Chapter 570 Undead King
Chapter 570 Undead King
The Undead King, only a few people know that he comes from Zhongsanzhong.He has the strength of a ninth-level spirit king, and he can be called the strongest in the lower three levels.But he didn't dominate the triple world because of this, instead he retreated into Wanyin Pavilion as an elder.

Everyone was surprised by the choice of the Undead King, and wondered if he had another purpose.Only Wanyin Pavilion foolishly thought that the Undead King really wanted to submit to Wanyin Pavilion.

Xiaoying shrugged, "It's no wonder that Wanyin Pavilion is so confident. It is rumored that they are a branch of the triple seven-tone hall, so they are naturally very proud. But soon the Undead King gave them a blow."

"What happened?" Qing Yu asked curiously.

The magic sound phoenix box, the secret treasure of Wanyin Pavilion, was stolen by the Undead King.Xiaoying said that at that time, the ancestor of Wanyin Pavilion led people to pursue and kill them with all their strength.Although he couldn't kill the Undead King in the end, he was severely injured and successfully snatched back the magic sound phoenix box.It's a pity that she was also seriously injured and died on the way home, resulting in the loss of the magic sound phoenix box.will appear at the auction.

When Xiaoying said this, she paused for a long time.

He seemed to be doing psychological construction, thinking about how to continue talking.So neither Jun Jiu nor Qing Yu urged him.

Jun Jiu saw Xiaoying clenched her fists tightly, and her body collapsed tightly.Xiaoying's drooping eyes hid his expression, and he said after a while: "It was also at this time that the Undead King met the Blood Shadow King."

Xiaoying went on to say: "At that time, the Blood Shadow King was already famous all over the world, and even the Emperor's Palace had to give in for his sharpness. But the Blood Shadow King was unwilling to do so, he wanted to be stronger. The Undead King saw the blood shadow king's strength. Ambition, he bewitched the Blood Shadow King to become his friend." Xiaoying stopped talking here.

But Jun Jiu and Qing Yu had a clear story in their minds.As for the second half of the story, one can guess or two.

Maybe the Blood Shadow King also practiced the secret technique of the Undead King, but he failed in the end.So he died, leaving the cemetery for Xiaoying to wait for the successor.The undead king, he still lives and hides in the dark, waiting to take a body that will satisfy him.

Now, he has his eyes on Jun Jiu!
Xiaoying raised her head, stared at Jun Jiu seriously and said: "So you understand. Even if the Undead King is seriously injured and dying, or he is already dead, he is looking for the next body to seize the body. He is also the ninth-level Spirit King ! You can't compete with him at all. You must go!"

Jun Jiu: "Where are you going?"

"Go back to the Emperor's Mansion, or go to Mo Wuyue. No matter where you choose to go, you must find a safe place to hide!" Xiaoying said.

Jun Jiu's reaction was very calm, and she even said that she was indifferent as if she stayed out of the matter and had nothing to do with her.She looked at Xiaoying calmly, "Then what? Hide for a lifetime and never leave the safe shell?"

Xiaoying choked.Then he stared at Jun Jiu in disbelief, and opened his mouth: "Do you still want to be his enemy? Didn't you hear what I said, the ninth-level spirit king! Even if he is seriously injured and his strength retreats, he can still crush you to death with one finger .It is too late for ordinary people to hide, but you actually bumped into it on your own initiative.”

This is courting death!
Qing Yu frowned tightly into the word Chuan.The Undead King is too strong, even Dugu Qing is not qualified in front of him.Such a powerful enemy, like a sword on the neck, can see blood with a slight movement, and even lose his life.

Qing Yu felt that Xiaoying was right.Now, Jun Jiu should hide!Avoid the Undead King.

Looking at the expressions of the two, Jun Jiu smiled helplessly.She said: "Do you think I don't cherish my own life? Now it's not that I am an enemy with the Undead King, but we are already enemies. He has already set his sights on me, will he let me leave the Undead City?"

Qing Yu and Xiaoying looked at each other, and they were silent.

It is they who worry too much, but ignore the real point.It's not that Jun Jiu took the initiative to be the enemy, but was forced to let them choose.

Jun Jiu's eyes dimmed, and a bloody and cold smile appeared on the corner of his lips.She said: "I hope Yun Qiao has not had an accident, otherwise I will make him pay the price!"

Everyone she cares about, anyone who hurts them, is her enemy!

Not to mention that the Undead King is still eyeing her now, Jun Jiu felt the heavy pressure on his shoulders.If you don't want to be taken away, then become stronger and kill the Undead King instead!Jun Jiu looked down at her hands, she must hurry up.

Jun Jiu looked at Xiaoying and Qing Yu again, and said, "The Undead King already knows that I am here, we must seize the opportunity. Only by checking and balancing the Undead King can the current situation be reversed."

"I can help." Xiaoying said.

He looked deeply at Jun Jiu, and spoke with a cold and chilling tone.He said: "I know the weakness of the Undead King. He has a precious bead. This bead hides his soul origin. With the bead, he can take away the body of others and rebirth without any worries."

The origin of this bead is unknown, but it is the undead king's greatest reliance!

Xiaoying guessed that the Undead King must have hidden this bead in the safest place.And this place is very likely to be the Undead City!As long as they can find this bead, the Undead King will have nothing to fear if his lifeline is choked.

Jun Jiu narrowed his eyes and touched his chin. "Hiding in the undead city."

She suddenly opened her hand and took out a pen and paper from the ring space.Jun Jiu leaned over the desk on the spot, picked up a brush and began to draw.Qing Yu and Xiao Ying all came over, and they were surprised to find that Jun Jiu was drawing a map of the Undead City!
The two were surprised and delighted, it would be much easier to have a map!

But Jun Jiu's map only draws a part, and the outline is only about two-thirds of the area of ​​the Undead City.Jun Jiu put away the pen and looked at it with a frown.These are the places she saw from a high place when she dodged the stone statue.She didn't know if she hadn't been there.

Maps alone are not enough, there must be other clues.Jun Jiu seemed to think of something, her eyes lit up. "Let's go find Shui Qingyu!"

"Who is Shui Qingyu? Why didn't you go to Mo Wuyue." Qing Yu asked puzzled.

Jun Jiu explained Shui Qingyu's identity to them, and the magic sound phoenix box in his hand was the key.Since the magic sound phoenix box can lead them here, it means that there is something attracting it.Things that can attract the magic sound phoenix box will naturally be placed in important places.

And this has a great chance to lead them to find that bead!

As for why he didn't look for Mo Wuyue, the corner of Jun Jiu's mouth twitched.She raised her hand and flicked the silver bell on her wrist, and said with a smile, "Wu Yue will come to me."

Jun Jiu was never worried about her being separated from Mo Wuyue.Sooner or later they will find each other!There is no doubt about it.

At this time, there was a movement, and Jun Jiu looked up to see Fu Linzhan and they finally woke up and opened their eyes.Jun Jiu pursed her lips, "Since we're all awake, then prepare to go. Go and meet Shui Qingyu and the others! Undead King, you won't succeed."

(End of this chapter)

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