The Evil Emperor's Pampering: Divine Doctor Ninth Miss

Chapter 585 Come to Double Cultivation

Chapter 585 Come to Double Cultivation

Chapter 585 Come to Double Cultivation

Fleeing from the Undead City, Qin Zhilu dragged Zhu'er up the cliff.

Holding on to the vines tightly, even though the vines cut through his hands, he would not let go. Outside the barrier, there were countless vines crazily crashing against it. Qin Zhilu looked at the cracks on the top, and then at the cracks in his left hand. Pearl.

Pearl was covered in blood and fell into a coma.The blood on her body was also the reason why these vines went crazy.Qin Zhilu couldn't help thinking, should he leave Zhu'er behind?
Just drop Pearl and let her attract the vines.He has a chance to escape!
Just as Qin Zhilu was wandering, and was about to let go, a familiar voice came from the cliff.Qin Zhilu hastily shouted, "I'm here!"

The people from Wanyin Pavilion arrived in time, and both Qin Zhilu and Zhu'er were rescued successfully.Qin Zhilu looked up, and saw that the master of Wanyin Pavilion and the elders had come, except for the two left behind.

"Teacher, where's the magic sound phoenix box? Where's the thing in the hands of the Undead King?"

Qin Zhilu took the elixir to stabilize the injury, he looked at the pavilion master and elders complicatedly, and said, "The phantom sound phoenix box is still in the hands of the water palace master, the king of undead... Master, I am going to tell you something very Important matter!"

"what's up?"

"The Emperor's Mansion is devoted to the king, and its strength is unfathomable. Even the Undead King is no match for him. Master, neither is our Wanyin Pavilion. Qin Zhilu said.

Even the Undead King couldn't beat him and chose to run away.How can they Wanyin Pavilion fight?I'm afraid I can't get anything back.

Everyone in Wanyin Pavilion was shocked.It was hard for them to believe it, but he would not lie about Qin Zhilu's character.After a while, the owner of the Wanyin Pavilion stroked his beard and said, "Better than the Undead King? That's okay."

Seeing Qin Zhilu looked at him in astonishment.The pavilion master continued: "I have passed the news of finding the Undead King to Zhongsanzhong's sect. And we have received a reply that the Saintess of the Seven-tone Hall is coming. At that time, the stolen treasures will naturally be taken back!"

The Saintess of the Seven-tone Hall?Triple play in the future!
After Qin Zhilu was astonished, surprise soon appeared on his face, and he looked forward to it.


Jun Jiu and the others immediately set off and returned to the Earth Demon Palace after Jun Jiu woke up.

Jun Jiu grabbed Mo Wuyue to be with her, but after walking two steps, she squatted down and turned to Shui Qingyu and said, "Palace Master Shui, please do one thing."

"what's up?"

"If Wanyin Pavilion comes to redeem Xiao Qing'er, you collect the spirit stone for me, and then let Xiao Qing'er leave." Shui Qingyu was a little surprised when he heard this, but still nodded and agreed.Then he asked Jun Jiu what he was going to do?
Jun Jiu hooked the corner of his mouth, raised his eyebrows and looked at Shui Qingyu.Jun Jiu: "Get ready to go back to the Taihuang Mansion."

After finishing speaking, Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue turned and left.Shui Qingyu was left in a daze, with a complicated expression on his face for a long time before he came back to his senses.

Back to Taihuang Mansion?

He has been away from Taihuang Mansion for ten years.But Shui Qingyu was firm, and he was ready this time.It's time to go back and settle the ledger with Dugu, and it's time to reveal the truth!

Mo Wuyue indulged and spoiled him, allowing Jun Jiu to drag him into the house.

After entering the room and closing the door, Jun Jiu let go of his hands and hugged his chest instead, looked at him teasingly and said, "Wu Yue, how about we come to Shuangxiu?"

Mo Wuyue gasped from the bottom of his heart.This is undoubtedly the hottest and most exciting invitation!However, the flame in his belly had just started to burn, and it was extinguished and calmed down the next moment.Because Mo Wuyue knew that the dual cultivation in Jun Jiu's mouth was pure dual cultivation.

Raising his fingertips to caress Jun Jiu's cheek, Mo Wuyue said, "Little Jiu'er has realized something?"

"Yes! This time the Phantom Sound Phoenix Box and the Vientiane Phantom Sound resonate, I have an idea. The reason why I progress slowly is always a bottleneck. The reason is that my soul is too strong and this body can't support it."

Jun Jiu grabbed Mo Wuyue's hand and pulled him towards the house.

While walking, Jun Jiu said, "I can find the resonance point of this body. As long as I find it, it will be a perfect fit! Last time you and I practiced together, most of the problems were solved, and now only a small part is missing."

As Jun Jiu said, he stretched out his hands to compare the distance.

Although, her talent for advanced breakthroughs has surpassed countless others.He is a well-deserved genius!
But for Jun Jiu, it is far from enough!She knows that her talent is more than that, she can take one step, two steps, three steps closer!If she hadn't met Mo Wuyue, she would try alchemy to solve it.

But now she has.There is a shortcut that is reliable, safe and without sequelae, why not take it?
As for the significance of double cultivation.She accepted Mo Wuyue and returned her feelings. This is a matter of course and no one can say anything!
Jun Jiu sat cross-legged on the beauty couch, she reached out and patted the other side. "Come and help me! I have a feeling that after solving this problem thoroughly, I can break through at least one level in one go. It will undoubtedly be more secure to go back and deal with Dugu Qing in this way."

"Little Jiu'er, you have me." Mo Wuyue said.

It doesn't matter if there is no breakthrough.She has him, let alone Duguqing, destroying the Taihuang Palace is only a matter of one sentence!
The corners of her lips curved slightly, Jun Jiu leaned closer to Mo Wuyue.Her eyes were bright and clear, reflecting Mo Wuyue's figure, and finally there were shallow ripples.Put a kiss on Mo Wuyue's mouth.

Just when Mo Wuyue was about to respond, Jun Jiu simply backed away without dragging his feet.With crooked eyebrows, he smiled narrowly and said teasingly: "Okay, I have already rewarded you. So, can you cherish the time and hurry up to double cultivation?"

Mo Wuyue touched the corner of his mouth and smiled fondly. "it is good."

It seems that after confessing their feelings, Jun Jiuyue flirts with him blatantly after responding to each other.

But she only cares about flirting, not putting out the fire!

But so what, who let him spoil her?Mo Wuyue's eyes turned golden, he looked at Jun Jiu deeply and darkly, then closed his eyes and began to practice double cultivation.

Jun Jiu devoted himself to finding the point where this body and soul fit together.Xiao Wu once said that this body is very suitable for her, that's why she chose this body for her to possess and rebirth.Therefore, there must be a meeting point, where the soul and the body are connected.

With Mo Wuyue joining, Jun Jiu can continuously use spiritual power to support the soul to shuttle through the veins of the body.

In the end, Jun Jiu found it in his dantian!

Beside Dan Huo, there is a key-like thing.Jun Jiu raised his eyebrows and felt strange, why is it a key?The heartbeat speeded up inexplicably, Jun Jiu's soul stretched out its hand to touch the key...

If it had been affecting her soul, then fix it and everything would be solved.

Just when Jun Jiu's fingers touched the key, a suction force suddenly caught her and dragged her inside.Jun Jiu didn't panic, she calmly let herself be involved, and then suddenly appeared in a room.

Jun Jiu looked up and saw two people...

(End of this chapter)

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