-eyed leopard eagle is a nocturnal beast.They are most active from afternoon dusk to night, and in the morning when they are full and rested, their attack power can be reduced a bit, which is more beneficial to them.


Xiaoying set out to lure the three-eyed leopard eagle.Jun Jiuze, Qing Yu and the others quickly made traps and preparations on the spot, everything was ready, just waiting for the three-eyed leopard-headed eagle to come!
The time passed by every minute and every second, making people take a deep breath nervously, and the palms of their hands were slightly sweaty.

An hour passed and two sticks of incense burned, and the scream of the three-eyed leopard eagle was heard in the distance.Qing Yu stood on a tall treetop, looked into the distance and immediately lowered his head and said, "The three-eyed leopard eagle is here!"

"Everyone get ready!"

The three-eyed leopard eagle was very fast, and within a few blinks of an eye, the sound of flapping wings could be heard in the wind.brush!Xiaoying rushed over, and he yelled at Jun Jiu: "The three-eyed leopard eagle is right behind me."

Needless to say, everyone saw the three-eyed leopard eagle in sight.

Let Xiaoying find a bush to hide first, Jun Jiu raised his hand and opened it to let everyone stay still.They stared straight at the three-eyed leopard eagle getting closer and closer, and finally stopped and circled in mid-air.It came chasing Xiaoying, but Xiaoying lost her trace here.Couldn't find Xiaoying, of course the three-eyed leopard-headed eagle refused to give up and leave.

Hovering in mid-air, the three-eyed leopard-headed eagle screamed continuously.The ferocious and brutal momentum fell, the trembling leaves rustled, and the grass fell down almost to the ground.However, Xiaoying's size has shrunk enough that the three-eyed leopard eagle can't find it.

Everyone looked at Jun Jiu vaguely, but Jun Jiu kept his hand gestures.She told everyone, wait!We must wait for the three-eyed leopard eagle to come down, as long as it comes down, it will never have the ability to lift off!
The stalemate lasted for half a cup of tea, and the three-eyed leopard-headed eagle slightly retracted its wings and fell down.It can feel Xiaoying is here!So the three-eyed leopard-headed eagle decided to come down and catch Xiaoying himself, and it wanted to eat Xiaoying and the group of humans for the tooth-beating sacrifice.

Seeing that the three-eyed leopard-headed eagle was about to fall, the sudden crisis caused its feathers to explode.

Jun Jiu clenched his fist, "Go!"

bang bang bang-

The sound of explosions shattered the surrounding trees.The trunk of the tree was broken in the middle, and the dense leaves of the canopy burst into flames and hit the three-eyed leopard eagle from all directions.The three-eyed leopard-headed eagle was frightened and wanted to fly high and escape with flapping its wings.

However, the three-eyed leopard eagle, which was attracted by the fire, didn't notice it. At this time, Jun Jiu and the others had rushed to it.

When the three-eyed leopard eagle found out, it immediately screamed and flapped its wings to shake Jun Jiu and the others off, and then bent its head to bite them.However, his head just bent a little, and he roared "Roar!"

Xiao Wu opened his mouth, and the sharp teeth in his mouth were as sharp as tiger teeth.Pounced on the three-eyed leopard hawk, Xiao Wu opened his mouth and bit its neck.The three-eyed leopard-headed eagle had to turn its head to bite and collide with Xiao Wu...

At this time, Jun Jiu and Qing Yu were on the three-eyed leopard eagle.Opposite Mu Jingyuan and Fu Linzhan brothers.They opened their dantians according to the dead spots on the wings of the three-eyed leopard eagle that Jun Jiu had taught them before, and attacked fiercely with all their strength!

Qing Yu jumped up high, holding the Blood Shadow Knife in his hand.The blood shadow slashed down, cutting a shallow wound at the joint of the three-eyed leopard eagle's wings.After hitting Qing Yu, he immediately backed away to make way for Jun Jiu.

I saw Jun Jiu dodging over, stabbing Bai Yue straight into the wound in his hand.Bai Yuezhi's sharpness easily tore open the wound, tore through the flesh and cut off the bones and joints of the three-eyed leopard-headed eagle.The left wing is injured, it can't fly high.

Jun Jiu pulled out Bai Yue and rushed towards his right wing.Shouting to Qing Yu, "I'll give the claw of the three-eyed leopard-headed eagle to senior brother. Cut it according to the wound from last time!"

"Okay!" Qing Yu turned around and walked in two different directions with Jun Jiu.

Just as Jun Jiu climbed onto the back of the three-eyed leopard-headed eagle, when he lowered his head, he saw Mu Jingyuan and the three of them joined forces, only one step slower than them, cutting off the joints of the three-eyed leopard-headed eagle.The right wing was also injured, and the three-eyed leopard-headed eagle really couldn't fly this time.

The three-eyed leopard-headed eagle roared in pain, and piercing sound waves came, creating wind and waves around it as the center.The broken tree was blown into pieces inch by inch, and the fire was extinguished by a lot.The three-eyed leopard-headed eagle was in so much pain that it went crazy!

Its eyes between the brows kept sending out terrifying spiritual attacks, and as long as it was hit or passed by, it would leave terrifying deep pits.

"Meow!" Xiao Wu swooped down, bit the three-eyed leopard's neck at a tricky angle, and raised his sharp claws to grab the three-eyed leopard's head...

(End of this chapter)

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