Chapter 668

Chapter 668

Mo Wuyue caught Jun Jiu, involving the wound on his body, Mo Wuyue didn't even frown.

He transferred all the injuries on Jun Jiu's body, and it was doubled.But now seeing that Jun Jiu was not injured, but was exhausted and fainted from exhaustion.

Mo Wuyue hooked the corners of his mouth, and smiled evilly, indulgently and indulgently.

Xiao Jiuer is fine!
"Meow~" Xiao Wu turned into a small ball and staggered towards Jun Jiu.

In the end, Leng Yuan couldn't stand it anymore, picked up Xiao Wu and walked over.Xiao Wu was so injured that he was dying.

Mo Wuyue glanced at Xiao Wu, who stared at Jun Jiu with desolate eyes.Mo Wuyue raised his eyebrows to signal Leng Yuan to bring Xiao Wu over and put him in Jun Jiu's arms.

Leng Yuan yawned for a while, and asked, "Isn't it heavy?"

"You are the one who is heavy!" Xiao Wu took a desperate breath, and scratched Leng Yuan's paw with his paw.

There were three cat scratches glistening with blood on his hands, Leng Yuansheng had nothing to love.He just asked!The owner suffered all the injuries, and it was double!

Now that you have Miss Jun in your arms, what are you going to join in the fun with a light bulb?
Xiao Wu doesn't care.

She is a divine beast, and she doesn't weigh a few catties or two under her control.Rubbing in Jun Jiu's arms contentedly, Xiao Wu felt at ease.

They're all right and safe!
Mo Wuyue flicked his fingers, and a silver light entered Xiao Wu's body.Mo Wuyue: "Sleep, take care of your wounds."

Xiao Wu protects Xiao Jiu'er, she is a great hero.Xiao Wu closed his eyes.

"Miss Jun!"

He Lianxu, Yantu and the others stood in the distance hesitantly and hesitantly.They wanted to come over, but Mo Wuyue's aura around him frightened them and dared not approach him.

At this time, Bai Yanran arrived late with the people from the Third Academy.

When I got closer, I saw a scar on the ground, and everyone looked like they had been fished out of blood.

In the end, there were no more than a dozen people who could stand.It's too tragic!
There are corpses all over the place, and it is impossible to tell who is who.

The vice president asked: "Xue Yan, and Xue Li?"

"Xueyan was killed by Jun Jiu. Xueli, he died too." Zhu Ningfan replied.

Xueyan's corpse had been blown to pieces, Zhu Ningfan could only point to the mutilated corpse that was bloody and bloody, and couldn't be seen.

Hearing this, everyone was dumbfounded, turned their heads to look at Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue in disbelief.

Jun Jiu killed Xueyan?
This, this is fake!How could Jun Jiu kill Xue Yan?
The vice president couldn't help but said, "Did Mo Wuyue kill him?"

"No. Miss Jun created a miracle!" He Lianxu said firmly.Anyone can not believe it, but they do!

Because they have seen it with their own eyes.They are witnesses of miracles!
It is conceivable that the bloody battle spread today.The name of Jun Jiu will resound throughout the Southern Region.

People from the third academy, Dean Bai, and the vice-principal were shocked for a long time.Only barely regained their senses, they immediately ordered the alchemist to heal everyone.

Looking up again, Dean Bai said: "Jun Jiu must have been seriously injured. Jun Jiu... where is he? Where is Mo Wuyue?"

"They're gone!"

Only then did they realize that Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue had disappeared.

No one knows when they left or where they went.

Zhu Ningfan looked at Leng Yuan.He didn't know him, but he knew that this person was standing with Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue just now.Leng Yuan walked towards him and spoke.

Leng Yuan said: "Master and Miss Jun will return to the Third Academy after their injuries are healed."

After speaking, Leng Yuan turned around and disappeared out of thin air.

Everyone was dumbfounded again.Dean Bai and Vice President exchanged glances, Yantu and Qiu He gasped.

