Chapter 10

It was Duan Shichen who came out of the imperial hospital, and it was Zhong Chuliang's master, which gave him hope again, and he didn't care about it anymore, Zhong Chuliang stepped forward to pester his master: "Master, let me go with you! Chu Liang can help you too."

Duan Shichen was a little surprised, Zhong Chuliang was never a lively person, and he would not fight for himself in front of the imperial court, so he has always been a small medical officer from the ninth rank. Violating the etiquette, he nodded in agreement, and while rushing to the Yonghe Palace, he instructed carefully: "When you arrive, you must only wait outside the door, and don't enter the door without any information. A head is not enough to cut off!"

Zhong Chuliang kept nodding his head, but his thoughts had already flown to the virtuous person, just outside the door, being able to live with her under the same roof is already the greatest gift to him!
Wu Ya was a little sleepy waiting in the room, what kind of efficiency is this!Time is money, no matter, time is life, no matter!Fortunately, it was just a simple inspection. What if there is something urgent that delays the best time for rescue!Wu Ya leaned on her head and counted the tea leaves in the tureen.

The room was so quiet that only the sound of breathing could be heard. Wu Ya knew that Kangxi was staring straight at her at this time. The burning eyes made her feel uncomfortable, but she didn't dare to raise her head. She didn't want the atmosphere just now. Here we go again!You can't look at him, you can't smile at him, and you can't say a word to him!Men are animals that think from the lower body, so she wouldn't be so stupid as to remind him that the prey is by his side!

Xuan Ye looked at De'er carefully, it was very strange, he always knew people very accurately, he could know what the person in front of him was thinking in almost a moment, but since De'er woke up, he became very elusive, as if in Deliberately alienating him, no one has ever dared to have such an attitude towards him, what does Deer want to do?When she didn't speak, Xuan Ye didn't speak, but the atmosphere became even more weird. This atmosphere made Wu Ya very uneasy. Is there anyone, who will save her!

Xuan Ye saw that De'er was uncomfortable, and couldn't help pulling the corners of his lips. He used to hate the intrigue among concubines the most, but seeing De'er who was fighting with himself now, he couldn't help but want to talk to him. She went on playing.

"De'er..." Xuan Ye still pulled back De'er who hid far away, let her sit on his lap, and blew hot air into her ear, "Don't you miss me?"

Wu Ya was almost trembling because of Kangxi's teasing. She finally understood why so many people in the harem were willing to be one of his many women. This is the emperor's aura cultivated since childhood, which she has never encountered in the 21st century. His masculine aura, as if everything was under his control, Wu Ya's heart was beating thumpingly, he could control the whole world, but he might not be able to control her!
Li Dequan's message passed Wu Ya's life-saving straw: "Long live Lord, Master De, Imperial Physician Duan is waiting outside the door."

Xuan Ye put aside De'er's thoughts, and said seriously: "Xuan!"

Wu Ya also sat down on the chair obediently, and secretly aimed her eyes at Kangxi. She is not a little girl who is ignorant of the world. Back to normal?Is it because of his full concentration, or is it just an illusion that his entanglements with women are all illusions?
Duan Shichen gave Wu Ya the pulse in a regular manner, and Wu Ya stared at the imperial physician very nervously, imperial physician, imperial physician, you can accumulate some sinful virtue, and give me some troubles!

Duan Shichen said: "Long live, the nobleman's confusion some time ago was due to excessive sadness, which caused stagnation in his heart, damp evil invaded, and phlegm dampness was blocked. Today, it seems that he has recovered. He just needs to take some medicine to drive away the dampness. A prescription for resolving phlegm will do. A few days ago, I heard that a nobleman fell his head, so I don’t know if there is any sequelae recently?”

Wu Ya was already confused by his yin and yang, wet and dry, and only heard him talking about falling his head, so he shook his head: "There is no sequelae..."

Si Zhu knew that she shouldn't answer the conversation, but she couldn't help but said: "Master, don't you forget a lot of things?"

Wu Ya nodded, but she muttered in her heart, I didn't lose my memory, I'm time-traveling!The ghost knows what your master De has done before, and I didn't install surveillance video on her!But this is a good disease, I can't remember it all the time, so there is always a hidden danger of going crazy, Wu Ya has buried a way out for herself, if there is really no other way, she can still pretend to be crazy!

"I don't even remember?" Xuan Ye was taken aback. How could he have this kind of illness? Why hasn't he been informed?
"Yes, I don't remember a lot of things before I fell."

Xuan Ye asked: "Do you remember when you entered the palace?"

Wu Ya shook her head.

Xuan Ye asked again: "Do you remember when I was promoted to you?"

Wu Ya shook her head again.

Xuan Ye frowned, and asked again: "Then do you remember when you were pregnant and conceived Zhen'er?"

Wu Ya shook her head again.Don't ask if it's okay, if you don't remember, you don't remember, if you shake your head again, you will faint!

Xuan Ye's brows deepened: "Then how do you remember how to roast this leg of lamb? How do you remember how to play this backgammon? You remember everything, but you just forgot me! De'er, do you hate me? Forget everything?"

Wu Ya was surprised, yes, she remembered such complicated things, how can she explain that she would forget those things that are obviously easy to remember?
The imperial doctor quickly replied: "Your Majesty, don't blame me. Master De fell from the high wall. Perhaps he was frightened, his heart was out of balance, and his mind was disturbed for a while. It is reasonable to forget some things. Master only needs to rest and take some tranquilizers." A refreshing recipe, don't do strenuous exercise, you can recover after a period of cultivation."

The imperial physician's words aroused Wu Ya's great interest, don't you want to do strenuous exercise?This sentence is the most valuable and life-saving. Exercise in bed should be considered strenuous exercise, right?The small calculations in Wu Ya's heart are in a hurry, now I can live in peace!

Xuan Ye nodded, because he was a little unreasonable, so he sent the imperial physician to prescribe medicine.When Duan Shichen left, he saw Zhong Chuliang peering into the room through the crack of the door, and he couldn't help prohibiting him in a low voice: "How unreasonable! If someone tells the Holy Majesty, peeping at the holy face is enough to kill you several times! Go back quickly !"

(End of this chapter)

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