The Evil Emperor's Pampering: Divine Doctor Ninth Miss

Chapter 683 Would rather kill by mistake 1

Chapter 683 Would rather kill a thousand by mistake

Chapter 683 Would rather kill a thousand by mistake

Looking up, he was looking at the Dongyue Mountains.

The entire Dongyue Mountain Range is shrouded in an incomparably huge formation.And this is just an appearance.Mo Wuyue just told him that there are three smaller formations hidden under this large formation.

Strange, a place where dream beasts, or dream monsters, are kept in captivity.Do you need so much vigilance?
Looking at the other people, they were all very excited, ready to go in and hunt the dream beast.Jun Jiu felt even weirder!
The sixth sense told her that there was a big problem hidden in the Dongyue Mountains!
But there is no rush.Soon she will be able to go in and find out.

At this time, Dean Zuoqiu said again: "The dream beast is fierce. If you are injured inside, crush the token immediately. There will always be patrolling disciples inside, ready to escort you out."

"Okay! Everyone get ready, open the gate!" Dean Zuoqiu ordered.

There was a gap in the formation, and Jun Jiu and the others walked in together with the crowd...

On the viewing platform.

Dean Bai looked at the picture in the lake mirror.Seeing Jun Jiu and the others went in, Dean Bai was both relieved and worried.

Fortunately, the Third Academy finally had a team of disciples who were able to enter the Dongyue Mountain Range.This time, he finally didn't lose!The face of the Third Academy was saved.

But he was worried.I heard that the Dongyue Mountains are extremely dangerous, and the dream beast is very ferocious.

In front of Jun Jiu, Zhu Ningfan and their safety and glory.Dean Bai cares more about their safety!

The Third Academy cannot afford the loss of any genius!

At this time, Dean Bai heard movement in his ears.He looked up and saw the two mysterious identities, a man and a woman.They got up and told the envoys of the ten realms that they were going to enter the Dongyue Mountains.

The face of the envoy of the ten realms was a little unnatural.He pretended to be puzzled and asked: "My lords, why did you enter the Dongyue Mountains?"

"Among these disciples, Yan Yun and I have a few favorites. We should personally evaluate them, and if they are good, we will be accepted as disciples." Yan Wu's posture was aloof and full of airs.

Hearing that they were going to recruit apprentices, the envoy of the Ten Realms breathed a sigh of relief.

But he continued to dissuade, "If you want to recruit apprentices, wouldn't it be better to choose the best one after the Hundred Districts Competition is over?"

Yan Yun: "This is not an inquiry, but an announcement. Do you want someone to open the formation in the Dongyue Mountains, or wait for the two of us to break through the formation?"

Yan Yun was even more arrogant, she didn't pay attention to the envoy of the ten realms at all.

Seeing that they couldn't stop them, the envoy of the ten realms had no choice but to agree.

However, he ordered a group of patrolling disciples to lead the way and guide Yan Mei and Yan Yun to go.When Dean Zuoqiu came back, the two had already gone to the Dongyue Mountains.

Hearing this, Dean Zuoqiu's face darkened slightly.

He looked left and right, and secretly pulled the envoy of the ten realms to whisper. "Could it be that they discovered the dream monster?"

"No. These two are not from the Southern Region."

"Then who are they?"

The envoy of the Ten Realms whispered four words: Core Continent!

Hearing this, Dean Zuoqiu's face became even uglier.How could people from the core continent come to the Hundred Districts?Is it true that raising dream monsters has been exposed?

"No, no, no." The envoy of the ten realms comforted Dean Zuoqiu.Yan Yun and Yan didn't come here to find someone, not for the Dream of Warcraft.

Their whispers were all seen by Dean Bai.

Inexplicably feel a little weird!
But I can't tell why.Dean Bai shook his head, thinking that he was thinking too much.Withdrawing his prying eyes, Dean Bai continued to look at the lake mirror.

He looked for Jun Jiu, Bai Yanran and the others in it.

But suddenly the lake mirror fluctuated, and then the fluctuation became bigger and bigger, and finally there was a click.The lake mirror was actually destroyed!
"what happened?"

"The mirror on the lake is destroyed! I can't see what's going on in the Dongyue Mountains anymore."

"Do you need to recall those disciples?"


There was a lot of chatter, and there was a panic and crowd on the viewing platform.

Dean Bai clenched his fists.He was getting more and more uneasy!

Why is the lake mirror broken at this time?He couldn't help but look, and saw that Dean Zuoqiu and the envoys of the Ten Realms also looked astonished and extremely shocked.Dean Bai frowned.

It seems that they are not playing tricks.But the lake mirror, how is it broken?

Dean Zuoqiu quickly came back to his senses, and he hastily opened his mouth to frighten the scene.He said: "Don't worry, everyone. There are disciples patrolling the Dongyue Mountain Range. Those are all veteran disciples of my First Academy, and they are very familiar with the Dongyue Mountain Range."

"And they are carrying water mirrors. This old man will contact them right away! Don't worry, these disciples are all the elites of my [-] districts, geniuses! I will never tolerate their safety."

The envoy of the ten realms also stood up and spoke, which appeased everyone.

However, only they know that something is wrong!
And soon they will find that none of the patrolling disciples carrying water mirrors can be contacted.

They stayed in the First Academy, and the longevity lamp in the Hall of Longevity was also extinguished.

Dongyue Mountains, at the entrance of the formation.

Yan didn't take back his hand, "The First Academy will find out soon. The sooner we find Jun Jiu, the better, otherwise it will be a little troublesome to deal with the First Academy."

"What's the trouble with this? The southern region is only a hundred districts, do they dare to confront my Yan family head-on?" Yan Yunmi said with a smile.

She was leisurely wiping the blood between her fingers.At her feet were the corpses of patrolling disciples.

Yan Yun raised her head and looked deep into the Dongyue Mountains.

She smiled viciously and cruelly, and said, "It doesn't matter whether Jun Jiu is that wicked girl or not. I'd rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go!"

Yan Mei: "Let's kill her and bring her body back to find out if it's true. If so, Yan Yun, we can make a great contribution!"

They looked at each other, laughing excitedly and brutally.

Don't look at the envoys of the ten realms who regard them as adults.However, in the Yan family, they are just slaves given the name Yan.

This time Yan Manqiu led his people on a trip.He went to the Eastern Region, while the Southern Region ordered his subordinates to come and look for it.The subordinates sent out domestic slaves to search the entire southern region.

Southern Territory is too big!
Finding a person with hidden blood is more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack.

But luckily!

Yan Yun pursed her lips, "God favored us. As soon as I came here, I found a girl who looks so similar to Miss Dong. Her surname is Jun!"

"Okay, don't waste time, go find someone! Once you find Jun Jiu, kill her immediately." Yan didn't say.

This is their order!
If the evil girl is found, she must be killed immediately.In order not to be escaped or known by others.

Especially the enemy of the Yan family.If they protect evil girls, use them against them.This is something Yan Manchun absolutely cannot tolerate!
Yan Yun and Yan didn't turn around, they chased after the footprints and traces left on the ground.

He is going to find Jun Jiu and kill her!

As for Jun Jiu, he entered the Dongyue Mountains.Her sixth sense kept reminding her that there was danger here.

Stopping, Jun Jiu looked at Xiao Wu: "Now let's talk about it, what is a dream monster?"

(End of this chapter)

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