They felt that Leng Yuan was so strong!

But he called Mo Wuyue his master.His subordinates are all so strong, what strength does Mo Wuyue have?
What is his identity?
Nobody knows.No one was there, and they couldn't ask.

Dean Bai: "That's it?"

"Mo Wuyue took Miss Jun to heal her wounds. Since he has extraordinary strength and mysterious identity, there must be a way to heal Miss Jun. We just need to wait for Miss Jun to return to the academy."

As He Lianxu spoke, he made up his mind at the same time.

He is going to the Third Academy, waiting for Jun Jiu to come back!

Mo Wuyue took Jun Jiu across thousands of miles in an instant.

Come to the core of the Southern Territory, which is the back mountain of Sheng Cang College, one of the three major colleges.Ninth-level Spirit Gathering Formation, where the entire Holy Cang Academy disciples practice.

With a flick of his sleeves, Mo Wuyue broke open the space.

Directly enter the deepest part of the ninth-level spirit gathering array.The disciples of the Holy Cang Academy didn't know that there was another dragon vein under the spirit gathering formation.

The spirit-gathering formation and the dragon veins created the hotbed for the Holy Cang Academy to cultivate countless elite talents.

Arriving at the core of the dragon vein, Mo Wuyue sat down with Jun Jiu in his arms.With a wave of his hand, a gentle force wrapped Xiao Wu and put her aside.

A small gathering formation was formed,

A strand of dragon veins branched out to warm and nourish Xiao Wu.The others were all used by Mo Wuyue to treat Jun Jiu.

Although the injury is transferred, a serious injury to vitality cannot be transferred.The purest power of dragon veins can allow Jun Jiu to get the best treatment in sleep.Absorbing dragon veins is also good for her bloodlines.

As for the rumors, the dragon veins are ferocious and spiritual.The saying that seeing people will attack?
That's for others.In front of Mo Wuyue, the real dragon, the dragon's veins frightened into a quail, not daring to move, and obediently stretched out its strength to warm and nourish Jun Jiu.

Mo Wuyue didn't sit still either.

He also pointed out that he took a ray of golden light from his body and traveled along the meridians of Jun Jiu's body.

Longmai's instinctive consciousness is almost drooling seeing this golden light!
This is the real spirit vein!
The spiritual veins born in the heaven and earth grow in the mountains and rivers, and are called dragon veins.Similarly, the dragon veins of a real dragon are also called dragon veins.

But the distinction between the two is like a natural chasm, which cannot be compared at all.

Mo Wuyue used his own dragon veins to develop and strengthen Jun Jiu's meridians.Mo Wuyue's golden eyes darkened a little when he looked down and saw the causal lifeline wrapped around Jun Jiu's wrist.

The lifeline of cause and effect cannot be seen unless it is in the realm of the holy spirit.

Mo Wuyue is thinking now, should he tell Jun Jiu.But knowing the lifeline of cause and effect is not a good thing.

The golden light in the eyes flickered, and Mo Wuyue finished all this.Taking off the silver bell on Jun Jiu's wrist, he wants to strengthen the power of the silver bell.Let him resist stronger and more dangerous attacks.

At the same time, Mo Wuyue withdrew his spiritual thoughts left in the silver bell.Instead, he left behind a divine formula.

This magic formula can be used by Xiao Jiu'er himself.As a magic weapon for life-saving in times of crisis.But inside, Mo Wuyue only left three divine thoughts.

The causal lifeline has been locked on Xiao Jiu'er, she must become stronger as soon as possible!

to fight against it.

After condensing the silver bell, Mo Wuyue took it back for Jun Jiu.

Looking quietly at Jun Jiu's pale sleeping face, Mo Wuyue lowered his head and kissed Jun Jiu's eyebrows.

Mo Wuyue raised the corners of his lips, and murmured: "No matter what happens, I will always be by your side. Even if there is a karma, I can still protect you in my own way."

(End of this chapter)

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