Chapter 556

Chapter 556

"Damn it, there's something wrong with these vines! Everyone be careful!" Shui Qingyu shouted to remind Ban Yun and the others behind him.

Fu Linshuang reacted quickly, drew his sword and waved to cut off the vines.But no matter how fast he reacted, several vines were still wrapped around his wrist.The originally soft leaves on the vine turned into sharp blades at this time, cutting through the sleeves and leaving stinging red marks on the skin.

"You tilt your head to avoid it." A person fell beside Fu Linshuang.The big bronze-colored hand stretched out and pulled, and directly tore off the vine that was entangled with Fu Linshuang and threw it down.Fu Linshuang was prevented from getting more serious injuries.

Fu Linshuang looked up and saw that it was Wang Qiong.Before he had time to thank him, he turned his hand and stabbed Wang Qiong's back with a sword, cutting off a few vines that wanted to sneak attack.


Jun Jiu avoided the oncoming vines, she glanced at something out of the corner of her eye when she stepped back, and couldn't help but tighten the strength holding the shadow in her hand.I saw a sucked dry corpse hanging on the vine, dangling with the surge of the vine.Jun Jiu recognized it at a glance, it was Qiu Jian's body!
These vines turned out to be alive!Moreover, they will strangle and suck the flesh and blood of people, leaving only mummy.

Jun Jiu frowned, staring coldly at the vines that came alive on the cliff.Jun Jiu cut the vines with her shadow, and when she was about to help Fu Linshuang and the others, a hand stretched out from her waist and took her into her arms.Jun Jiu turned around and saw Mo Wuyue's profile.

She raised her eyebrows, "What are you doing?"

"They don't dare to get close to me yet, as long as Xiao Jiu'er hugs me." Jun Jiu was stunned for a moment before realizing what Mo Wuyue meant.She looked up, and sure enough, none of the vines on the cliff dared to get close to Mo Wuyue, including the ones they were holding. Because of Mo Wuyue's presence, they were as quiet as a chicken, pretending to be dead and acting like ordinary vines.

Jun Jiu immediately understood.Some people have a vicious aura, and even plants dare not approach them to seek death.

Looking up again, Fu Linshuang and Shui Qingyu were in a mess, but the vines couldn't do anything to hurt them.Jun Jiu relaxed her body, raised the corners of her lips, and opened her arms to hug Mo Wuyue's waist.Jun Jiu said, "Then please take me down."

"Hold tight." Mo Wuyue deliberately let go of his hands and fell down, forcing Jun Jiu to hug him tightly, and the two of them stuck even tighter.They can feel each other's heartbeat.

The corner of his mouth twitched, Jun Jiu pinched Mo Wuyue's waist.Angrily said: "If you come again, it will be the same if I go down by myself."

Mo Wuyue hooked his lips, seeing Jun Jiu's slightly red earlobes, a wicked smile formed on the corner of his mouth.His goal has been achieved, so naturally he will not challenge Jun Jiu's tolerance.But holding Jun Jiu in his arms, Mo Wuyue's walking speed was very slow.On the top, Fu Linshuang and the others cut vines in a hurry, and on the bottom, he and Jun Jiu seemed to be in a romantic relationship.

Shui Qingyu accidentally caught a glimpse of the two below, and he froze. "Why don't they, no vines go to trouble?"

Hearing what Shui Qingyu said, everyone looked down in unison.When seeing Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue embracing each other leisurely, no one felt ambiguous. After all, what can there be between two teenagers?A group of upright men and girls thought of it.

They are unbelievably jealous.Why are they being harassed by vines, so they fly up.There is no movement below?Are these vines still being bullied?

Only Fu Linshuang guessed something.He swung his sword calmly and continued to cut vines, and said, "Let's take care of ourselves."

clap clap!

The vines whipped over again intensively, so Shui Qingyu and the others had to tense up immediately to deal with these harassing vines.When Qin Zhilu came down from above, they were attacked by vines like them.And to make matters worse, when several disciples were sucked away by vines and fell into mummified corpses, Shui Qingyu and the others calmed down.

It seems that the only exceptions are Qingjun and Mo Wuyue.That's normal for them!Shui Qingyu thought in his heart.But I wondered, do they have any way to deal with these vines?

He wanted to ask, but Shui Qingyu couldn't speak.He is the Spirit King!Level [-] Spirit King!To ask a monster who is stronger than him and younger than him, can he show his face?Shui Qingyu thought about it, and decided to cut down these vines on his own!

go all the way down.Gradually, the vines stopped harassing and attacking them. At this moment, they heard the sound of rushing water coming from the bottom of the cliff.

"Is there water?" Jun Jiu frowned, and the spiritual power in the cold eyes poured out and looked down.Soon, Jun Jiu saw that there was no land at the bottom of the cliff, only a rushing river.

The speed of the river is very fast, and more than a dozen eddies can be seen forming.There is no doubt that once you step on the whirlpool, you will be sucked into the depths of the river by the undercurrent, and it will be difficult to climb up.There are vines on the top that act as demons and eat people, and there are undercurrents that hide dangers below.

Even if they escaped the attack of the vines, there was no place to rest down here.With such a rushing river, the cliffs are full of dead places, leaving no life at all.

Jun Jiu saw Mo Wuyue and saw it too.He held Jun Jiu in his arms, and continued to fall without stopping.At the same time, he said: "If Qingyu and the others fell off the cliff, they must go downstream with the current. Let's go downstream to find them."

"The current is so fast below, can you do it?" Jun Jiu frowned slightly, looked at Mo Wuyue and asked.

Hearing this, Mo Wuyue's eyes darkened.He looked at Jun Jiu helplessly, there seemed to be black swirls flowing in his eyes.Mo Wuyue said: "Little Jiu'er, never ask a man if he's okay. If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, I really want to kill you. Let you know whether I'm okay or not."

"Cough, I'm worried about you too." Jun Jiu felt his cheeks burn.

Mo Wuyue let go of the vine, and raised his hand to gently pinch Jun Jiu's hot cheek.With a hoarse voice, he looked at Jun Jiu with an evil smile and said, "Xiao Jiuer just needs to know that there is nothing I can't do in this world." While talking, they landed on the river.

As if there was solid ground under his feet, Mo Wuyue stood on the river out of thin air without any influence.He put his arm around Jun Jiu's slender waist up, letting Jun Jiu stand on his instep, which would be more comfortable and relaxed.

Jun Jiu did not doubt Mo Wuyue's strength.But how long can Fu Linshuang and the others last?

Jun Jiu raised his head and looked up.Fu Linshuang and Shui Qingyu gradually descended, and when they lowered their heads, they saw the anxious river.They looked at each other, let go of the struggling vines and jumped down.Running spiritual power to fly above the river, Shui Qingyu spoke.

He looked downstream with a deep and serious face, and said, "I hope the shore is not far away. Otherwise, we won't be able to fly very far."

Healers can fly in the sky, and the stronger their spiritual power, the farther they can fly.But it is not without restraint, they have to land to recover their spiritual power before their spiritual power is exhausted.There is no time to delay, Jun Jiu nodded to them. "Then don't waste time, let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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