Chapter 612

Chapter 612

It was said that everyone looked different.

Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue were still calm and did not respond, but Nan Chenyu and Nan Luoyan tensed up.Nan Chenyu immediately walked towards Jun Jiu, but after only taking two steps, he was frozen in place by the corner of Mo Wuyue's eyes.

Nan Chenyu had no choice but to lower his voice and say, "Maybe there are secret treasures or treasures inside. Don't startle the snake, otherwise it will be difficult to get it if it attracts others."

"That's right. Let's go in quietly!" Nan Luoyan said.

After finishing speaking, the two of them were afraid that Jun Jiu would misunderstand, so they hurriedly explained.

This was discovered by Xiao Wu, and the secret treasure belongs to them.They won't make up their minds!They can also guard the door for them outside to prevent others from coming.

This pair of sisters is quite interesting~~
The corners of Jun Jiu's mouth curled up, and she said, "Whoever sees it has a share, let's go in together. It's still uncertain what's inside. Xiao Wu, dig it up."


Xiao Wu stretched out his sharp claws and dug up the collapsed cave with a few swishes.

No matter how hard the stone is, it will be tofu dregs under its sharp claws.Xiao Wu probed into the dark cave, sniffed her nose and turned her head: "Master, the air is circulating here, you can go in."

"Let's go."

Jun Jiu and the others walked in together.

When entering the cave, Jun Jiu left a rhythm formation outside the cave.Whenever someone comes, she will be reminded.

Holding the luminous pearl in their hands, they gradually went deeper into the cave...

Three hundred miles away, a group of men in black swished through the forest.They didn't stop all the way, and rushed forward purposefully.

One of them said, "According to the directions on the map, we can find the saint's cave three hundred miles ahead."

"Hmph." The leading girl in black snorted coldly.

The man immediately said tremblingly, "It's the cave of the former saint. My subordinate made a momentary mistake, so I ask the saint to forgive me."

The girl in black glanced at him, and a sinister light flashed in her eyes.The most important thing now is to get the sacred artifact left by the previous saint in Xuanling Mountain.In this way, she is justified as a saint!

There was no time to punish people, so the girl in black said, "Go at full speed! Three hundred miles? I will find it in an hour."


time flies.

Before an hour had passed, a beam of light suddenly burst out from between the sky and the earth.

Even in daytime, the beams of light are extraordinarily dazzling and eye-catching.And the appearance of this beam of light does not mean that there is a treasure, but also a symbol of a secret treasure!

For a while everyone was active.They turned around one after another, dropped what they were doing and rushed towards the beam of light!Whether it is a treasure or a secret treasure, everyone wants to get it and become its master.

"Brother, shall we go there?"

"What are you going to do!" Murong Shan scolded, his expression ugly. "We are seriously injured now, and we are going to give people points."

Speaking of this, Murong Shan couldn't help but think of the points he had been robbed of.The heartache was so painful that he wanted to vomit blood again, Murong Shan hammered his heart to hold back.

Gritting his teeth in anger, he took out a talisman paper from his sleeve.Murong Shan said: "Although we can't go there, Murong Qiusu will definitely go! Maybe we will meet that nasty guy then."

He wants to inform Murong Qiusu to avenge himself!

At the same time, the faces of the people in black changed.The formation was touched, and someone entered!

The girl in black shouted: "Hurry up! I can't let others take away the holy artifact of my Cangfuzong!"

They increased their explosive speed again, chasing towards the cave like lightning...

in the cave.

The corner of Jun Jiu's mouth twitched, looking at the formation in front of him speechlessly.

She didn't expect the person who left this formation to be so insidious.Once someone enters, activate the formation and notify the entire Xuanling Mountain.Let everyone see this place and chase after it.

Moreover, the power to activate the formation was plundered from them!
When I moved my feet, the entire center of my feet was firmly attracted by the formation.Don't let them run away.

In this regard, Jun Jiu sneered coldly. "Break it!"

Bai Yue stabbed into the formation with a sword, and a violent vortex of spiritual power appeared.Directly shattering the array under Jun Jiu's feet, Jun Jiu walked out.At this time, Mo Wuyue also rescued Xiao Wu with a look of disgust.

Nan Chenyu and Nan Luoyan were not so relaxed.It took them a lot of effort to break free from the formation.

But the spiritual power in the body is almost absorbed.The faces of the two sisters turned slightly pale, and they immediately took off the elixir and took it.

After losing the source of plundering spiritual power, the light of the formation also dimmed a lot.Jun Jiu looked coldly at the back of the formation, the gate formed by spiritual power.

Something is behind the gate!

"There is a body inside and a storage bag." Mo Wuyue said.

Jun Jiu pursed his lips and folded his arms around his chest. "Then it looks like someone died here. And left her things here to be picked up."

But obviously, they were not the ones she was waiting for!
This thing is obviously waiting for a certain person, or a certain sect disciple.That's why it directly attracted the attention of all Xuanling Mountain contestants.

If it's not someone she wants to wait for, it will be like what Jun Jiu and the others did just now.Being held back by the formation, devouring their spiritual power as the nourishment of the formation.Since this is the case, Jun Jiu is not interested immediately.

At this moment, Jun Jiu's eyes flickered.

She looked back to the way she came, "Someone is coming."

The formation she left outside the cave was touched.It seems that someone has heard the movement and came over.

Soon, the sound of breaking through the air!
The people in black came here first.The leading girl in black saw that the formation had not been broken, nor had the gate of spiritual power been opened.She breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately afterwards, she turned her head, and on her exquisite and beautiful face, there was a cruel and ferocious face.She opened her mouth and was about to scold and chase away people, but when she met Jun Jiu's eyes, the girl in black paused.She looked at Mo Wuyue again, her pupils constricted suddenly.

These two people!

"Saint, next to you are Nan Chen Yu and Nan Luo Yan from the White Floating World." Behind the girl in black, the man in black reminded him in a low voice.

The girl in black glanced, not paying attention.

She stared at Jun Jiu again, and said, "No matter who you are, I advise you to get out of here immediately. This is the place where the last saint of our Cangfuzong was buried. No matter what is in it, it belongs to our Cangfuzong. "

"That's not necessarily true." The voice suddenly interrupted, causing the girl in black to change her expression.

Looking at the entrance with a murderous look, another person has arrived.

The leader is also a woman.She wears light and close-fitting armor, which outlines a hot figure.But she has a beautiful appearance that is completely incompatible with hotness.

The girl in black snorted coldly, "Murong Qiusu, do you dare to rob me?"

"Of course not. But Long Yu'er, everything in Xuanling Mountain is ownerless. You say it belongs to your Cangfu Sect? You, as a saintess of the Cangfu Sect, don't understand the principle of first come first come first."

Murong Qiusu opened his mouth to drag Jun Jiu and the others into the water.

However, when Long Yu'er turned her head and looked over with a murderous look, Jun Jiu waved her hand: "I'm not interested, you can do whatever you want."

Murong Qiusu's expression became stiff.

(End of this chapter)

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