Chapter 596 What Can You Do To Me?
Chapter 596 What Can You Do To Me?
The man came arrogantly, but left with a womanly black face.

It's a disgrace to the family for not being able to catch that ant from the mere lower triple world!However, sooner or later they will catch him!
The woman is Yan Mandong.After waiting for the man to leave, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Clasping her hands tightly over her heart, Yan Mandong lowered her head, her eyes flickered with sadness, guilt and worry.She didn't expect to break the seal so quickly, her child is only 15 years old, right?She doesn't know how her child is doing now.

Yan Mandong only knew that she was praying for three things.

One is, her children must not come to Zhong Sanzhong!

The second is to hope that her husband will be safe, and give up the idea of ​​coming to rescue her.

The third is that Shengnv Yao can help her after receiving her letter!
Yan Mandong closed her eyes and continued to pray in this dark and dead place: God, please bless them.Do not be found by the clansmen!Whether it's Jun Mingye or her child.Neither should be found.


They found Lu Hongyan.

He hid in the back mountain secret room.All the disciples guarding the secret room were caught and tied up.

Shui Qinglian entered via voice transmission, "Palace Master Lu, it's no use hiding now! I advise you to come out by yourself, otherwise I won't be polite!"

There was a long silence without any response.

Li Hongchang said impatiently: "Mansion Master Shui, Master Li. Everyone, let's go in together! Lu Hongyan plotted to frame Shui Qingyu. Can't you think of his purpose? He has never been reconciled to the old Palace Master's arrangement."

Lu Hongyan and Duguqing can be said to be the same people!

They are jealous, sinister, and vicious.Too much utilitarianism!

Lu Hongyan framed Shui Qingyu just to ruin him and make him unable to be the next mansion master.This will not only erase Shui Qinglian's help, but also give Shui Qinglian a scapegoat!He succeeded ten years ago, but he was exposed ten years later. He has succeeded and failed.

Hearing the noise from outside, Lu Hongyan looked at his hands sullenly and resentfully.Black air enveloped him, continuously sinking into his body.

"Faster! Faster!"

The Undead King glanced at Lu Hongyan, smiled and did not answer.

At this moment, he saw his right hand pointing towards the hundred virgins and one hundred virgins who had passed out.Two-thirds of the boys and girls were shriveled and lost their vitality, and their chests did not heave.Their vitality has become the power of the undead king.

The Undead King turned his left hand towards Lu Hongyan again.That black air flew out from his palm.

Feeling the growing spiritual power in his body, Lu Hongyan showed an excited and fanatical smile on his face.The secret of immortality is really a good thing!He has become stronger, he is the number one strongest in Taihuang Palace!
What is clear water, what is Li Ding, what is Li Hongchang.They all have to die!

The Taihuang Mansion is his, and the world is his!

After a long time, the Undead King withdrew his hand. "Okay. I have raised your strength to the seventh-level spirit king, which is enough for you to go out and solve troubles."

"Only level seven?" Lu Hongyan was unwilling and dissatisfied.

The undead spirit king looked at him mockingly, he was only a level five spirit king.It is already a gift for him to upgrade him to level seven!Still not satisfied?Don't be afraid to support yourself.

With a smile on his face, the Undead King said venomously, "Time is too urgent. I will help you after you finish solving them."

"it is good!"

Lu Hongyan nodded immediately, turned around and left the secret room excitedly.It's time to get rid of Shui Qinglian and the others!
Lu Hongyan didn't know how sinister and contemptuous the Undead King was staring at him behind him.Lu Hongyan will not know that this sudden increase in strength will come at a price!
And this price is devouring!

He is now the cauldron of the undead king.The black energy that entered his body would devour his vitality bit by bit.Kill him at the end, and then recharge the power to the Undead King.So that he can quickly recover his peak strength.

The Undead King sneered, and continued to close his eyes and devour the lives of boys and girls. "Just let you, idiot, help me delay a little longer."

When Lu Hongyan went out, Shui Qinglian and the others were preparing to attack together.Break open the secret room, break in and grab Lu Hongyan!
Lu Hongyan walked out arrogantly, and glared at Shui Qinglian and the others with a grinning smile.He raised his head and laughed, "Hahaha! You don't have to waste your time, I'm out. But so what? Shui Qinglian, what can you do to me?"

Shui Qinglian and the others frowned and stared at Lu Hongyan.

So high-profile, arrogant, and arrogant.Lu Hongyan must be relying on something!

Soon, Shui Qinglian and the others found out.Shui Qinglian's face darkened, "You have broken through."

"That's right! I'm a seventh-level spirit king now. Shui Qinglian, although you are also a seventh-level spirit king, can you fight with me as a sick child? None of you are my opponents!" Lu Hongyan's self-confidence swelled, and he was very proud.

The surging and powerful power in his body gave Lu Hongyan the confidence to kill everyone in seconds.

Even if he can't, there is an undead king behind him.That is the ninth level spirit king!Only half a step away, you can break through the Great Spirit King.Who else in Taihuang Palace can stop him?No!

Wu Zhu was tied to one side, when he saw Lu Hongyan immediately called for help: "Brother, help me!"

"Let go of Wu Zhu, you are surrendering to me! I can still spare your lives, otherwise you will all die!" Lu Hongyan glanced at Wu Zhu, and found that Wu Zhu's cultivation was abolished.Immediately angrily turned his head to threaten Shui Qinglian and the others.


It is absolutely impossible.

Shui Qinglian and Li Ding looked at each other, and they stepped forward together to surround Lu Hongyan.The battle is imminent!
At this moment, except for the palace masters, no one can fight Lu Hongyan.The elders immediately led the disciples back and opened a distance.

Shui Qingyu: "I'll help you!"

"Hmph! Shui Qingyu, you got lucky ten years ago, and now I will kill you to make up for the mistakes made ten years ago." Lu Hongyan was arrogant and arrogant, and fought with Shui Qinglian and the others.Shui Qingyu joined in, but it couldn't change much.

Lu Hongyan is too strong now, so weirdly strong, abnormal!
Jun Jiu narrowed his eyes and followed the figures of their scuffle.She raised her hand suddenly, playing backtracking in her hand.Jun Jiu curled his lips and smiled darkly, "It's too fast, I can't see clearly. Let Lu Hongyan slow down."

The spiritual power has not entered the backtracking, Jun Jiu now controls the time with ease.

Lu Hongyan froze suddenly and was half a beat slower.He was attacked by Shui Qinglian and the others together, and flew backwards with a bang, Lu Hongyan vomited blood three feet.

Shocked and angry, he stared at Jun Jiu from afar.He recognized backtracking and was furious: "Bitch, how dare you plot against me! I'll kill you!"

Seeing Lu Hongyan slaughter him.

When Mo Wuyue snorted coldly and was about to make a move, Jun Jiu took his hand.She hooked her lips and smiled frivolously, "Let me do it!"

(End of this chapter)

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