Chapter 893 Ice Lotus Bridge
Chapter 893 Ice Lotus Bridge
Ouyang Yi also didn't understand.He asked Wen Xie, "Why did you follow Jun Jiu and the others?"

"Because she has a way to avoid the tide of wild beasts. You can be lazy, why not do it?" Wen Xie smiled, the corners of her mouth curled up.

Hearing this, Ouyang Yi had a strange expression on his face.

be lazy?

This was the first time he heard Wen Xie say that!

You must know that the reason why Wen Xie is terrifying is that he is afraid of it.In addition to Wen Xie's strength, there is also him.Insidious and cunning, resourceful.He's scary and wise.

It's hard to imagine when Wen Xie would be lazy.

Ouyang Yi also heard the difference in Wen Xie's words.He talked about them, but Wen Xie only talked about Jun Jiu.It seems that Jun Jiu has a different meaning to Wen Xie.

And... Ouyang Yi pondered, can Jun Jiu really escape the wild beast tide?

Running wildly all the way, after seeing the cliff in sight, the corner of Jun Jiu's mouth slightly raised.There is a cliff, it is not a problem to get rid of the tide of wild beasts!

After her, everyone saw the cliff one after another.

They had been on the road at full speed before, and they were already a little tired.Now being chased by wild beasts again, his legs and feet became sore and painful.Exhausted, the speed slowed down several times, and then he gritted his teeth to speed up.

Now see a cliff in the distance.It was as if he saw a chance for a new life, and he was very excited.

They soon reached the edge of the cliff.

Surprised and excited, he also changed his face after seeing the situation of the cliff clearly.

Because in the middle of the two cliffs, there is a strong hurricane.Hongyu only stretched out her hand to feel the direction of the wind, and the back of her hand was cut by the hurricane, and blood oozed out.

Her complexion changed, "This hurricane is too strong. We may not be able to fly through the hurricane."

If it's just an ordinary cliff, they fly over it with ease.

But there are hurricanes in this cliff.They are not ordinary hurricanes, they are very difficult to pass.Even if you get away with it, you will be injured.

Hongyu pursed her lips.She didn't resent Jun Jiu for leading the way, but she looked up at Jun Jiu.Ask calmly: "What should we do now?"

"Let's fly over!" Ling Heng said decisively.

His eyes are burning, he believes in his senior sister!
Ling Heng said: "I'd like to be the first to fly there and try."

"Ling Heng, I'm with you." Xiaoying said.

"Wait." Jun Jiu called to stop them.

She knew that Ling Heng and Xiaoying were there to protect her.Because she took the lead, who knew there was a hurricane here.The cliff is no longer hope, but a second impasse.

There was a hurricane before, and then there was a wave of wild beasts.

Looking back, the tide of desolate beasts has spread and crowded the distance.They can't go back and change routes.stuck here.

It looks like she made a wrong choice.They don't want anyone to question her, so say so, do so.


Jun Jiu hooked his lips, showing a frivolous and flamboyant smile.Jun Jiu glanced at everyone confidently, "With me here, I will take you there."

Hongyu opened her mouth, but said nothing.

Because she looked at Jun Jiu, she miraculously chose to believe Jun Jiu's words.It's like, as long as Jun Jiu says it, he can do it!
Hongyu's eyes were very complicated, she wondered if she was bewitched?
How many times have you met Jun Jiu?How could he trust her like that.

At this time, Wen Xie, Ouyang Yi and the others.And the team behind has already been overtaken by the fast-running desolate beast.

They fought and retreated here.As a result, after seeing the cliffs hiding hurricanes one by one, their colors changed.Just as Ling Heng and Xiaoying were worried, they looked at Jun Jiu with complaining and angry eyes.

Xiao Wu got angry and rolled up his sleeves. "Why should they blame the master? The master didn't kidnap them with a rope, they wanted to follow them. They also brought the tide of wild beasts here."

"Don't worry about them." Jun Jiu patted Xiao Wu's head and comforted her.

She ignored the group of people and only looked at Wen Xie and Ouyang Yi.

Withdrawing his gaze, Jun Jiu made a hand-to-hand tactic.

Spiritual power surged out, Jun Jiu murmured. "Cloud and Water Jue, ten thousand lotuses bloom together."

In an instant, one-third of the spiritual power in Jun Jiu's dantian was emptied.These spiritual powers have all turned into beautiful and stunning ice lotus flowers.They are pieced together one by one, and a bridge is built between the two cliffs.

This is a bridge made of ice lotus, crystal clear.The sun shines brightly.

very beautiful!
It is as beautiful as a wonderful handicraft.

The hurricane blew on the Ice Lotus Bridge, and with a crackling sound, blossoming petals shattered into ice crystals.But this destruction is not enough to destroy the entire bridge.

Jun Jiu glanced at everyone who was stunned, and smiled darkly.She stretched out her hand to hold Mo Wuyue, and stepped onto the Ice Lotus Bridge first. "Let's go."

"Wait for me!" Xiao Wu jumped up and down, catching up and grabbing Jun Jiu's other hand.

Ling Heng, Chu Xiangyang, and Ah Jin came back to their senses.Hastily set foot on the ice lotus bridge.

This is made of ice lotus, and the temperature is naturally extremely low.

Through the shoes, it was bitingly cold.

They have seen with their own eyes, the scene of Jun Jiu pinching ice lotus to kill the enemy.Beautiful and fierce, amazing and eye-catching!But no one could have imagined that Binglian could be used like this.

Ruby is especially complex.When she stepped on the ice lotus bridge, she reached the other side of the cliff.Still can't get back to God.

Seeing the Binglian Bridge, those people were also excited.They all rushed over with ferocious faces and excitement.But Jun Jiu waved his hand, and the ice lotus burst into dots of light.

Magnificent and beautiful.It has become a stunning short-term scenery.

The shattering of the Ice Lotus Bridge also shattered the greedy hopes of those people.

Immediately, someone jumped into a rage and cursed: "Jun Jiu, what do you mean! You deliberately want to harm us, you want to kill us!"

"Jun Jiu, I didn't expect you to be such a dirty and cold-blooded person. I will never let you go!"


Sentences of ugly words came from the opposite side.

Hearing this, Xiao Wu puffed up his cheeks, rolled up his sleeves and wanted to fight back.Ling Heng, Xiaoying, and Chu Xiangyang were also very angry.

How can someone be so shameless?
They haven't blamed them yet, they want to follow them to pick up cheap, and even lure the tide of wild beasts.They actually blamed Jun Jiu first!
Jun Jiu looked calm, not angry at all.She opened her mouth and successfully extinguished everyone's anger with one sentence.

Jun Jiu said: "Let's go. Naturally, they will be dealt with by wild beasts, so save your spiritual energy."

After all, Jun Jiu glanced at Wen Xie who was still opposite, Ouyang Yi and the others.Then turn around and take out the spirit stone from the ring space.Leave here while absorbing and replenishing spiritual energy.

Xiao Wu and the others were still a little angry.But after listening to Jun Jiu's words, they all felt that this was the truth.Then he turned around, ignored those people, followed Jun Jiu and left.

"They're gone." Wen Xie said.

Ouyang Yi was always cold, and now his face was a little speechless.

He looked back at the disciples who were fighting with the wild beast tide and stopped the wild beast from coming.Can't help staring at Wen Xie coldly, "Can we go now?"

Obviously they can follow Jun Jiu and the others, they have already reached the opposite side.Wen Xie stopped him and refused to let him go.

Wen Xie smiled, "Let's go."

(End of this chapter)

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