Chapter 96 Are you envious?

Chapter 96 Are you envious?

"Stop and don't leave!" He Zong shouted.How could he be willing to let Jun Jiu and Feng Xiao leave like this.He waited for so long, but Jun Jiu was not injured at all, but his apprentice was injured again, and his shoulder bone was broken by Feng Xiao.And Jun Yunxue was also humiliated and slapped in the face.

He couldn't swallow this breath!

He Zong rolled his eyes, and he stared at the disciples in the big square.Immediately had an idea.He Zong raised his chest and said, "Jun Jiu must have an explanation for hurting people! This is the rule of my Tianzongyuan. You must not let the Supreme Emperor be lawless just because you protect her. Otherwise, how can you face all the disciples of Tianzongyuan? "

"That's your business, it's none of the old man's business." Feng Xiao snapped back violently.

He Zong gasped for breath, he couldn't deal with Feng Xiao.So he turned to look at Luo Qiuhe, "Dean, don't you say anything?"

"Ahem." Luo Qiuhe felt a bit of pressure against Feng Xiao's eyes.But he had to admit that He Zong was right.If Jun Jiu is not punished, the rules of the Tianzong Court cannot be defended.Especially with so many disciples watching here, let alone bend the law for personal gain.

He Zong was right on this point.No matter how much Luo Qiuhe likes Jun Jiu, he must punish her!
Luo Qiuhe thought for a while and said: "Let's do it like this. There is a reason for the incident, and both parties are at fault. I will punish you to face the wall and think about it for seven days."

Facing the wall and thinking for seven days?What kind of punishment is this!
Situ Xiu, He Zong hasn't spoken yet.Jun Yunxue couldn't bear it anymore, and if they had changed, they would have been given [-] commandments, or even expelled from Tianzongyuan.Why did Jun Jiu just face the wall and think about it for seven days?

Jealousy and resentment roiling in her heart, Jun Yunxue said, "This is unfair! Dean, you can't be extra tolerant just because the Supreme Emperor is protecting her."

"Jun Yunxue, you have overstepped. When will you be able to question the dean's decision?" Luo Qiuhe looked at Jun Yunxue, with displeasure flashing in his eyes.

Seeing that he is protecting Jun Jiu, it is impossible to back down.He Zongqi's face was livid.

When Jun Yunxue was scolded by Luo Qiuhe, her heart trembled.Looking at Jun Jiu again, he clenched his fists tightly.The fingernails pierced the palm of the hand, and blood came out.Jun Yunxue lowered her voice with contempt, "Jun Jiu. You are only relying on the protection of the Supreme Emperor to be so arrogant. Without the Supreme Emperor, what are you?"

"But I have the protection of the Supreme Emperor. Why, are you envious?" Jun Jiu pursed her lips, looking at Jun Yunxue like a clown.

She walked towards Jun Yunxue, her figure was tall and straight, her eyebrows raised.Today, she is still wearing a red dress that is shimmering and hot, and her delicate and beautiful face is icy cold at the moment, even her smile is bitingly cold.

Jun Jiu stood in front of Jun Yunxue, looking down at her condescendingly.He opened his mouth: "Is there any emperor, I am Jun Jiu. Jun Yunxue, are you not convinced? Then stop playing tricks and tricks, and let me see your true skills."

Hearing Jun Jiu's words, Jun Yunxue's heart skipped a beat.

Jun Jiu knows?She knew that she was the messenger behind the tomb spreading rumors?After two seconds of panic, Jun Yunxue grabbed the core.She stared straight at Jun Jiu, "Jun Jiu, you want to fight me? Hahahaha, what are you kidding? What are you? I can crush you to death with one finger!"

"Really?" Jun Jiu Chao Jun Yunxue hooked his fingers provocatively, "You can try it."

Jun Jiu looked at Feng Xiao and Luo Qiuhe again. "I'll borrow the venue, you guys let me in."

"Xiao Jiu, are you going to fight her?" Feng Xiao was surprised and stunned.

Jun Jiu's words are notifications, not inquiries.Because once she is determined, no one can change it.

