Chapter 448

Chapter 448

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and Jun Jiu continued, "I don't need to crack it, I just need to change it. I'll be the one who obeys orders from the prisoner of heaven, won't that be enough?"

Everyone was still dumbfounded and did not speak, but each of them gave Jun Jiu a thumbs up in a tacit understanding.incredible!This operation six.

But it's easy to say, but can it be done?
Jun Jiu opened the box and looked at the elixir for a while, Xiao Wu lay on her shoulder, staring at the elixir curiously.After the meeting, Jun Jiu said: "Give me up to three days, and I can solve this problem."

"And within these three days, you should hurry up and act. The deeper you go into Tianxu Academy, the better, and at the same time start to select candidates. After making the list, leave it to the senior brother." Jun Jiu looked at Qing Yu, and Qing Yu immediately agreed.

It's not a joke when you say you want to destroy Tianxu's family.

Anyone who has anything to do with Dean Tianxu will have to be eradicated!Jun Jiu knew that she had never been a kind person, and she would never risk Qing Yu and the others, or Tian Wuzong's safety.Once done, it must succeed!

Now, the timing is just right!Jun Jiu was not in the mood to continue waiting.Then, he arranged a division of labor for He Shang and the others. "This is the poisonous mist made by Luo Hua. There are two steps. First, put a drop of the liquid in the medicine bottle into the water."

"The efficacy of the medicine can be maintained in the water for three days, and the flowing water is only half a day. But you can add more doses. Finally, when you need to activate the poisonous mist, sprinkle the pollen. The poisonous mist will rise like a mountain mist. Once inhaled , my limbs are numb and my whole body is weak, and I can’t use my spiritual power.”

This is Jun Jiu's enhanced version of the Luohua combination.She gave them the antidote to ensure that they would not be affected by Luo Hua.

It's all about being prepared.After all, the dead prisoners of heaven do not include all the disciples of Tianxu.Once you make a move, you must ensure that the disciples of Tianxu are unable to resist!

After all this was done, Jun Jiu looked at everyone and smiled slightly: "Thank you for your hard work. Whether you can solve the problem of Tianxu Academy is up to you! Let's spread out and wait for my order."

"Okay!" Yun Qiao nodded, looked at Jun Jiu with sparkling eyes, and said, "Miss Jun, don't worry, I will never let you down!"

"Xiao Jiu, don't worry, I'll leave it to Grandpa Huang!" Feng Xiao patted his chest to reassure.His infiltrated status is the highest among them, and the most powerful.Similarly, the burden on Feng Xiao's body will not be light.

He Shang and Zhou Die also promised.They dispersed and returned to the posts where they had assumed their identities.

Qing Yu: "Let's go. Junior sister, let's go back."

Jun Jiu nodded.She closed the box and put it in the bracelet space.The plan has been arranged and ordered, and what Jun Jiu has to do now is to concentrate on changing the poison and controlling the dead prisoners of heaven.She and Qing Yu walked back, but encountered obstacles halfway.

It's Xingluochen!

He was carried on a chair as big as a bed.Xing Luochen was half lying on it, and was telling his disciples to take him somewhere.They met on a narrow road and appeared at both ends of the road.

"Jun Jiu!" Xing Luochen didn't see Qing Yu, his eyeballs were glued to Jun Jiu's body, he stared intently, gnashing his teeth with hatred.

It was the first time he was injured so badly!

It even forced him to use the secret method of blood escape to escape for his life.This kind of shame and humiliation was given to him by Jun Jiu again.Xing Luochen even wondered if he had run into an evil spirit, that's why he ran into Jun Jiu's troubles, and every time he failed, he was slapped in the face.

He is now returning from Feiqing, the poison master.His injury needs to be recuperated in the Lingquan in the backyard of Dean Tianxu, so that he can heal quickly.Dean Tianxu didn't even want to give Hongying this spiritual spring for her to use.

As for Xing Luochen, it was purely because of her extraordinary status.Dean Tianxu reluctantly gave up.Xing Luochen didn't expect to run into Jun Jiu on the road!

As soon as he saw Jun Jiu, he felt pain all over his body, as if his bones were about to crack, and the shame, resentment and anger in his heart made Xing Luochen unbearable.He slapped the chair with his big hand, "What are these idiots still doing! Arrest this bitch!"

The guards around Xing Luochen immediately drew their swords and rushed over.Before Jun Jiu moved, Qing Yu went up to meet the Blood Shadow Knife and unsheathed it.

A group of people fought with Qing Yu, and the rest surrounded Jun Jiu.Xing Luochen asked him to put him down, stood up tremblingly and stared at Jun Jiu, his eyes were red with viciousness and hatred.

Xing Luochen grinned and said, "Jun Jiu, run away! I'll see where you can go! No one will come to rescue you this time. If you fall into my hands, your life will be worse than death!"

After finishing speaking, I felt that my words were too thin and not scary enough.Xing Luochen smiled viciously and arrogantly, and continued in a gloomy tone: "Jun Jiu, you are a pharmacist and you should know about insect bites! Fei Qing just needs a puppet for insect bites recently."

"I'm going to catch you and lock you in Feiqing's worm tank. Let those poisonous worms crawl all over your body, bite through your flesh and get in! Then eat up your flesh little by little, but you won't die are alive and clearly feel the brutal pain!"

Jun Jiu raised his eyebrows, and twirled Xiao Wu's tail with his fingertips.She curled her lips and squinted, "This kind of trick to scare children, Xing Luochen, are you mentally retarded?"

"You!" Xing Luochen gritted his teeth angrily.Shouted: "Go! Grab her! Break her hands and legs. Don't let her run away! If she tries to run away, cut off her feet!"

Crazy viciousness, twisted and overflowing, like a ghost.

Jun Jiu remained motionless, ignoring the people around him.She looked at Qing Yu, Qing Yu can win, but it will take a while.But now, Jun Jiu doesn't want to waste his time at all.She still has business to do, such as researching Gu poison.

Looking at Xing Luochen again, the hideous distortion on his face could no longer be seen as a human figure.Only vicious anger is almost materialized, lashing out his teeth and claws all over his body.

Jun Jiu shook the bell on his wrist, and said softly, "Wuyue help~~"

Others rely on chance and luck, but she cheats?Mo Wuyue is the biggest hanger in the world.

Puff puff--

Starting from the people rushing towards Jun Jiu, each of them exploded into blood mist in an instant, and then was blown by the crushing wind without leaving any traces.Then spread out, to Qing Yu's place, to Xing Luochen's side.Except for Xing Luochen, all his people disappeared out of thin air.

Qing Yu froze for a moment, then turned around to see Mo Wuyue standing behind Jun Jiu, reaching out to touch Xiao Wu.Although it is touching Xiaowu, it seems that they are hugging Junjiu respectively.The corner of Qing Yu's mouth twitched!

Goodbye Xing Luochen, already stupid!His expression was sluggish, and he stood motionless on the spot in a daze.

Seeing Mo Wuyue touching Xiao Wu's head, Jun Jiu directly stuffed Xiao Wu into his arms. "Please help me fix Xing Luochen, I'll make it quick. Xiao Wu gives it to you, just touch it slowly as a thank you~"

Little Five: Meow!No!

Mo Wuyue, who was not interested in cats, looked down at Xiao Wu who was struggling in his arms and sighed.He raised his hand a little to help Jun Jiu hold Xing Luochen.

(End of this chapter)

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