Chapter 450 Jun Jiu is Missing

Chapter 450 Jun Jiu is Missing

Jun Jiu disappeared.

When they discovered this situation, Fu Linzhan and Fu Linshuang went to look for Jun Jiu the next day, but they still couldn't find Jun Jiu.Then he went to look for Qing Yu, but there was no one there.Moreover, when they opened the door and entered, nothing in the room of the two of them had been touched, and the teapot was also empty.This means that Jun Jiu and the others never came back!
They immediately went around asking people.Finally, I found out that before Jun Jiu and Qing Yu came back, they went to meet Ji Yiming and Dean Zi Xiao.Then he said he wanted to go back to rest, but no one was there.

Fang Gu was still waiting for Jun Jiu in secret. She had been waiting, and she also heard and saw Fu Linzhan and the others rushing to find someone.Immediately, my heart skipped a beat, Aunt Fang panicked!Could it be that Jun Jiu was taken away by Dean Tianxu?
Fang Gu didn't care to hide immediately, she immediately went out to stop Fu Linzhan and the others. "You really haven't seen Jun Jiu?"

"Gu Fang!" Mu Jingyuan frowned.

Fu Linzhan asked directly: "Aunt Fang asked us? We also want to ask you, Aunt Fang, whether the disappearance of Jun Jiu and Qing Yu is related to you. After all, you are always fighting against Jun Jiu everywhere, and you are as suspicious as a prisoner!"

It was rare for Fu Linshuang not to stop Fu Linzhan's overly violent words.His cold face was cold and deep.

They all have doubts about Aunt Fang!
When Fang Gu heard this, she immediately explained: "No, I didn't." She really wanted to kidnap Jun Jiu, but she hasn't seen how Jun Jiu kidnapped her?

Fang Gu frowned, and continued: "Jun Jiu is missing, and the only person who attacked her could be Dean Tianxu! I'll go to see Dean Tianxu right away and ask for clarification."

"We'll go with you!" Fu Linzhan said.

They didn't believe Fang Gu.Let's go to see Dean Tianxu together, and then we will know what's going on.However, Fu Linzhan and the others were wrong. When they saw Dean Tianxu, they still didn't get the answer.

With Fang Gu leading them, they saw Dean Tianxu unimpeded.

At that time, Dean Tianxu was suffering from a headache and his face was gloomy.Aunt Fang questioned him as soon as she came in, and Dean Tianxu was stunned and subconsciously said, "Jun Jiu is missing too?"


"Xing Luochen is gone. Originally, he was going to come to the spiritual spring in the old man's backyard yesterday to recuperate, but he has not been seen since today. And the person who escorted him is also gone. Now I have searched Tianxu Academy all There is no sign of them." Dean Tianxu said.

Fu Linzhan and the others looked at each other.No wonder when I came here, I saw the disciples of Tianxu and the dead soldiers of Tianxu coming and going, looking for something.It turned out that Xing Luochen had disappeared.

and many more!

Everyone trembled and their eyes widened.

The situation is wrong!Jun Jiu and Qing Yu disappeared, and so did Xing Luochen.Thinking of the feud between Xing Luochen and Jun Jiu, Fu Linzhan blurted out: "Could it be that Xing Luochen kidnapped Jun Jiu and Qing Yu!"

"It's possible." Mu Jingyuan said with a dark face, he looked at Dean Tianxu: "It seems that I have to notify Master, I must find Jun Jiu!"

Hearing what they meant, they suspected that Xing Luochen had kidnapped Jun Jiu and that Qing Yu.Dean Tianxu's face was extremely ugly, but he wanted to refute, and he felt that there was something wrong with his conscience.Could it be that Xing Luochen really captured Jun Jiu and Qing Yu?

Thinking of what Xing Luochen knew all along, what he didn't know.It's from the Taihuang Mansion again!Dean Tianxu couldn't help thinking, could it be that Xing Luochen captured Jun Jiuhou and secretly tortured him in order to embezzle the treasure?
The more I think about it, the more possible it becomes.Dean Tianxu was anxious and angry at once!He also has a share of the credit for the treasure.

