The Evil Emperor's Pampering: Divine Doctor Ninth Miss

Chapter 566 This poison can be cured, right?

Chapter 566 This poison can be cured, right?
Chapter 566 This poison can be cured, right?
Hong Ying: "They want to leave, stop them!"

"A bunch of trash, hurry up! If you let them escape, Ben Shaocheng will dominate you!" However, no matter how angry Wu Ziling and Hong Ying yelled, they couldn't get rid of the influence of the phantom sound of Wanxiang.

Trapped in the sound field formation, for a moment they seemed to carry a hundred thousand mountains on their backs.It became extremely difficult to take a step, let alone catch Jun Jiu and the others with a sword.

He could only watch helplessly as Jun Jiu grabbed Qing Yu's shoulder and led him out of the formation without any hindrance.Looking back at them coldly, a cold killing intent flashed across Jun Jiu's eyes.Now she doesn't have time to kill them, but she can also find them some fatal trouble!

Jun Jiu let go, and threw Qing Yu to Xiaoying.Seeing this, the latter had no choice but to turn around and change back into a bronze fox, curling their tails and throwing them on their broad backs.

Jun Jiu circulated his whole body's spiritual energy.The spiritual power cyclone in the dantian rotates crazily, wandering the tendons.All submerged in the sword body, Bai Yue buzzed softly.With a swing of the sword, two spirit swords flew out wrapped in sword energy, and hit the high stone wall with a bang.

Shadows loom.Hong Ying and Wu Ziling stared wide-eyed in horror, their faces were pale and terrified watching the stone wall collapse, and broken stones of all sizes fell towards them.

Desperately trying to escape.But the sound field array still enveloped them, unable to move.He could only stare wide-eyed at the shadows engulfing himself...


The sound was deafening.Jun Jiu could still hear the footsteps of the stone statue walking towards here in the distance. Obviously, the movement of the stone wall collapsing just now caught the attention of the stone statue.Coupled with the collapse of the stone wall, so much lime fell on Hong Ying and the others.They want to come after them again?impossible.

Putting away the Vientiane phantom sound, Jun Jiu speeded up to catch up with Xiaoying.With Xiaoying leading the way, they quickly disappeared into the stone city.



Wuziling climbed out of the ruins.The barrier around him blocked all the stones well.Compared with Hong Ying, she was not so lucky. Her arm was broken, her sleeves were stained red with blood, and her charming face was as pale as paper.

After Wu Ziling glanced at Hongying, he turned around to look for his subordinates.After discovering that many people were seriously injured and dying from being directly smashed by the stone wall, Wu Ziling's expression was extremely distorted.He opened his mouth, "Father, you are here, why didn't you help us just now!"

"Enough." Wu Zhu appeared.His face was ugly, "It's impossible for a father to protect you all your life, you have to learn to be better at yourself."

"I know. But Mo Wuyue and the others ran away, and we have to spend time catching them again." Wu Ziling didn't listen to Wu Zhu's scolding at all, only complaints and dissatisfaction remained on his face in his heart.

Hong Ying got up, and cautiously glanced at Dugu Qing who was beside Wu Zhu, who also had an unhappy and ugly face.She bowed her head and remained silent.

Dugu Qing didn't speak.He and Wu Zhu looked at each other, and then looked in the direction where Jun Jiu and the others left.In fact, they didn't make a move just now because they were shocked!If they read it correctly, the piccolo played by Jun Jiu is the phantom sound of Wanxiang!

Others don't know each other, but they will never admit their mistakes.Wanxiang phantom sound, the treasure of the founder of Wanyin Pavilion.It is even said that the Wanxiang phantom sound is a treasure handed down from the triple seven-tone hall in Zhongzhong, and the founder of the Wanyin Pavilion created the Wanyin Pavilion based on this.In less than a hundred years, he will be able to challenge the Taihuang Palace.

The gazes of Dugu Qing and Wu Zhu couldn't help burning.The Vientiane Phantom Sound is no worse than the Phantom Sound Phoenix Box and the secret technique of the Undead King!Now that they saw it, they must grab it!Treasures are only for the strong.

Wu Zhu's eyes were dark, and he said with certainty, "Master Dugu Palace doesn't need to rob me, does he?"

"This is impossible. Whoever grabs it first will get it, or whoever finds Mo Wuyue first can grab the Vientiane Phantom Sound!" Duguqing smiled, and the coldness in his eyes did not give in.How could he give up to Wuzhu?

Dugu Qingxiu's middle fingers clenched into fists.Since a "backtracking" can't help him break through the Spirit King, then add a Vientiane phantom sound.He must be able to break through!

Only when his strength improves, can he truly gain a firm foothold in the Taihuang Mansion.Only then can we no longer have to listen to that old guy Lu Hongyan's orders.Wait until he catches Jun Jiu and gets the time key.Maybe he can surpass Lu Hongyan and Shui Qinglian.Become the strongest in the Taihuang Mansion!Thinking about it, Dugu Qing couldn't wait any longer.

Dugu Qing immediately ordered, "Hong Ying, don't look for the Undead King's secret technique for now. Go and chase Mo Wuyue and the others first!"

Hong Ying was about to salute and accept orders, but Wu Ziling interrupted her suddenly. "Father, those stone statues are coming towards us!"

Hearing this, everyone raised their heads.When they saw the stone statue running towards them not far away, their expressions suddenly changed.Wu Zhu yelled: "Not good! Go quickly, these stone statues are very difficult to deal with, and you must not be targeted by the stone statues."

"Everyone withdraw!"

Yet they don't know it.As long as they are stained with lime, they will not be able to escape the pursuit of the stone statue!


Under Xiaoying's leadership, they quickly found a safe place to rest.

Walking into the stone palace, Xiaoying flicked her tail and closed the stone door.Only then did he half squat down, revealing Fu Linzhan and the others on their backs.They remained comatose, with pale faces and bloodless lips.Looking at the faint rise and fall of their chests, it proved that their condition was very bad.

Jun Jiu only glanced at it, and she took out a bottle of elixir from the bracelet space and threw it to Xiaoying.He opened his mouth: "You change back to human form first, and each of you eats one. I will see the seniors first and then come to see them."

"Okay." Xiaoying took the elixir, turned back into a human form, and half-dragged Fu Linzhan and the others into the corner of the palace.At this time, his figure had faded a lot, and he could hardly maintain his human form.

Jun Jiu saw it.She frowned and pursed her lips, turned her head and helped Qing Yu to sit down.

Qing Yu is now in a semi-comatose state.He himself was poisoned and could not easily use his spiritual power.But just now, in order to deal with Hong Ying and the others, Qing Yu risked using the blood shadow knife technique.Jun Jiu felt his pulse, and now Qing Yu's spiritual power was in disarray, and the suppressed toxins were reemerging, and the barking teeth and claws were scouring Qing Yu's tendons.

After checking the pulse to confirm the situation, Jun Jiu immediately applied needles to seal Qing Yu's large acupoints all over his body.After the silver needle was tied, Jun Jiu took out the elixir and asked Qing Yu to take it.She got up and looked at Xiaoying, "Xiaoying, how could they be poisoned?"

"When they fell off the cliff, something attacked them. They passed out on the spot. I was so focused on catching them, but I didn't see what attacked them." Xiaoying sighed.

So he didn't know what kind of poison he had, and he couldn't detoxify it at all.You can only suppress their toxins by yourself.To detoxify, a professional pharmacist, Jun Jiu, is needed.

Xiaoying then nervously asked: "This poison can be cured, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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