Just take the big square as the arena, and leave a big circle in the middle.This is the arena between Jun Jiu and Jun Yunxue.The surrounding disciples stared at them with wide eyes.

The slap in the face came too fast today, too much stimulation!Now Jun Jiu and Jun Yunxue suddenly want to exchange ideas, directly pushing the atmosphere to a climax, hot!
Someone said: "Is this Jun Jiu crazy? Just relying on her, she also wants to compete with Senior Sister Yunxue?"

"This Jun Jiu is really stupid. The Supreme Emperor is willing to stand up for her and protect her. He is only punished by a person who faces the wall and thinks for seven days. She is not secretly happy, but she still wants to challenge Senior Sister Yunxue? Senior Sister Yunxue is a third-level spiritualist !"

Everyone is not optimistic about Jun Jiu's victory.Only Yun Qiao and Jun Xiaolei trusted blindly and unshakably.They believed that Jun Jiu would definitely win this match.

Xiao Wu meowed twice, her cat pupils sparkled.Xiao Wu: Come on, Master!Beat her up and cry!
On the canopy of the tree, Leng Yuan half-kneeled to welcome Mo Wuyue here.Mo Wuyue looked down at the big square with domineering and arrogant eyes.Only when it falls on Jun Jiu, the arrogant eyes will be slightly gentler.Mo Wuyue: "Competing with ants, Xiao Jiuer is wasting time."

"Master, Miss Jun did this on purpose. And they don't know how powerful Miss Jun is! In this battle, Miss Jun will fight a beautiful turnaround!"

"Oh?" Mo Wuyue replied lightly, with a lazy voice.

He could tell that Mo Wuyue was waiting for him to continue.Leng Yuan bowed his head again, he prepared some preparations and continued: "Jun Yunxue designed to slander Miss Jun's reputation. I invited Mr. Tie Zui to kill the rumors. Only by beating Jun Yunxue myself can I vent my anger. Let everyone see, who is the genius?"

So, Jun Jiu had this idea from the very beginning.But Jun Yunxue thought that Jun Jiu had gone crazy and wanted to die.Little did he know that he stepped into the gate of Yan Luo Palace with one foot.Step into Jun Jiu's trap.

In the center of the big square, Jun Jiu and Jun Yunxue stood opposite each other.

Jun Yunxue glanced at Feng Xiao in fear, she opened her mouth and said loudly on purpose: "Jun Jiu can agree, swords and swords have no eyes in sparring. If you lack arms or legs, you are incompetent. You can't cry back Find parents at home."

"Oh, don't worry it won't be me." Jun Jiu sneered.

She hooked Jun Yunxue provocatively.How could Jun Yunxue bear it?She clenched her hands into fists, and flung her fist at Jun Jiu.It is difficult to dispel the hatred in her heart with bare hands, so Jun Yunxue directly input spiritual power, and wherever the fist passes, there will be a sound of piercing.

Staring at Jun Jiu with resentment, "Jun Jiu, give me a punch!"

In the blink of an eye, Jun Yunxue rushed forward.The fist that contained spiritual power was as heavy as a thousand catties, and it was full of evil spirits.Jun Jiu lightly and calmly jumped on tiptoe on the ground, as light as a swallow, avoiding Jun Yunxue's fist.

Jun Yunxue attacked next, following closely behind.

Her right leg was tight, hiding a terrifying explosive power.Sweeping legs, kicking, kicking.An endless stream of attacking moves, biting Jun Jiu tightly.All the disciples clicked their tongues after watching this series of attacks.

Senior Sister Yunxue is amazing!
"Why does Jun Jiu only know how to dodge blindly? She can't beat Senior Sister Yunxue at all! Hmph, I don't know who gave her the courage to challenge Senior Sister Yunxue." The mocking voice was full of malice.

In the arena, Jun Yunxue is no longer limited to punches and kicks.She stared at Jun Jiu ferociously, and pulled out the sword at her waist. "Jun Jiu looks at the sword! If you have the ability, don't hide from this sword!"

(End of this chapter)

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