At this time, everyone can be sure that Xing Luochen captured Jun Jiu and Qing Yu!As for why no one has guessed the real truth?It is simply because a lean camel is bigger than a horse.Xing Luochen was seriously injured, and his strength was far above Jun Jiu's.

Without suppressing cultivation, Jun Jiu and Qing Yu are definitely not rivals!Moreover, Xing Luochen had accomplices at the time, leading people with him.Jun Jiu and the others are even more dangerous!
Immediately, Dean Tianxu and Mu Jingyuan all took action.While searching for someone with all his strength, Mu Jingyuan found Dean Taichu.The next day, he came to Tianxu Academy through the teleportation array.

At this time, three days have passed since Jun Jiu and Qing Yu disappeared.

Dean Taichu and Dean Zixiao met.Behind the backs of the juniors, Dean Zixiao told Dean Taichu what Jun Jiu left when he left.Dean Taichu was stunned when he heard this, "What? Dean Zixiao, what do you mean, Jun Jiu was not taken away by Xing Luochen?"

"I'm thinking that Jun Jiu is a cunning girl with a black belly, and we can't compare her brains and brains together. How could she be caught by Xing Luochen suddenly? And what she said at the time didn't seem to be dangerous. .” Dean Zixiao said.

After passing Zixiao Academy, Jun Jiu turned the tables and vomited blood in Tianxu's battle.Dean Zixiao admired Jun Jiu very much!

The dean of Taichu pondered for a moment and did not speak.He also thought deeply about Dean Zixiao's words, and what he said made sense.But it's true that Jun Jiu didn't see each other for three days!
Dean Zixiao went on to say: "So I said, let's not be in a hurry. Give Dean Tianxu a little oppression first, let him know that we are all looking for Jun Jiu. In this way, even if Jun Jiu falls into their hands, they will not immediately Something happened. We have to continue looking for Jun Jiu."

"It's not good! Grandpa, Dean Zixiao, please open the door, something has happened!"

"Master, Dean Taichu quickly open the door! There is something wrong!"

Mu Jingyuan and Fu Linzhan shouted outside.The two looked at each other and hurried to open the door.As soon as the door opened, three people rushed in.Fu Linzhan said first: "Someone found Xing Luochen's body!"

what!Xing Luochen's corpse?

Taichu and Dean Zixiao were stunned.He hurriedly asked them what was going on.

Mu Jingyuan took the words and said in detail: "When we were looking for Jun Jiu and Qing Yu just now, we heard some disciples of Tianxu scrambling and crawling towards Dean Tianxu in fright. He shouted as he ran, in the side hall to the north. I saw Xing Luochen's corpse!"

"We don't know the details, so why not go and see for yourself," Fu Linshuang said.

Of course you have to go and see!

Jun Jiu and Qing Yu disappeared almost on the same day as Xing Luochen.Everyone believed that there was a relationship between them, even Xing Luochen arrested them.But now it was suddenly reported that Xing Luochen had died, and everyone would be shocked when they heard it.

They immediately set off and rushed to the north side hall of Tianxu Academy.You don't need to know the way, you know where you are when you see where people are going.

When they arrived, the side hall was already surrounded by the dead.Dean Tianxu had just arrived, and there was still Hong Ying standing behind him who needed help.They all froze at the door of the side hall, staring blankly ahead.

Fu Linzhan and the others gasped as soon as they looked up.

Only the left half of Xing Luochen's head was left, so it could be seen that Xing Luochen's appearance was correct.Xing Luochen was nailed to the door frame with several daggers, and his right hand was opened in an inviting gesture.It seems to be inviting them to approach the side hall...

Too eerie, too weird, too scary!Who killed Xing Luochen and made him into this pose?

(End of this chapter)

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