Chapter 479

Chapter 479

"What choice?" Li Yunshu tensed up, looking at Jun Jiu and Leng Yuan anxiously.

She knew she couldn't escape.Don't talk about Leng Yuan, just rely on Jun Jiu!Thinking that she lost control of her body just by looking into Jun Jiu's eyes that day, Li Yunshu trembled in fear.Who the hell is Jun Jiu?What happened to her, why should she be controlled?
Jun Jiu walked out of the desk, she stood in front of Li Yunshu, looked directly at her and said, "Choose one, you know where I am, and you have seen things you shouldn't have seen. To protect the secret, I will kill you."

Li Yunshu's face turned pale.Opened his mouth dryly: "What about choice two?"

"Stand in line. Duguqing and I, you can live by my side." Jun Jiu said.

Li Yunshu was stunned after hearing this.She widened her eyes in disbelief, staring straight at Jun Jiu for a long time.Jun Jiu calmly relaxed and let her watch.After a while, Li Yunshu took a deep breath, "What are you talking about? Aren't you brother Dugu's fiancée? Why are you on your side."

"Li Yunshu, you should have seen it. I was injured that day because I was drugged, and this person is Duguqing!"

hiss!Li Yunshu inhaled, stunned.

Jun Jiu continued unhurriedly: "He drugged me, and I ran away. I also killed his man, Miao Yuer. Therefore, I can't go back. I can only choose a safe and favorable place, and you are just right. .”

"Jun Jiu, you know that I love Brother Dugu wholeheartedly. Why should I help you? Why do I believe what you say!" Li Yunshu asked back.

The corners of his mouth hooked slightly, Jun Jiu smiled presumptuously and coldly.

She looked at Li Yunshu coldly, "Choose me, live. Choose Duguqing, die! Li Yunshu choose one."

Li Yunshu's body was stiff, and she looked at Jun Jiu with a pale face and horror.Is this called election?There is no choice at all.If you don't want to die, you have to stand by her side.Li Yunshu likes Duguqing, but definitely not to the point where she is willing to sacrifice her life for Duguqing.

What's more, he heard that Duguqing actually drugged his fiancée.The scales in Li Yunshu's heart were tilted.

As the time passed by, Jun Jiu was lazy and calm, neither in a hurry nor in a hurry.On the contrary, Li Yunshu was panting more and more anxiously, with a heavy stone on her heart.She gritted her teeth!
Li Yunshu said, "If I choose you, what will I do?"

"Don't reveal my whereabouts to anyone, other than give me a map of Myriad Beast Mountain."

"That's it?" Li Yunshu was taken aback.

Jun Jiu nodded. "right."

The expression on Li Yunshu's face was full of disbelief.She thought Jun Jiu was going to use her to deal with Dugu Qing, but she just wanted her to keep it a secret.By the way, a map, that's all?

She found that she didn't know Jun Jiu at all.In addition to knowing that Jun Jiu is very beautiful and gambling is awesome, she is Duguqing's fiancée.Other than that, Li Yunshu didn't know anything!She didn't even know where Jun Jiu came from.

The desire to survive made Li Yunshu make a choice.Out of curiosity, she asked, "Why do you want the map of Wanshou Mountain? You want to go to Wanshou Mountain."

"You guessed it right."

Xiao Wu is hiding in the Mountain of Ten Thousand Beasts, she has to go and bring this silly cat or white tiger home.As for Duguqing, a murderous look quickly flashed across Jun Jiu's eyes.

Jun Jiu remembers every account clearly.Deceiving, designing, drugging, hurting... Those who offend me will be rewarded a thousand times!
Now let Duguqing continue to search for her all over the Emperor's Mansion, and she will go to Xiao Wu first!
Jun Jiu is not in a hurry to take revenge.She knew that her own strength and background were not as good as Dugu Qing's.To kill him is not as simple as dealing with Tianxu Academy!She still has to pass through the Taihuang Mansion to go to the third level, so she can't completely break with the Taihuang Mansion and become an enemy.

Looking at Li Yunshu, Jun Jiu's eyes flickered.

To draw Li Yunshu to work for him, of course, it's not just about keeping her secret, it's as simple as giving the map.Li Yunshu is the daughter of the palace lord, and her father is one of the three palace lords who are currently in power in the Taihuang Mansion, who happens to be hostile to Duguqing.

An enemy of an enemy is a friend.Jun Jiu still needs to slowly plan and fight Dugu Qing!

At this time, Li Yunshu broke Jun Jiu's meditation.She said, "I'm afraid you won't be able to go to Wanshou Mountain."

Dai Mei frowned slightly, Jun Jiu looked at Li Yunshu and waited for her to answer.Li Yunshu didn't hide her words either.She said directly: "Wan Beast Mountain is the place where the Taihuang Mansion holds the beast competition. That place is closed and sealed except for the beast competition. Because the spirit beasts inside are too powerful, if they escape , something big will happen!"

"So, even if you have a map, you can't get in. You can only go in after the beast race starts. And I don't understand, Wanshou Mountain is a famously fierce place, except for those who are lowly and desperate to seek A promising disciple, no one wants to go in. Why are you going?"

Facing Li Yunshu's questioning, Jun Jiu's mouth twitched.

She looked up at Leng Yuan, and sent a message from her spiritual sense: "Why can Xiao Wu go in?"

Leng Yuan: "Miss Jun, Xiao Wu is the mythical white tiger. You can't stop it!"

Jun Jiu sighed, stretched out his hand to pinch the space between his brows.When she finds Xiao Wu, she must spank him!It's not good where to hide, but why hide in such a troublesome place.

What can be done?The cat belongs to me, so I have to find it!

etc!Jun Jiu suddenly remembered that it seemed that what Tianxu Academy was planning was to select people for the Taihuang Palace to prepare for some competition.It seems that this competition is a beast competition!With cold eyes, Jun Jiu looked at Li Yunshu again, "When will the beast race be held?"

Li Yunshu told her that a month later.

But to participate in the beast competition, only those who have signed up and been appointed by the palace master can participate in the beast competition.Although the beast race was extremely ferocious, there were countless casualties every time.But as long as you can win from it, you will be able to jump into the dragon's gate and reach the sky in one step!
No matter how bad they were, they were all elite disciples of the Taihuang Palace.Outstanding and outstanding, he could even become the direct disciple of the Palace Master, and may become the Palace Master of the Grand Emperor's Palace in the future.

For example, Dugu Qing, who won the leader in the beast competition back then, reached the sky in one step.From an elite disciple to becoming the direct heir of the Palace Master, you can become the Palace Master of the Taihuang Palace today!But he is a special case in a hundred years, and others are not so lucky.

Li Yunshu: "The participants in the beast competition are all disciples of the Taihuang Palace. Jun Jiu, you are not even counted as a disciple of the Taihuang Palace. If you want to go in, you can only get a hand-picked appointment by a palace master. Don't look at me, my father is so stubborn that it is impossible Help you! However, I do know someone who might be able to help you."


Walk in the Taihuang Mansion and head towards the east palace group of Duguqing.

If it weren't for Li Yunshu's swearing with her life, no one could help but wonder if she wanted to trick Jun Jiu into Duguqing.Li Yunshu explained that this is to take her to meet the person who can help her participate in the beast race!

"It's here." Li Yunshu stopped and said quietly: "When you get in, don't say anything. I'll try it first and see if it works!"

Jun Jiu looked up, and suddenly saw that this was the Zangshu Pavilion!

(End of this chapter)

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